Chapter 15

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The journey through the woods toward the main city of New York was proving to be an interesting one for Ash, Aubri, and Zavick. As they walked, Ash couldn't resist the urge to lighten the mood. Inspired by a scene from "Shrek," she began singing a snippet from the song "On the Road Again," much like Donkey had done to bother Shrek.

"On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again..."

Aubri, her patience wearing thin, turned around and shot Ash a look. "Shut up already."

Ash, undeterred, grinned and continued with even more enthusiasm. "The life I love is makin' music with my friends..."

Aubri sighed, realizing that this musical interlude might not come to an end anytime soon. "Seriously, Ash, we're not in a movie. Stop singing."

But Ash was in her element, and the woods became her stage. "And I can't wait to get on the road again!"

Just as the group continued venturing through the woods, Aubri couldn't help but feel that something was there with them, "Um, guys. Ash shut up for two seconds, I think something is following us."

Zavik, using his sense of smell, looked behind the group at a tree that wasn't very thick and muttered, "We have a follower. And they shouldn't be on this trip."

Ash went over and pulled the follower by the shirt. "Oh, so it's you. The wimpy Apollo kid." Ash let go and he fell to the ground.

Aubri sighed, "Lincoln, what the hell are you doing here? Get up," she said as she extended a hand to Lincoln. "This was just a quest for Ash, Zavik, and me, you don't need to be here."

Lincoln, stuttering from being startled and thrown to the ground replied, "I- I wanted to come with you guys, everyone makes quests sound so cool, and well-"

"Lincoln stop. A quest is something that is honored or asked of by the godly parent, in my case it was my father Hephaestus. If something happened to any of you it's on me."

"Geez Aubri, lighten up, it's not the end of the world. Just a kid being dumb. Probably forgot that the sacred number is three and anymore well, never ends well. The problem is we're too far from camp by this point to send him on his own. If he's intimidated by me he'll die from what's out there. Actually what if I just get rid of him like at that overhang there," Ash said with a smile that showed malicious intent.

Aubri looked at Ash with a look of 'really?'. "No Ash, we aren't getting rid of anyone." She sighed and asked, "Lincoln, I hope you have a backpack with you? Zavik, what would the odds be with one more person in our group?" she looked at Zavik with both concern and worry in her eyes.

"Relax Aubri, having four people is fine. There just haven't been many groups of people that go in groups of 4, usually 3 or sometimes 5, but never 4." Zavik replied, patting Aubri on the shoulder.

Ash then chimed in and said, "Now that I think about what did the prophecy actually say?"

Aubri pulled out a piece of paper, she read out what the Oracle told her at the Big House. "'In shadows cast 'neath mortal strife, a celestial hammer stirs, seeking life. Forges of Hephaestus, whispering dire, detect imbalance, an unholy pyre. Lost centuries past, in realms unknown, a power awakens, not meant to be shown. Seek the hammer, celestial and grand, yet beware its grip, for fate is at hand. When the spear cracks, the earth shall quake, a bloodied flow, a sacrifice to make. Balance trembles, in hands misplaced, darkness looms, a soul to be erased. The path is forged, through trials dire, a quest unfolds, fueled by celestial fire. A choice unmade, a destiny concealed, in the quest's heart, secrets revealed.'" Aubri stopped, looked up at the group, and sighed, "Well, that's what I have on my chest there, I mean, a sacrifice to be made. If it means a friend, I ain't doing that."

"I'm sorry, is there another prophecy besides the one that Percy is a part of?" Lincoln cut in, looking at both Aubri and Ash confused.

"Yes you dumba**. It's how quests work. Did you not listen to the orientation video at all?" Ash said, her eyes turning a little yellow in annoyance.

"Ash, your eyes are turning yellow. Don't threaten the boy, I can tell you're annoyed." Aubri said, pointing at her eyes. "Lincoln, as much as I don't want you here on this quest if you understand that, since we are too far from camp, we aren't going to let you go back alone so welcome aboard this quest." Aubri shifted her focus back to Lincoln, who shrank at the sudden shift in her tone.

"Yeah, I got it. I'm sorry that I followed you guys here, I'm guessing I'm not wanted or needed here." Lincoln muttered, he looked at Aubri with a look of sadness in his eyes.

"That's not what she meant Lincoln," Zavik reassured, "She just has a lot of pressure on her shoulders and the fewer people that could possibly get hurt, the better and easier it is on her."

Lincoln nodded, saddened at first then sighed and followed behind Aubri who took the lead in continuing through the forest. "Hey Ash, I wouldn't mind you singing that song again. You have a good singing voice, though please don't kill me for saying that."

Aubri shot a look behind her and snapped, "Lincoln do not encourage her to sing that song again, it gets rather annoying really quick."

Ash smiled and breathed. Instead of continuing the previous song she started singing 500 miles. "And I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk five hundred more..."

Aubri sighed and said, "This is going to be a long walk."

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