Chapter 10

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A week had passed since the unexpected events at the campfire, and Ash was gradually adjusting to life at Camp Half-Blood. However, one constant remained – the morning antics initiated by one of her sisters.

This particular morning, Ash was abruptly knocked out of her top bunk, landing on the floor with a resounding thud. Her sister, with a mischievous grin, stood above her on the bottom bunk.

As Ash groggily attempted to sit up, her sister, none other than Clarisse, sat at the edge of her bed, looking unfazed. "Well 'baby,' get dressed and ready for breakfast," Clarisse ordered.

Ash groaned, her morning already starting on a less-than-ideal note. "Can't I just stay on the floor today?" she mumbled, clearly not a morning person.

Clarisse chuckled, her tough exterior momentarily softening as it does only for her siblings. "Nice try, new girl. Now get up before I drag you to breakfast."

"How am I related to any of you?" Ash closed her eyes for a split second and one of her younger sisters screamed because Mark was messing with her.

Ash muttered, "One peaceful morning would be nice."

With a resigned sigh, Ash picked herself up from the floor and began the process of getting ready for the day. Clarisse watched with a satisfied smirk, knowing that these morning rituals were all part of the Ares cabin.

As Ash finally got to her feet, still a bit groggy, Clarisse gave her a playful shove towards the bathroom door. "Move it, Martin. We don't have all day."

As the morning progressed, Ash found herself sitting at the Ares table with a plate of food in front of her, still half-asleep while mechanically munching on her breakfast. The Ares cabin members around her chatted animatedly, their excitement evident as they anticipated the day's activities.

Chiron, the wise centaur who oversaw the camp, stood at some point to make an announcement. "Campers, I hope you've enjoyed your breakfast. Today, in the afternoon, we'll be having a game of capture the flag."

Excitement rippled through the camp as demigods exchanged eager glances. Ash observed her siblings, noticing the anticipation in their expressions. She was familiar with the concept of capture the flag from her old school, where they occasionally played it during physical education classes. However, her current state of fatigue left her less than thrilled about the prospect.

Well aware of Ash's drowsiness, Clarisse placed a can of Coke Cola in front of her. "You look like you need it," she remarked, a rare hint of sympathy in her voice.

Ash nodded appreciatively, grateful for the caffeine boost. She cracked open the can and took a sip, feeling the energy slowly seeping back into her tired body.

As the camp prepared for the game, Ash couldn't help but wonder how she would fare in this new, demigod-infused version of capture the flag.

As breakfast ended, Ash's eyes followed Aubri, who was chatting with a few of her Hephaestus siblings at their table. The aroma of metal and grease lingered in the air, a testament to the inventive activities taking place in their cabin.

Ash decided to catch up with Aubri, making her way over as they both started heading back to their respective cabins. Walking beside Aubri, she couldn't resist making a playful comment, "You smell like metal grease, ya know that, right?"

Aubri laughed, glancing down at her hands, which bore the telltale signs of her creative endeavors. "Yeah, it comes with the territory. Working on a new project, you know?"

Ash raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What 'cha building?"

Aubri grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "A little surprise for you that Charlie is helping me with. Trust me, you're going to love it."

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