Chapter 25

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As the group ran through the trail back to the motel, Aubri couldn't help thinking about what the piece of paper said in the anvil when she was in the Forge. "All things that you create and those that were and are to be created by the hammer answer to you." What could that mean, she thought as she continued running. She looked behind her for a brief moment to see how the others were holding up. Dorman bounded behind the group with Ash clinging to his back. Zavik was closely behind Aubri, and he didn't seem to look tired at all. Lincoln, on the other hand, looked winded but kept running behind Zavik with a look of seriousness.

"How much longer do we have Aubri?" Lincoln called his breath sounding heavy from exhaustion. Zavik shot him a look, and Lincoln added, "Not because I'm tired, but because of the time constraint that we are under."

"Not that much longer. I recognize that tree up ahead, we just have to turn left at the tree and we're out of the trail," Aubri said, pointing to the tree ahead of them.

As they continued running, Ash called out, "Aubri, I don't mean to question your plan, but what exactly do you think you can do against the thief? I mean if they have the hammer, then they can probably knock us out and get away. We should do a sneak attack, that way he can't escape."

"Aubri, I agree. What exactly is the plan?" Zavik asked, just as the group turned the corner and bolted to the motel's back parking lot. Aubri slowed and looked around, she couldn't figure out where the thief could've been. As the group stopped in the vacant parking lot, Aubri turned to the others and gave a slight smile.

"Listen, my plan is pretty simple. You three wait in the lobby of the motel, while I find the thief and stop him," Aubri said, motioning for the trio to go into the motel. Dorman put Ash down, and Zavik helped her stumble towards the motel.

"Aubri, are you sure that is a good plan? You may need help from us," Lincoln said, looking at Zavik and Ash. "Besides, you have no idea what the thief looks like, nor how strong they are. You may get hurt," he added. He looked to Zavik who nodded in agreement.

"I'll be fine Lincoln. If the thief is a Hephaestus kid like myself, then I should be able to figure out how to beat them. And Ash is hurt, she shouldn't fight," Aubri stated, looking to Ash for an agreement.

"By this point, I'm kinda not able to do much. Also, I don't think my opinion would matter. Aubri will just do what she wants," Ash said. "Granted I will say yes Lincoln is right it's a bit stupid but not much I can do."

"If I may Aubrianne," Dorman said, stepping towards Aubri, "I can help you find the thief since I know what the boy looked like. But I'm afraid I won't be of much service to fight, as I have to go back and protect the Forge. It would be wise to have your friends help you in some way."

Aubri sighed and said, "Fine, but no one gets hurt, or worse killed." Zavik nodded and helped Ash inside, with Lincoln following behind. Aubri and Dorman walked around the side, looking for the thief. As they looked around at the people waiting for the bus, Dorman pointed out a tall, muscular young man who looked like he was in a hurry to leave. Aubri snuck around and yelled, "Hey you! Can I talk to you for a second?"

Just then, the man ran through the crowd towards Dorman, and maneuvered around him, running straight for the back parking lot. Aubri followed and told Dorman that he could go back to the Forge. "I'll come back to tell you that I have the hammer!" she shouted, as she continued her pursuit of the thief. "Hey stop, thief!"

As Aubri made her way back to the back parking lot, the man stood with the hammer, as if he was ready to fight her. She stopped and took off her sword pendant, making it into her sword. "You have ten seconds to give me the hammer back before I have to fight you," she said, struggling to keep her voice steady. She was nervous, but determined to get the hammer back since it was supposed to be hers after all.

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