Chapter 4

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As Chiron leads Aubrianne away from the infirmary, he intends to take her to the Hermes cabin to get her settled into camp life. However, before they could reach their destination, a sudden burst of flame erupted above Aubri's head. A fiery hammer materialized and hung in the air, flames dancing and flickering around it.

Chiron stopped in his tracks, his eyes fixed on the fiery spectacle. He muttered to himself, "Well, I suppose that settles the matter of your godly parent."

Aubri looked up in astonishment at the fiery hammer floating above her. "What... what does this mean?" she stammered.

Chiron offered a reassuring smile. "It means you are a child of Hephaestus, the god of fire, metalworking, and craftsmanship."

With newfound clarity, Chiron changed course and led Aubri toward the Hephaestus cabin. As they approached, the architecture of the cabin was a wonder to behold, filled with intricate metalwork and gears. The cabin itself seemed to radiate warmth and mechanical energy.

Inside the cabin, Aubri met her half-siblings, other children of Hephaestus. They were tinkering with all sorts of contraptions, from automaton animals to elaborate machines.

Among them, Charlie Beckendorf stood out. He was a huge 18-year-old African-American boy with a permanent scowl, muscles like a pro ballplayer's, and hands like catcher's mitts which were calloused from working in the armory all day.

Charlie approached Aubri, his curiosity piqued. "Hey there, new kid. I'm Charlie," he said, extending a hand. Despite his intimidating stature, Charlie seemed to be a very kind-hearted person, which was somehow comforting.

Aubri shook his hand, still in awe of her newfound powers and of her siblings' energy and abilities. "I'm Aubrianne."

Chiron joined the conversation, explaining the situation to Charlie, "Charlie, Aubrianne here displayed remarkable control over fire. Much like yourself, she's a child of Hephaestus."

Charlie's eyes widened with surprise and a hint of concern. "You can control fire? That's... interesting. You're the first person I've met with that power. We should definitely talk more about this."

Aubri nodded, feeling both a sense of belonging and curiosity about her newfound abilities and heritage. Camp Half-Blood was turning out to be something she never thought possible to exist.

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