Chapter 7

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Ash and Aubri left their respective cabins, their plates filled with food, and headed toward the central campfire, which illuminated the camp with its warm, flickering glow. The large campfire stood in the middle, with multiple long tables and benches lined around it, creating a communal atmosphere. It was time for dinner, and the chatter of fellow demigods filled the air.

As they approached the campfire, Charlie Beckendorf, the son of Hephaestus, ushered them to give a part of their food as an offering to their godly parents. "Hey, newbies," Charlie grinned, "it's a camp tradition. Drop a little offering into the fire. It's like saying 'hi' to your godly parents."

Aubri didn't hesitate, picking up a small portion of her food and tossing it into the flames, a proud smile on her face. "It was bound to happen eventually, with you meeting Clarisse."

Ash, on the other hand, seemed to be experiencing a sensory overload from the camp's bustling atmosphere, the fire's crackling, and the many unfamiliar faces. She obediently followed suit and deposited a piece of her meal into the campfire, her actions more focused on fitting in than understanding the tradition.

Once they had completed the offering, they found a spot near the fire and sat down to eat. Percy Jackson, the demigod son of Poseidon, stood up and addressed the group, his sea-green eyes scanning the gathering.

"Alright, everyone," Percy called out, "we've got some newcomers today. If you're new, stand up and introduce yourselves."

Ash, seemingly overwhelmed by the sudden attention, decided to express herself by flipping Percy off, getting some of the Ares kids to chuckle. Percy, unfazed, merely responded with a smirk. "You're an Ares kid, noted."

Aubri chuckled at Ash's rebellious spirit and decided to take the initiative. She stood up, a bit sheepish among their newfound family, and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Aubrianne, and I'm a child of Hephaestus."

As the introductions continued, the atmosphere around the campfire became more relaxed, and Ash gradually began to adapt to her new environment. Aubri looked over at Ash, then noticed a boy sitting timidly to Ash's left. His dark brown hair, bleached at the tips picked at his food, looking around for his half-siblings. Aubri, taking an opportunity to make a new friend, spoke up around Ash, giving her an annoyed look.

"Hey! Are you also new here?" Aubri said, excitement hinting in her voice. Ash gave her another look of annoyance then said back to her, "Geez by the gods that was right in my ear."

Aubri looked at Ash with a smile and tapped her on the shoulder, "Sorry about that Ash, but the kid next to you seems to be scared of you."

"What am I gonna do? I just want food and peace." Ash replied with confusion.

The boy looked back at Aubri, a slight look of ease across his face then looked at Ash and his fear appeared again. "I'm Lincoln, Lincoln Sierra," he said timidly, still looking at Ash.

Aubri looked back at Ash and said, "We should switch, you're intimidating the poor boy." Ash shrugged, got up, and swapped places with Aubri. As Ash sat back down, she punched Aubri in the arm, giving another reason for Lincoln to be scared of Ash.

"Ash, you're not helping, you dumbass," Aubri said, extending a warm hand to Lincoln and introducing herself and Ash. "I'm Aubrianne Stone, but you can call me Aubri. That person that punched me is Ash Martin, or as I like to call her Ash Martini, though I don't recommend calling her that unless you want a punch to the face."

"I don't have any semblance of intelligence so I don't know what you expect of me," Ash said. "Also, more like I bite than punch. So far, one of my half-siblings has discovered that."

Aubri shot a look of "You're dead if you don't shut up" to Ash, then continued to ask Lincoln questions about himself.

Ash does head bops, which she usually does.

The girls learned that Lincoln came from Canada and that he was a child of Apollo. He had learned from his half-siblings that he should keep his distance from the Ares kids, for they are intimidating, then he asked what cabin she was a part of.

Aubri, smiling, answered, "I'm a child of Hephaestus, though I didn't even know I was a demigod till earlier today."

The trio continued to chat, laughing and the girls getting to know Lincoln and Lincoln getting to know the girls.

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