Chapter 6

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Y/n's pov
I layed there, Staring at the clock, "here's some more cash, I know your boss probably keeps most your money" The guy said to me, handing me a couple bills. "Thanks" I say, before looking at my phone, "Here" It read, "I've gotta go, bye" I say before getting up and heading outside where Val's Limo was sat and i quickly get in. "Here" I sigh, handing him the cash the guy just gave me and Val's face lights up, "good girl" He smiles taking it from me and counting it before pulling me closer to him, pink stuff dripping from the corner of his mouth, "what's wrong baby" Val asked, sounding amused, "Nothing" I sigh, "Aw baby" He said grabbing my chin and turning me to face him, "don't be annoyed with me sugar" He says softly, "It wont happen again, I promise" He says, his eyes staring into mine before smirking down at me before the limo stopped. "Cmon" He smiles as we get out the car and i follow him in and we head upstairs. "Can i grab a drink?" I ask, "Of course sugar" He said softly as i grab the whole bottle from the shelf and take a sip. "you look so hot" I hear Val whisper in my ear which sent goosebumps along my neck as he placed two of his hands on my hips and the other two on my sides, pushing his body up against mine. "Let's make a mess" He smirks before kissing my neck gently then began sucking a little rougher and i whined, "not right now Val" i say, trying to sound stern, "you know you wanna baby" He whispered up against my skin before biting down harshly as my vision began to go fuzzy and i felt really lightheaded, leaning back into him as he grabbed my wrists roughly before pinning me on the wall and a soft sigh left my mouth before he kissed me harshly, Oh fuck it.

                            { 2 hours later }
as i layed there, still tied up, I could only feel ecstasy, The mix between whatever the reddish pink stuff in his mouth is and climax is amazing. The reddish pink stuff was amazing on its own too, "V-Val" I huff, still tired, "hm?" "Could you let me down" I say before taking a deep breath, "But you look so pretty" He soothed, before taking all of me in, "Please Val" I whine, "Keep talking like that and we might just have to go again" He smirks, as excitement filled me before he untied the ropes, "I'm gonna get a drink" I say, rubbing my bright red wrists and steading to my feet, Fuck me. I head over to the clothes on the floor and grab my underwear, putting it on and his button up shirt, sliding it on as it hung off me. I looked to Val who was smoking with his wings stretched out and head through to where i left my bottle i was sipping earlier before spotting Vox, "Hey" I smile before taking a sip, "Hey" He says and i go sit next to him, "Busy with Val?" Vox chuckles, "He's having a smoke and it tired" I chuckle, "No wonder, you keep mixing his poison with either booze or sex" He laughs a little as i look at him, raising a brow, "Poison?" I question as he looks at me confused, "The pink shit?" He says, "that's poison?" I say, a little worried, "Yeah, good shit too" Vox smiles, "I never knew it was poison" I say, starting to feel annoyed, "Could that shit kill me?" I ask, "I doubt he would give you enough to kill you" Vox says, sounding unbothered as i sipped my drink, That's been fucking poison?! Vals been poisoning me? "I thought it was just a drug or something" I say, "Kinda, It feels fucking amazing, you would know you seem hooked" "I am not" I spit back quickly, Oh shit, it's fucking poison. "I'm gonna head to bed, night" I say taking a mouthful of my bottle and bring it with me back to Vals room. "Took your time baby, i missed you" He smirked, "What's the pink shit" I say, "What do you mean?" He asked, "The pink shit, in your mouth and the smoke" i say seriously, trying to keep my balance. "Oh, you like it baby, It's like a drug" He smirks, coming closer to me and placing his arms around me, "It's poison Val" I say seriously, pushing him off me as he stared back, looking a little pissed, "Well yeah, but it's not enough to kill, besides, you know you love the head rush" He smirks, "It could kill me though" I say, "Baby don't get all pissy" He says, placing his hands firmly on my waist and using the other two to grab my wrists, "Val it could fucking kill me" I say seriously before he leaned down to my neck breathing heavily, "Just shut up" He says harshly before biting down again and the feeling came over me.

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