Chapter 1

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Y/n's Pov
"You alright?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say, as i stare up at, A monster!? "Where- What the fuck are you!?" I yell before crawling back a bit on the cold floor, taking in the thing infront of me, It had 2 sets of arms, and it's skin was pure white, it's hair faded into pink and it's body had pink markings on it, it had one normal eye and another was more, demonic? it was wearing a tight black outfit and had a gold tooth. "Are you new or something?" It askes reaching one of its arms to me, New? What does it mean? I reached my arm out to it before noticing another one reaching to and jumping back a little before looking at, I have another set of arms?! What the hell! "I've not got all night tits" the creature said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Shit, Sorry" I say before reaching my hand out for its and both of the arms on my left side reach out while my other two pushed me up a little. "So your new?" It says as i look around other creatures were walking around and it was dark, I wonder how long i've been out. "you mute or something" It asks raising a brow, "Where am i?" I ask, trying to brush myself off but the extra set of arms keep getting in the way. "Your in Hell" It chuckled, "Hell? as in like Actual Hell?" I ask, "Well no" It said sarcastically, "What are you? A demon?" "Everyone's a demon here sugar tits" It said, "come on" it said, "Where?" I ask, weary of this 4 armed thing, then again, now i'm a 4 armed thing. "Well i'm assuming you don't have a place to stay" It says starting to walk away and i follow, "I'm Angel Dust by the way, just call me Angel, what's your name" It says before pausing, "Wait you just got here right!?" It says with excitement, "Yeah" i say, confused, "You get to pick your new name! Oh my satan! Okay so how did you die" It said as we continued to walk, "Oh, Uh, Alcohol poisoning" I say a little quieter, "Cool! So, Take it you like a drink then" It teased, nudging me with one of its elbows, "Oh yeah, i love a drink" I chuckle, "You can stay in my room if you want tonight, Then we could help you pick your new name and a new outfit! Then tomorrow we can get you a room!" It beamed, "Uh, Okay" I said, Still a little worried, If this really was Hell should i really follow some demon back to its home? "I have a pig too it's called FatNuggets" It said and i laughed, "FatNuggets?" I giggled, "Hey! Leave Fatnuggets alone" It said pushing me a little as i laughed, "What time is it?" "Like 1 am, So Everyone will be asleep, Except maybe Smiles" "Who's smiles?" I question, "Oh Alastor, he's meant to help the hotel? I don't really know, Come on" I smiled as we started walking up some steps of a hotel before entering, It was gorgeous on the inside, a little messy but nice. "Is that a bar?" I ask, "Yeah, Will i get us some Vodka?" He asks, "Yeah" I smile and he grabs 2 bottles. "Cmon, My rooms upstairs" Angel smiles and i follow him up the red stairs before we turn into a room, It was dimly lit with some purple pinkish lights and had a heart of spiderwebs for the bed frame on his double bed. "I like your room" I say, "Thanks" He smiles before a little pig climbs onto his bed, it had little black demon horns and some black spikes going up its back. "This is the poor pig you were bullying" Angel says, "i'll get you some pyjamas" Angel says before starting to dig into his wardrobe and i start to walk over to his bed before spotting myself in the mirror, I quickly stopped in my tracks to see that my skin was a blue greyish shade with 6 eyes, 2 of them were normal but the other 4 were a little smaller, crimson red, and going up my forehead like a spider, There's a small amount of white freckles under my eyes and they spread all over my arms and probably my body too, "Where are they!" He says before another set of arms come of of his torso and continues throwing more clothes about his room. "Oh, You can do that too by the way, by the looks of it anyway" Angel says, "Just focus on pushing them out your side, you'll get used to it after a while" Angel smiles as i stare into the mirror, focusing on trying to get the other arms to come out, And they did, i started moving all my arms around before focusing on which ones i wanted to move, "Your a natural! it took me a week to be able to use them properly" Angel complemented, "thanks" i say still confused before looking at my long legs, they were crimson red at the bottom and faded up into the same shade my skin was, My hair was black fading into a crimson red too and i had plain black denim shorts on and a small black hoodie. "Found it!" He smiles before pulling out 2 oversized hoodies in a light pink and some black shorts, "i'll get changed in the bathroom if you want, "if that's okay" I say as he tosses the clothes to me and retracts in his third set of arms before leaving, "So this is hell" I say quietly to myself before getting changed into the clothes angel gave me, i struggled with getting my second pair of arms through the arm holes before realising there wasn't any place for my third set, they were just dangling out under the hoodie, I start to try and pull them in but they aren't moving, "fuck" I mutter before hearing a knock at the door, "ya decent, tits?" I hear Angel call through the door, "Yeah" i say and he comes in wearing the same outfit as me, "So, ya thought of a name yet, or will i just call ya tits?" He says and i chuckle, "I was thinking Y/n" I say "Y/n? I like that, but i'm still gonna call you tits" He said and i chuckled, "Soooo" He says before jumping onto the bed and sitting up and patting a spot next to him, signaling for me to sit and i do. "What got you sent to hell?" He questions, opening one of the bottles of vodka. "Oh, I'm not sure to be honest, I fucked around with drugs a bit as well as drinking a lot" i say, trying to work out if it was something specific that landed me here, "same as me then" He says taking a large sip from the bottle before handing me it, "I prefer PCP though, Do you mind if i take a little" He asks before grabbing a tiny baggie from his nightstand, "Go for it" I say before taking more sips from the bottle. "So, Your a guy right" I ask as he smokes, A little unsure because of how he was dressed, "Yup, I'm gay sugar tits" "Trust me, i know" I laugh, "Well, that and i'm a Pornstar" He winks, "A pornstar?" I chuckle, "Yup" He smiles, "That why you looked like a prostitute" I laugh and he chuckles softly, "I don't really like some of the outfits but my boss likes them so" He says taking another drag. "Hey! Maybe we could get you a job down there Tits" He smirked, "What?" I question, "Yeah, You'll have a free room here sure, but you'll need money for other things so i could try see if i can get you a job! Who knows, we could be famous together!" He smiled, "I don't know-" "Cmon Y/n! Look at you, you'll be a hit! your gorgeous, tits!" He complimented, "Thanks, Uh, Sure then, why not" I say in defeat, "Great! oh by the way, this is a kinda, Soberish hotel, it was Charlie's idea, she wants to rehabilitate a demon to try get them to heaven" He says, "does it work?" I ask, "Not so far, but hey, The chick can dream" He sighs, "Charlie's the one with the bright idea to start this whole project, you'll meet her tomorrow" He says and i nod.
1426 words💪💪💪

If you don't like the demon i made you change it up just try to keep it one with 3 sets of arms cos they will b mentioned more you can also change the colours if you don't like them they were just first ones to come to mind

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