Chapter 14

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Ash walked out to join Aubri and Zavik, her gauntlet gloves securely in place. Her spear connected to her backpack. Zavik, not bothering with getting a bag for Ash, seemed to cut straight to the point.

"Since you're not too keen on keeping extra materials, I gave a little extra to Aubri in her bag," Zavik explained, looking at Ash.

Ash nodded, indifferent to the details. She was accustomed to relying on her own abilities, often neglecting the need for extra supplies or she just didn't particularly care she could get hurt.

Zavik turned to Aubri, "So, basically, I gave you in your bag some extra bandages and ambrosia because of Ash."

Ash, feigning disinterest, interjected, "Like why me? I'm not that reckless, am I?"

Aubri shot Ash a look that clearly said, 'Is that even a question?'

Zavik chuckled, recognizing the dynamic between the two friends. "It's not about recklessness, Ash. It's about being prepared for anything. You know as well as I do that quests can be unpredictable."

Ash shrugged, conceding the point. "Fine, whatever. Let's just get this over with."

Zavik handed Aubri a small bag containing the extra supplies. "Keep an eye on her, Aubri. Demigods have a knack for getting into trouble. Especially with Ash being quite the hothead."

Ash with a growl said, "I heard that goat."

Aubri just looked directly at Ash saying, "You're just proving his point. And honestly, you kinda are. But seriously Zavik, I'm also a demigod aren't I, why put one demigod in charge of the other, that's your job."

Zavik looked at the two girls, who were both giggling at their own insults to him. He sighed and said, "Well if you two are done having a little laugh, I think we should have a few more people on this quest, xAubri, did you happen to ask any of the other Hephaestus kids about where this forge is? That way we know where we're going."

Aubri rolled her eyes, "Yes, Zavik, Charlie told me where the forge is. It's in South Dakota, a park called Notch Trail.

Ash commented, "Oh, I've heard of that place they don't allow pets at all. Sorry goat, guess ya gotta stay.

Aubri laughed, "Or he stays outside the area." She looked at Ash and added, "Though I'm the only one that can enter the forge, apparently there is a guard that can tell if I'm a child of Hephaestus or not and would kill anyone who is not a child of Hephaestus to protect the forge."

Zavik groaned, "Girls you do know that I can disguise my lower half to look human right? Also, I know how to hide my horns." He then snapped annoyedly, "And I'm not a pet!"

"Thou art part goat thou art animal. You also follow us around so, yeah, that makes you basically a pet," Ash said.

Aubri laughed, "You can't deny that Zavik, though like I said, you too would have to stay outside of the forge when I go in there. Pet or not, part animal or not, I'm the only one that can go into that forge. Do you both hear me and understand that?" Aubri added the question with seriousness in her voice, one that Ash and Zavik barely heard.

"Yeah, we got it, anyway, it would be hot in there no thanks. I'll stay where it's nice and cold." Ash then hoisted up her backpack better. "We leaving or not cause the day is wasting."

Aubri nodded as she too threw her backpack on her back, falling over a little due to the weight of the bag. "Geez Zavik what else did you put in here? Bricks?"

"No, Charlie wanted me to give you tools from the camp forge in case you need any. I don't know why he said you would need them but he was very persistent." Zavik responded, shrugging his shoulders and putting his backpack on.

Aubri took her bag off her back and opened the main part of the bag, finding her tools from the forge wrapped in her apron. She sighed and said, "Well thanks Charlie, now I'm going to be carrying an extra five pounds." She threw her backpack back on her back, adjusted the straps on the shoulders, and nodded for the group to get moving. "Well off to South Dakota, to the Notch Trail."

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