Chapter 26

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"Well it could have been way worse," Zavik said. He was currently sitting next to Ash in the hospital. Ash was slightly sitting up in a hospital bed. Her glasses were broken so her vision was hazy. It's been at least a good four days there. They had to give Aubri and the thief time to heal from their wounds.

She looked directly at Zavik and said, "Says the guy who is unharmed. I have a broken ankle and a concussion. And to top it all off I caught a cold because my immune system is crap. So please just shut up on how it could have been worse. For the gods sake, Aubri was stabbed and got tetanus. How is that not already worse?"

Zavik shrugged. "At least you're both still alive is what I meant. I mean the prophecy said someone was supposed to die and currently that means I did a good job as a Satyr guardian."

"A better job would be none of us got hurt ya know." Ash let out a sigh and continued, "Thanks though, and for being my friend and all."

Zavik faked shock and said, "Ash actually thanked me. Is the world going to end?" Ash reached to punch him in the arm. Her perception was a little off but she got him. Zavik laughed a bit before turning the conversation a little more serious. "I contacted Chiron to tell him that we have the thief. He told me to stay put and he'll send a few other half-bloods over to us to collect him and us."

"How are you going to convince the hospital to discharge us early? Not like Aubri and Demitri? Right, that's his name? Close enough. It's not like they will let them off the hook just yet," Ash commented.

Zavik nodded agreeing with Ash. He then said, "Well the thing is we got lucky. There's a doctor who works here that's actually a half-blood. He can probably manage to get us out early to go home."

Ash laid back down properly. Her head was hurting by this point. Thinking to make sentences and trying to say them out loud was a lot of effort. The concussion was taking her out and on top of that, she had a cold. She always had just a little bit of a terrible immune system than most and turns out a concussion can lower the immune system as well. So Ash was left completely susceptible to getting sick.

"Why don't you take a nap? I need to talk with Lincoln anyway. He's currently with Aubri in the other room," Zavik said while standing up. "I'll be back. Get some rest, I'll wake you when I figure things out."

Ash nodded and closed her eyes. The darkness was a relief from the lights in the room. Ash however couldn't really sleep even if she wasn't feeling too good. It just didn't make sense to her. If the prophecy said someone was supposed to die. How come no one did? It just didn't make sense to her at all. Prophecies are never wrong. Well, you can try but Fate can't be avoided. Someone was supposed to die whether they liked it or not.

Ash just laid there thinking. Her mind was not shutting off. "Curse having ADHD," She muttered to herself.

What if she was thinking about the prophecy all wrong? What if that wasn't what it was supposed to mean? The lines say, 'When the spear cracks, the earth shall quake, a bloodied flow, a sacrifice to make. Balance trembles, in hands misplaced, darkness looms, a soul to be erased.' What if that meant completely something else? 'A soul to be erased.'

Ash's spear was broken so something was correct. 'Bloodied flow.' Well, Aubri and the Doritos guy were stabbed. Who was supposed to die then? There is no other way to interpret this.

"I'm just overthinking this," Ash said. "Gah! Can't my brain just shut up, it's giving me a migraine."

Ash slightly sat up and grabbed her backpack. She wanted to make sure her hunting knife was still in there. It was there to her relief and so was her spear bracelet. If she lost those she would absolutely lose it. She wanted to write in her journal but one nurse told her not to as it would only aggravate the concussion. So drawing, writing, or watching TV was currently off limits. She was so bored. Tired and bored.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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