Chapter 9

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Y/n's pov
After a few rounds with Val he eventually fell asleep, leaving me tied up, covered in bites and hickeys, shooting pains through my lower and upper half's and drowsy from the poison, i layed there staring at the ceiling for hours, my first set of arms tied above my head, my second set cuffed behind my back as Val had his wings spread out with an arm over me as i passed in and out of consciousness from the poison dose, I don't know if i like it or not, i mean on one hand he's using it against me but on the other when i do want it, it feels amazing and for fucks sake look at him, he's fucking hot but this is starting to go to far. While i was lost in thought i never even noticed someone letting me down, "thanks Val" I say not opening my eyes, too tired, "Not Val, he's still asleep" I quickly open my eyes, a little jumpy that someone else is seeing me like this and lock eyes with Vox, "Oh, thanks" I say trying to hide my embarrassment, rubbing my wrists. "I'm gonna get a drink" I sigh grabbing Val's top of the floor and it draped of one of my shoulders, feeling a comedown from the poison. "Grab me one and come thru my room" Vox sighs as we both head out, i grab two glasses and a bottle before pouring myself and vox a drink, and heading through his room with the bottle too. "You okay?" Vox asks as i hand him his drink, "Yeah, just a bit tired" I sigh, sitting down and sipping the glass, "A bit? do you even know how long you two kept me up?" He chuckles as i turn red from embarrassment, "Sorry" I say, "Nah don't be, it's hot" He said so calmly as i burried my red face in the liquor, finishing the cup before pouring more, "Whatcha wanna watch" Vox questions before flicking through channels with the wave of his finger, "Eh, anything i'm not bothered" I shrug as he quickly settled on a show and i sipped my glass again, determined to get drunk before i go back through to Val. "Is Val always so-" "Violent? Horny? Controlling? Kinky?" Vox asked cutting me off, "Either way answer to all of that is yeah" He chuckles before grabbing a small pink bottle and pouring a small amount into his glass of liquor, turning it pink and a small poof of smoke came from the glass forming a heart. "What's that?" I question, "Val's Poison" Vox quickly answered, "So like, his saliva?" I say trying not to gag, "Shut up, you've had more than his spit in your mouth tonight" Vox smirked, taking a sip, "Just saying, i wouldn't mix someone's spit with my drink" I chuckle, "Try it, if you like the feeling from kissing Val, it feels just as good and you can pick how much you get, Ya know? so you aren't getting drugged up like some whore?" Vox says raising a brow, smirking at me while waving the small pink bottle in his hand, "Shut up flat face" I spit, starting to get annoyed, "Hey i ain't saying i haven't been there, i mean fuck he's hot, but he's a problem, besides once he gets you hooked on this shit he just keeps upping the dosage so this shits better" Vox says, "Fine, not much though" I say as he pours a small amount in and it bursts into a small poof of pink smoke forming into a heart before i hold it up to my lips, not sure if i can trust it, "chill, it's fine" He says before i take a sip and instantly feel dazed, "See, good shit" Vox says taking another sip from his glass, "your face is still a little bit fucked" Vox says grabbing my chin, examining my cheek and under eye, the bruise shining through the makeup but i'm too hazy to care. "Vox, I swear to fuck if that stupid wrinkly bitch-" Velvet started, barging into the room before stopping, Vox instantly taking his hand of me, "Shit, Y/n right?" She quickly asked, "Yeah, hi" I say, "Tryna steal Val's hot little piece of ass i see" Velvet chuckles looking at Vox as his screen buffered, "Shut the fuck up" Vox spits, sounding a little embarrassed, "I don't blame ya, she's a cutie" Velvet smiled to me, "you could make good money you know, If you wanna be one of my models on the side i could set that up for you" Velvet suggested, "maybe, i'll speak to Val about it first" i say, "Of course darling, just come find me, I better go deal with that wrinkly old bitch" Velvet groans before leaving, "Who?" I question, "Carmila Carmine, She's the top Angelic weapons dealer in hell, and one of the biggest pains in my ass" Vox groaned as i chuckled before sipping my glass and moving closer to Vox and he places his arm around my waist, pulling me closer, i sit one of my hands on his chest another on his thigh and sipped my drink, "Hey, Do you think there's any chance i could get him to let go of angel? you know, not fire him just, not hurt him" I ask, "i mean your kinda already doing that" Vox sighs, "What?" I question, "I mean, you seen angel around here?" Vox asked, "It's because Val's more focused on you, i mean i don't blame him i sure as shit am" Vox said looking into my eyes as i stared back before he lifted chin and moved his other hand from my waist further up my back before kissing me softly, after a few seconds he quickly bit down on my lips, causing them to part as a small moan escaped, his tongue entering my mouth and exploring around, after a what felt like hours, our lips parted leaving me breathless."Thought i was just some, 'drugged up whore' hm?" I smirk "your so much more than that, and you don't even realise it" Vox says placing a hand on my thigh, "Letting him treat you like that? I can help you Y/n I swear-" Vox says softly as embarrassment and anxiety fill me "treat me like what" I say as the embarrassment and anxiety start to turn into rage, "Like some fucking hooker he can drug up chuck around Y/n! Like some personal fucking toy he can destroy, and your just letting him, are you really just some drunk whore? your better than that" Vox says as the anger bubbles over, "Fuck you" I spit and get up as he looks at me confused, "what?" "Fuck you ya stupid little cunt" I yell, slamming his bedroom door before finishing my glass of liquor and Val's poison before just dropping it on the floor and heading back through Val's room, "Mi amor, where'd you go?" He asked smoking one of his long cigarettes, "Just getting a drink" I sigh getting back in the bed next to him as he blows smoke into my face, "Your gorgeous darling" Val smiled, looking at me as i cuddled into his chest, "whats wrong?" He asked, "just, never mind it's fine" I sigh wrapping my lower arms around him and my upper laying on his chest, just enjoying the feeling, "You sure, i'll always listen, i'm the only one who will baby, but you only need me anyway" He says softly, "Yeah, i know" I smile a little, he does fucking care so Vox can shove it. "I need you to film a couple pornos tomorrow then i can take you out hm? how does that sound baby" He smiled, "Yeah, thanks Val" i smile, "anything for you sugar" He smiles, blowing smoke into my face again and i pass out on his chest, either from how tired i was or the poison, probably both.

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