Chapter 11

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Y/n's pov
I head into the dressing rooms to put on some more deodorant and perfume, all these guys stink but hey, Val seems happy, I put back on my outfit before Val comes in. "Y/n baby, your up" Val smirked, "Once your done come sit with me, just one more dance" Val smirked and i nodded before going out and walking onto the stage, There was a ton of other strippers and pole dancers around with a bunch of thirsty demons crowding each stage as the lights flashed and the music boomed in the club, I take a deep breath before spinning on the pole and begin dancing but as i'm spinning i notice Val's not watching, he's talking to someone, I stop for a second and Notice it's Vox before i smirk, I quickly continue dancing, trying to do my best, I'm so gonna piss that stupid flat faced bitch off. They both go back to Val's booth and Val blows smoke towards me as Vox follows it before realising it's me and looks away, i smirked before dropping down the pole as bills went flying around me and i could see his screen flicker. I got off the pole as another dancer went forward because my shift was officially over, but i need to go bug Vox a little before i leave. "Hey baby" I smile and sit next to Val not even looking at Vox, "You done good Mi amor, fuck your making lots already" He smirked, "Thanks" I smiled, "Hey Voxy" i smirk looking at him, "Vox" He corrected me, "Chill Voxy" Val smirked, joining in tormenting Vox. "I'll go grab us some drinks hm?" Val suggests and i nod. "How'd i do?" I ask, sitting closer to Vox, "Good if your tryna be his new favourite bitch" Vox said, not looking up from his phone, "Shut up, you know i done good voxy" I smirked and he looked up from his phone, staring at my chest for a second, "you know that necklace doesn't help, you know if your apparently 'not his bitch'?" Vox adds, "Oh go get fucked Vox" I spit, starting to get annoyed, "Y/n Your better than all this bullshit" "Shh" I smirk climbing ontop of him, "Y/n get off" Vox sighed, not looking up at me as i sat on his lap, "Oh, come on Voxy" I smirked before he looked up at me, "You know you wanna" I said, beginning to rock back and forth on his knee, "You did do quite well up there" Vox sighs placing his hands on my hips and guiding me. "You've still got energy?" Val questioned coming back before i jamp of Vox's lap and onto Val's smiling as Val had the same look, "Your so hot" He smirked placing once set of his arms on my ass and the other on my hips, i smirked before glancing at Vox who just looked pissed off, perfect. Before i knew if Val quickly bit down on my neck and i felt drowsy instantly, "mh" I muttered, "Val" Vox glared, "What Voxy~ i'm sure you can get in on this if you'd like" Val smirked as he rocked me back and forth, "Val, she's fresh of a 6 hour shift and high, give her a break" Vox glared as Val glared back, "Don't you fucking dare try to tell me what to do with my fucking whores" Val spat to Vox as Vox just smirked watching my face fall from Val's comment, "Your what?" I ask staring down at him. "Don't you start talking, why don't we get those pretty lips busy" Val smirked, "Oh fuck off" I say getting off his lap but he grabbed me, "where the fuck are you going?" He snapped, "My shifts done, i'm leaving" I say, everything still hazy, "i don't care your fucking staying here" Val spat back. "Val leave her" Vox yelled, his screen starting to glitch out, "What's wrong Voxy? getting all pissy now over her" Val smirked, "I swear to fuck Val i'll fucking-" "You'll what Voxy~" Val teases before kissing me harshly and we began making out, Fuck this is hot, After a few minutes we pulled away, "Cmon, I'll drop you off if you wanna go" Val said sweetly and i nodded, drowsy from the poison yet again, i got up but noticed Vox was gone, "Where'd he go?" I ask and Val just shrugged, "He's just being pissy" Val chuckled before we headed out to the limo, "Baby, before you leave, ya know what would be great right now" Val smirked as i looked at him confused, "What" I ask, before he pushed me onto the floor of the limbo, straight infront of his legs, smirking down at me with those red lust filled eyes, for fuck sake

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