Chapter 5

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Y/n's pov
"I'm gonna go get another drink" Angel said, "grab me one" I ask while petting fatnuggets, what a stupid name, i giggle to myself before scratching behind its ear and it squeaked before i heard my phone ding, It was Val, I quickly glance up to the time to see i was late, crap


Where the fuck are you
                               Shit sorry i'm omw right now

give me ur location i'll send my car


you haven't even fucking left yet
on my way don't keep me waiting
read at 18:23

Y/n's pov
i quickly get changed back into what i was wearing earlier because i haven't had a chance to get new clothes yet and fix my hair before i got a text from Val, He must be here. I quickly head downstairs to see Angel flirting with Husk and giggled a little, "Where ya going? i've got your drink" Angel quickly questioned, "Val's outside, i'm late for my first day" I chuckle, but angel didn't find it as funny, "Message me if you need anything" Angel said, "Okay" I yelled a little while heading out the door, Val's limo was waiting. I opened the door too see the limo was completely hot boxed with red smoke, I waved some of it away to see Valentino, sat in the back blowing more smoke, "Your fucking late" Valentino hissed, "Sorry, i never realised the time" "Don't let it happen again" He spat and i felt a little hurt, "Sorry" I repeat as Val reaches out and grabs a glass of champagne and hands me it, "Suppose you'll need this then baby" He said, his attitude quickly shifting back to his normal, flirty one. I take a couple sips before relaxing a little, "So why are you late?" He asks, "I just wasn't paying attention to the time sorry, it wont happen again" I say, "I know it wont, but you still need to make up for lost time sugar, Stay back after your shift" He says grabbing one of his long cigarettes. "Okay" I sigh, a little annoyed i need to stay longer before taking a sip, "We need to get you different clothes too" Valentino sighs, "I'll bring you something for today, I take it you don't have any money?" He asks and i nod, "It's fine, I'll get you a new wardrobe baby" He smirks as my eyes light up, "really?" I say, a little surprised, this is meant to be hell, why's everyone so nice? "Of course baby, i can't have you dressed like that everywhere you go, don't you worry gorgeous" He smiles before pulling me towards him, Valentino quickly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into his red hot eyes (SPEWING ON YOUR RED HOT LIES🔥🔥🔥) before kissing me roughly as i quickly kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck and placing my other hand on the fluff of his coat while stabilising my drink. "Sir" I here the driver say but Val just ignores him, "Um, Sir" He repeats as Val pulls away, "Fucking what, i'm busy" Val hisses, "we're here" the driver says. "Take a sip" Val says and i take a sip from my drink as he looks at me amused before kissing me, his long tongue exploring my mouth before he pulled away quickly as i looked at him with confusion, "I love it when you taste of liquor baby" He smirks and we get out the car. "hurry up, your already late" Valentino sighed as i quickly rushed in and straight to the dressing rooms. it had quiet a few girls already in there so i just rushed to the closest available mirror and begun fixing my hair and doing some using some makeup that i could find that would match my tone. "Y/n!" Val yelled barging into the dressing room. "Yeah?" I say turning to look at him. "There's an outfit for you in dressing room 7, hurry up" Valentino says before leaving, i continue doing my makeup before heading out the the changing rooms and going to the one Val told me too. There was a mirror a hanger and tight crimson red bra with lace like spider webs and some black fish nets that let up my thighs like spider webs and a big pair of black knee high boots that had white spiderwebs on them, I quickly put it on and fixed up my hair a little before looking in the mirror, Holy Satan, i look like a hooker! I rush out the changing room, trying to cover myself up a little with my arms, feeling exposed, I entered the floor and instantly started scanning the room for Val, "Y/n, go give that guy a show" I heard Val say, tapping on my shoulder then pointing to some demon, He had tall figure but he was sat down, his skin was a mute shade of blue and his hair was black, he had a dark red jacket on and a pair of black joggers, a long blue shark tail coming out the side that faded into black With bright yellow eyes. i go over and begin making small talk, "Hey" I wink, placing one of my hands on his thigh, "hey gorgeous" He smirks, "wanna go somewhere more private for a dance?" I ask, "of course" He smirks, i grab his wrist softly and we head towards the back but just before we go through, he pulls away from me before walking towards Valentino. Whats he doing? After a few seconds i see the guy hand Val some cash before they both come over to me, "Y/n baby, your gonna go with this guy for while" Valentino smiles, "Wait what? where?" I ask as he starts to look angry with me, "Can i talk to her in private, i'll just be a second" Val asks the demon and he nods before Val grabs my wrist harshly and drags me into the back, "What The Fuck do you think your fucking doing, babe" He says passive aggressively, "What? i was just asking- "If you ever talk to me like that again infront of a fucking client i'll kill you" He hisses as i raise my brows, "What?" I say, Who the fuck was he talking to? "You heard me baby" He says grabbing my chin roughly, "Its, 'Yes Val'" He says, looking excited, "No, I don't even know who that guy is, your not just selling me off for a night" I say back, pushing his hands off me as he stares back in anger, Before i knew it he lifted his hands and i felt a sharp sting on my cheek, knocking me back a little as i looked up in shock. "Fucking go get my money, now!" He yells pushing me towards the main floor as i feel tears prickle at my eyes, "Ready to go?" I turn to see the demon from before and nod, we head out to his car i get in as he begins to start it and wrap my arms around myself lightly whilst tears pricked my eyes, "Ya alright toots?" He asks, not looking away from the road, "Yeah" I try to sound confident, After a couple of minutes, we arrived outside a raggedy house, "come on" He groans as we head inside, once we get in the door he quickly closes it and pins me up against it, quickly ramming his tongue in my mouth as i feel the tears begin to fall down my cheeks, I kiss back, the best i can holding back my tears before i felt him start to trail light kisses down my neck.

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