Chapter 2

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Y/n's pov
I woke up a little groggy with a blanket over me. Angel was sat at the end of the bed on his phone, "Morning" I groan, Stretching my arms out before my third pair get caught on the hoodie, "Still can't pull them in?" Angel asks, "i'll work it out eventually" I say before rubbing my main set of eyes. "I've spoke to Val, My boss, he says to bring you down to meet him at 4" Angel smiles, "okay, what time is it" I ask "It's 2, so about a hour to meet everyone then a hour to get ready" He smiled, "okay" I say before yawning a little picking up the one of the bottles of the floor and taking the final sip from it. "You want a cig? I have some without PCP, Or if you want some PCP-" "Nah i don't really smoke" i say cutting him off, "Here" He says tossing me a hairbrush and some of his clothes, "Val will like that" He says handing me a tight black top which showed a little much skin, but it looked nice, and my denim shorts. "i have makeup in the top drawer, just grab whatever you need" He says, "Thanks but i don't think it'll be my shade" i laugh, "Fair enough" he chuckles. "Ready then?" He asks, "Yeah" I smile and we head downstairs, "Hey" Angel says as we enter the lobby, "Hey Angel- Oh? Who's that?" Says a blonde demon in a red suit with red circles on her cheeks, "This is Y/n, I was actually wondering if we could get her a room? She's new around here" Angel asked as i smiled slightly to the demon, "Of Course!" She squealed before pushingn past Angel and grabbing my hand, "Hi! I'm Charlie, I'm so excited to have you staying here! This is the happy hotel we rehabilitate sinners!" She chirped, shaking my hand a little aggressively. "Uh Charlie, Calm down a little" Says a girl with white hair and light grey skin. "This is Vaggie, my girlfriend and she helps protect the hotel" Charlie says pointing to the white haired girl as she waved, "This is Nifty" She said as a small one eyed demon smiled up at me, "Hi i'm Nifty!" She smiled, "Nifty is our cleaner, and that's Husk!" She says pointing over to a small cat like demon with wings who was behind the bar, "Hey" He groaned as Angel started walking over to him, "He's our bartender, And that's Alastor, He helps protect the hotel and other stuff" Charlie smiled as a red deer like demon approached me, he was wearing and old fashioned red suit, had red eyes and a microphone cane thing, "Why, Hello dear!" He smiled, showing his sharp yellow teeth and reached his hand out, "Hey" I smile and shake his hand. "We can have you a room set up by tonight if that's fine!" Charlie smiled, "That's great! thanks" i smile, "We need to get going tits, Val's sending a limo for us now" Angel said staring at his phone. "Okay" I said "It was nice meeting you guys, I'll see you later?" "Of course!" Charlie smiled, "What have you got that poor girl doing" Vaggie groaned, "Gonna get her a job so she has a little bit of cash" Angel said walking towards me and we head out the Hotel, There was a red Limbo waiting outside with zebra stripes on it for details, Me and Angel got in the back and the driver started taking us to town. "So what's your boss like" i ask, "Eh, He's weird, he works with part of the V's, a big brand down here, Valentino works on the porn and drug side, Vox works on the technology, He's got a 30 inch flat screen for a head" Angel chuckles, "Then there Velvette, She works on the fashion side of the business" "Cool, Hey is there any booze in here?" I ask, "Here" he says grabbing two glasses and pouring some of the champagne in them both before handing me one and i quickly chug it, "Y/n, you managed to get your third set of arms to go back!" Angel smiled, "Oh shit! i'll be able to do this in no time!" I smiled, "We're here" Angel says before chugging his drink and we both get out. "Ah, Angie baby, Welcome back" Said a Italian raspy voice, i quickly turn to see a tall man with two sets of arms in a red coat with white fluff around the cuffs and a massive white fluffy hood with red hearts on it, His skin was a dull shade of purple and he had bright red eyes, covered with gold rimmed, red tinted heart shaped glasses and a big red top hat, with zebra print wrapped around it and a big zebra print feather sticking out. "So this is Y/n" He says looking down at me with a smile plastered on his face, "Hi" I say trying to sound confident, "Anglecakes go get ready and i'll show her around" Valentino says in a soothing tone, "Yes Val" Angel sighs before walking into the club, leaving me stood outside with his boss. "So, Y/n, follow me" He says gently and i follow him inside, there were a bunch of strippers dancing around and some men at the bar. "These are my girls" He says gesturing to some of the girls on some poles before leading me over to the bar, "would you like a drink?" He smirks, "Yes please, Could i have a F/D?" i ask, "Of course, baby" He smiled as a small red girl with black horns coming out of her head started making it, Baby? The small girl gave the drink to me and i took a sip, "come on" Valentino says and we get up and head into the back, I spot a door that has his name on it in gold and he led me into there. "This is my office, have a seat" Valentino says gesturing to the seat facing his on the other side of the desk as he sits down, i quickly rush over to and sit. "So, Angel tells me you'd like to work here?" Valentino asks, lighting a long cigarette and blowing red smoke towards me, "Yes Valentino, Sir-" "Call me Val" He says sounding amused. "Okay Val, i'm new here and Angel said this would be a good job for me" I smiled as he hummed, "Well, i can start you tomorrow, but i think you should stick around for a bit, get to know how it works" Val Suggested, "Sure" i said, a little confused on how i already had the job. "Follow me" He said standing up and i followed him out his office, "Over there is the dressing rooms" He says pointing to a few different rooms before taking a drag from his cigarette and blowing it towards my face again, but this time i started to feel a little bit light headed, "You can do your makeup in there and over here is the changing rooms, There's different outfits in the dressing rooms" He smiled, "want another drink baby?" He asks, "Yeah, but my names Y/n" I say, "Loosen up sugar" Val chuckles and we head back towards the bar, "two of my usual, and bring it to my booth" He said to the little red demon before we left and headed to his booth, it was infront of the main stage and some girls were dancing on the poles before the little red demon came with our drinks, "Here" He said handing me one and i sip it, It's a bit strong but not too strong. "You like it?" He hums, "It's a bit strong but it's good" I smile taking another sip and he smirks before lighting another cigarette and blowing the red smoke towards me in a heart shape, making me a little light headed again, What's he smoking? I continued to sip my drink before a wolf like demon came over, "Vox is here, he wants to see you" The Demon said, "Tell him to fuck off" Val says taking another drag from his cigarette, "He said it was urgent" The demon said, trying to get Val to go, Val groaned in annoyance before getting up, "Wait here sugar, i'll be right back" Valentino winked before walking off with the Wolf like demon following behind, Leaving me sat in his booth by myself.
1431 words💪💪

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