Chapter 12

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Y/n's pov
"Mh, Here baby" Val smirks down at me as i wipe my lips, smirking up at him before getting up, "Bye baby" He smiled before quickly kissing me, biting down on my lip before i pull away, feeling drowsy and wiping my lip, my blood pouring out and mixing with Val's poison, "Bye" I smirk back and get out the car and head into the hotel, "Y/n! perfect timing, we're doing trust falls! maybe you should give one a go?" Charlie suggests as i look around, there's a weird little stage with Angel Pentious Husk and Nifty stood around it, "uh, okay" I shrug before trying to pull myself together and getting up on the stage, "tell us something about yourself and jump off the stage, we'll catch you" Vaggie sighs, "Everyone, or i swear i'm gonna hurt you" Vaggie threatened as everyone came closer to the stage huffing in annoyance, "Uh, I'm really fucking high" I slur a little, trying not to laugh before jumping off the stage and they caught me, mostly Vaggie and Charlie but atleast i didn't hit the ground, After a few seconds Nifty went up, "Sometimes, i kill mother bugs infront of their children as a warning sign" She smiles sadisticly before jumping off the stage and everyone took a step back, letting her fall on the floor, What the fuck is wrong with her. "Yay! Pain!" She smiled before running back onto the stage and continually threw herself off it, "Husky, my usual?" I slur as he groaned before walking over to the bar, "Me two kitty" Angel added, "Stop with the fucking names you cunts" He groaned, walking over to the bar as we followed "Sorry whiskers" Angel teased and he groaned, pouring our drinks and we both started drinking them, "Your bruise is fading, or is it the makeup?" Husk said while cleaning a glass, "Oh shut up" i hiss back, "Wanna go touch it up? i've got new powders" Angel suggests and i sigh before nodding. we both quickly chug our drinks, "pass the vodka" I say to husk as he grabs my glass and begins pouring, "I mean the bottle" I say as he groans before handing me it, "Just don't have me dragging your drunk ass back in again" He glared before drinking the vodka he poured into the glass as me and Angel headed upstairs, "How was work?" Angel asked, "Eh, it was fine" I sigh, "Vox keeps being a dick" I say as we enter his room and pull out my makeup bag before sitting down infront of his mirror. "Well there's a shock" Angel chuckles, "What's he been doing" He asked, "He just, He's being fucking annoying" "I'm just surprised you managed to get him to talk he's always just shooting me glares" Angel chuckles, "Uh, Y/n, your little boyfriend is calling you" Angel says sounding amused, "shut up, pass it" I say halfheartedly as he passes me my phone, it read Vox, Oh for fuck sake what does he want now. "Hey Voxy" I smile, "Y/n, it's Velvette, Get the fuck down here now Val and Vox are fighting" Velvette says sounding pissed, "Wait what?" I say, a little Confused, "My car's on its way, be quick before they ruin everything" Velvette groans "Wait i-" I started before Velvette cut me off by hanging up, "Fuck sake" I groan, "What, he miss you?" Angel teased, "It was Velvette, Val and Vox are having a tantrum and apparently that's my problem" "just ignore them" Angel sighs, "i can't, she's sending her car over now" I mutter fixing my hair. "I can help if you want" Angel suggests "No thanks" I quickly say, shutting down the whole idea not wanting him to get hurt, "You sure? I can-" "No Angel, i can handle it" I say, "Well, if your having any problems i'm just a message away" Angel smiled softly, After a few minutes i leave and the limo was empty for once, it was really weird, long silent drive to the studio, i almost jamp out my skin when i seen some demon hanging from a streetlight by the neck, i still haven't really gotten used to this part of hell. "You deaf or something slut" The driver says, snapping me out of the horror that is this place. "What?" I say, "Just get out" The driver says, "Call me that again and i'll make sure your soul gets ripped apart" I smile, "Oh, and get better fucking liquor" I add before getting out the car, What was his problem. "Y/n!" I hear someone shout as soon as i step into the building, "Look, i don't know what's going on between you and Vox or Val but there at eachothers throats over you, Fix it" Velvette says approaching me and i stare in confusion, "There fighting over me?" I question, "Why?" "I duno, Something to do with your soul by the sounds of it? Just fix it before they destroy everything, or kill eachother, there upstairs" She says as i head towards the elevator, as it slowly rised up i could hear yelling and stuff shattering on the floor, my heart started to sink, worried about what i was gonna see or if they would turn it onto me instead. The doors opened and i was instantly greeted with a glass flying towards me and i ducked down as it shattered, smashing of the elevator wall behind me, "Your turning her into some fucking slut!" Vox yelled as his screen started to buffer from anger, "Oh you just wanna have her all to yourself you selfish cunt!" Val yells back before their attention turned to me, "Ah, speaking of my darling" Val says, his tone shifting, "Your 'darling' is just fucking scared of you" Vox glared at Val, "I'm not fucking scared of him" I say quickly as Val smirks while Vox's face quickly shifted into a disappointed look. "Why are you two fucking arguing anyway" I say, finally stepping out of the elevator still on edge, these two are ticking time bombs and there gonna explode any fucking second. "This stupid little bitch, wants your soul baby, i think Voxy loves you almost as much as me" Val teased, "I don't fucking love her Val, and neither do you" Vox spat as i felt a little hurt. "i was trying to get your soul back for you" "Have you any idea how much money she makes? No chance Voxy" Val spat as i looked at him with sad eyes, "besides, look at what i've done for you, your a star Y/n, soon to be my biggest and well, i don't wanna lose you-" "You don't wanna lose any money ya mean" Vox says cutting him off, "why don't you both just calm down" I sigh, "Y/n's right Voxy, Ya know what would really calm me down baby~" Val smirks while sting down, "Don't start Val" Vox says disgusted while val rolls his eyes. "Y/n Baby, sit" Val coos, patting the spot next to him on the couch while Vox sat on the other side, "One second im gonna grab a drink" I sigh, relieved there not gonna kill eachother, or me, "Y/n, i said sit" Val says, gritting his teeth and i go sit next to him, skipping the drink, I can get it later, atleast he will be calmer. Val places one of his arms around my shoulder and another around my waist while Vox was watching tv, well it looked like he was just staring at it, he still looked pissed and this probably wasn't helping. "Voxy, grab my baby a drink will you" Val smirked, "Or you can let her get her own? instead of being a controlling little bitch" Vox spat, "What did you just fucking say to me" Val hissed as i found myself trying to sink through his coat, well wings but it was soft. "I thought you were blind not deaf" Vox replied as fear quickly filled me, "you ungrateful fucking-" "Val, what did you say would help you calm down?" I ask, trying to stop them arguing, and if i get Val out of here they'll finally shut up. He quickly smirked at me before we began making out and Vox left as he made some chains with the smoke and it attached around my neck, he quickly threw me onto the floor roughly, smiling down at me with poison filling his mouth as he began bulging out his pants, "Be a good girl now and calm me down why don't you" Val smirked

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