Chapter 13

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Clarisse observed Ash as she prepared for the upcoming quest, the familiar sound of metal meeting metal and some thuds echoing in the Ares cabin. Ash, in her fingerless gauntlet gloves, was gearing up for the journey ahead.

Ash was making sure her metal bracelet shaped like a spear was on her right wrist. It felt weird if she didn't have it on, especially for a quest. Her mother gave it to her when she was around four. Ash kept it because it was the last she ever saw her mother. It wasn't her biological mother, but she was the one who took care of her, unlike her dad who was also her father, except now that she thought about it. Ares was her father, so who was the other man?

"Going to go abuse that tree again?" Clarisse remarked, recalling Ash's tendency to release her frustrations on a specific unfortunate tree in the training grounds.

Ash looked up, finishing the adjustments on her left glove. "No, not this time, sis. Going with Aubri on her quest. She asked me to come."

Clarisse raised an eyebrow, a rare show of curiosity. "You? On a quest? What's gotten into you? Since when did the 'baby' get all brave"

Ash clipped the strap of her right glove on, her expression serious. "I can't let her go alone. By this point, it feels more like my responsibility to go. She and I are best friends; I can't let her do it alone. I might like a good fight, but the fear of actually doing it never goes away, no matter how many times I'm put in a ring."

Yanking on the gloves, Ash sighed and continued, "Y'all call me the 'baby,' well maybe I am, but I know where strength is supposed to come from. Not brute force. I fight with a purpose, even if I die. I don't fear death; I fear the failure that if I did, then everyone else would too."

Clarisse looked at Ash, her tough exterior softening ever so slightly. There was a shared understanding between them, an unspoken bond that went beyond the battlefield bravado. She didn't press further, merely nodding in acknowledgment.

"Well, just don't go getting yourself killed. We'd miss the abuse on that poor tree," Clarisse grumbled, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips.

Ash cracked a half-smile. "Yeah, yeah, I'll make sure to bring back a good story for you, sis."

Clarisse blocked Ash's path as she prepared to leave the Ares cabin. There was a rare sincerity in Clarisse's eyes as she spoke, "In all seriousness, Ash, come back alive. I've seen people never return from these. I don't want my sister to be one on that list."

Ash, slinging her backpack over her shoulder, looked at Clarisse. Despite their differences, there was a familial connection between them. Ash was only a year younger than Clarisse, and at that moment, the distinction seemed to blur.

"I got this Clarisse," Ash reassured, determination etched on her face.

Clarisse, however, maintained her stance, blocking Ash's path. "On your word," she demanded.

"I promise, happy?" Ash replied, attempting to lighten the mood.

Clarisse grabbed Ash by the shoulder, a rare display of vulnerability. She pressed her forehead against Ash's, the unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.

"Ash, promise me," Clarisse pleaded.

Ash looked into Clarisse's eyes, realizing the gravity of the moment. She nodded solemnly and said, "I promise."

With that assurance, Clarisse stepped back, allowing Ash to continue on her quest. The unspoken bond between them had deepened, and as Ash walked away, she carried with her not just the weight of a promise but the fact she was supposed to protect her friends too.


Charlie and the other Hephaestus kids gathered around Aubri as she started packing her swords, grabbing shirts to bring on her quest. She took off her apron that Charlie gave her while she worked in the armory and handed it to him.

"Why are you giving me the apron back Aubri?" Charlie asked as she forced the apron into his hands. "We embroidered your name in the pocket you know, so it's yours and yours only."

"I've heard what people say about going on quests. Some people never come back from the quests, do they?" Aubri said with a serious look on her face. "Charlie, what if I fail my quest? Or get my friends killed?" she asked, "I don't want to be responsible for the death of Ash, she's my best friend."

Charlie rested his hand on Aubri's shoulder, giving her a small smile, "I have full faith and confidence that you'll succeed in this quest, and I think Ash will be fine. She's an Ares kid, after all, they're born for this, literally." He patted Aubri on the head and rustled her hair, "You'll be fine kid. I have the feeling you're more powerful than any demi-god here, maybe even more than Percy."

Aubri nodded, tears in her eyes. She looked at her new siblings, all giving her reassuring looks, one other girl, Nyssa Barrera, who was her age as well, was smiling and giving a thumbs up.

"Nyssa, take care of the boys, we never know what things they'll make," Aubri said with a chuckle, hiding the fact that she was scared to leave Nyssa alone again with the boys.

Nyssa nodded, "Trust me Aubri, nothing will blow up in here, or break, hopefully."

Just as Aubri turned to the door, Charlie stopped her, giving Aubri her apron again. "If you are going to the forges then you may need this, just in case," he said with a smile. Aubri nodded as he put his hands on her shoulders, then in for a hug. Aubri was taken aback by this gesture since Charlie didn't interact with Nyssa or her that often but was still appreciative of the gesture nonetheless.

She still felt scared but knew that this was an important quest that was entrusted to her by Hephaestus. She finished grabbing her things, waved to the other Hephaestus kids, and joined Zavik in front of the cabin. She put her stuff in the quest backpack, while Zavik explained everything in the bag.

"You catch all that Aubri?" Zavik asked, noticing Aubri zoning out.

"Yeah, there are ambrosia squares, bandages, deodorant, a canteen of nectar, money, both drachmas and US money. Oh, and a change of clothes, which I already had, Zavik." Aubri said with an attitude, counting on her fingers, listing everything.

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