Chapter 7

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Y/n's pov
I woke up the next morning, Val laying next to me as i felt drowsy, "Ah, Morning sugar" He smiled, "Morning" I say feeling a little groggy, my whole body sore and trying to remember what happened, "We're going out soon" Val said, "where?" I ask, "I'm gonna get you a new wardrobe, So you don't keep needing to borrow shit" He smiled, "Thanks" i say, rubbing my temples, "Aren't i good to you baby" He smiled, Does this bitch have a praise kink or something, "mhm" I say as he looks at me a little annoyed, "go grab your clothes and we can go" He says and i nod, getting up and fixing my hair and grabbing my clothes off the floor, before grabbing the bottle on the floor and finishing it. "Baby, Angel's calling you" Val says, crap, He passes my my phone and i quickly pick up. "Hey" I beam, "Hiya tits" He chuckles, "When you gonna be back from Val" He asks, sounding a little more serious, "Later tonight, Wanna go out when i come home? We could go to a club" I suggest, "Oh my satan yes! Can i bring my friend, Her names Cherri i'm sure you'll get on" He says, "Yeah sure" I say "Great, just come to my room when your back and we can get ready" "okay, i've gotta go so i'll see you when i'm back" "Okay vagina" He chirps, "Bye cock sucker" I say, "Hey-" he starts before i hung up, cutting him off. Really, Vagina? i prefer tits more than that. "Hey before i drop you off baby i need to talk to you about something" "Okay" I say, as he wraps his wings around himself, and we head out to the car. After a few minutes we arrived outside some massive shopping center, i stared in awe before we got out the car and headed inside, Val instantly started looking around at more revealing clothes and different underwear sets as i grabbed a couple jumpers, some pairs of shorts, jeans and a oversized shirt and tube tops. "Baby, go try these on" He says as two imps carried a pile of clothes bigger than them and we headed to the dressing rooms and i grabbed one of the outfits, it was a maroon shaded tight long sleeved top that showed off a little much, But to be honest some of these are my work outfits so makes sense, there were fishnets to match and a big pair of platformed knee high boots with red spiderwebs going up it, i look in the mirror in awe, As revealing as it was it was gorgeous and hugged my curves perfectly. I come out the dressing room to see Val smirking at me, "Beautiful" He smirked, "I love it Val" i smile, After what felt like hours we headed back to the car with about 7 bags of clothes and makeup and 6 pairs of shoes. "Thanks baby" I smile as we got in the car, He's so nice. "Your welcome sugar, Here i got you this too" He smirked before pulling out a small box and opened it, it was a beautiful silver necklace that said 'Valentino' on it in diamonds, "I love it Val" I smile as he pushes my hair back and puts it on me. "it suits you baby" He smiled as i did too before he grabbed my chin and kissed me roughly, biting my lip a little and i start to feel a little lightheaded, What is that stuff, i fucking love it. We pull away and and i wipe the pink stuff of my lips as he smirks at me with his eyes. "I'd love to be like this with you, forever, your gonna be a star" He smiled as i blushed, "Me too" I whisper, "Well baby, see, to make you a star i need you to do one small thing for me" He said and i looked at him, "I need you to sign this" He says, snapping his fingers and a gold contract sheet appeared. "What is it?" I ask as he hands me a pen, "it's a contract for your soul, everlastingly binding us" He smirks and lights one of his long cigarettes as i stare at it, unsure. "Cmon baby, do you not wanna be mine forever" He smirked as i took a deep breath, "So, i just sign it? And that's it?" I ask, "Yeah, your name when you were alive" He smirks, Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? I take a deep breath before placing the pen on the paper, 'Y/n L/n' I signed before it glowed then just disappeared as Val looked extremely happy as i felt sharp chest pains. "What the fuck!?" I yell, clutching my chest, "Shh baby, it's fine look" He says flicking his finger and it went away before he blew out red smoke that shifted into a chain in his hand and it wrapped round my neck, He smirked and slowly pulled me towards him before kissing me harshly and biting down roughly on my neck, causing the same ecstasy feeling to come over me, it was a little sore, probably because i was covered in bites but the pain was quickly overcome by the pleasant feeling. "Here baby" He smirks, "Help her with her shit" Val said to the driver as he got out and grabbed a few of my bags and my shoes as i grabbed the last 2 bags. "Hey, Y/n we need to talk" She says, "i'm room number 5" I say to the imp as it takes my stuff upstairs. "If your gonna be living here, i atleast need you to be doing the program, so can you show up to atleast 2 of the meetings this week and we can work from there?" Charlie asked, "Yeah, sorry of course" I smile, "Thanks" She beams before hugging me tightly. "Eh, What the fucks going on?" Angel asked as the imp came back down the stairs, "What's with all the new shit" He asked, "Val got me some stuff" i smiled as angel stared at my chest with guilt in his eyes, right at the necklace. "Thanks" I say to the driver as he left. "Anyway, Wanna go see what i've got? We can get ready" I smile, "Uh, yeah sure" He says, sounding sad as we head up to my room and start going through all my bags, "Bitch your wearing this" He says chucking a short shoulderless white dress to me with 2 red hearts on the chest, "I'm sure he would've got you boots to go with a dress like that" Angel says before going into all the boxes before finding a pair of thigh high white boots that faded up into red. "Tits if you don't wear this, i am, It's fucking gorgeous" He beamed. "Okay let's go pick my outfit now, Cherri will be on her way soon" Angel says as we head through his room. I start digging around in his wardrobe before i found a gorgeous black leather body suit with a pink heart shaped zip and a small leather tube top to go with it, "Angel, you have to wear this" I yell, "Oh my satan, your right" He smiles picking it up, "Okay go get ready and i'll come and get you" Angel says, "Okay" I smile and head through my room, put on the small white dress and the boots before sitting down infront of the mirror and doing my makeup. "Y/n!" angel shouted and i went to his room. "Cherri's waiting on us at the club so, if your ready wanna go?" He asks, "Yeah, by the way, i love that outfit" i smirk looking at him as he meets me with the same look, "Says you tits, that dress is gorgeous" He smiles back and we leave. Once we get to the club i follow Angel to a booth where a girl with one eye was sat, she had a pink fluffy jacket on and a small red top. "Hey Angie" Cherri smiled, "Hey sugar tits, This is Y/n, she's new here" Angel smiled, "Hey! I'm Cherri" She smiled, "Hi" i smile back "Shit, Your already tied down to Val?" She asks looking at my necklace as angels face fills with guilt, "I'm gonna go get us drinks" Angel says before getting up and heading towards the bar, "So, What got you stuck down here" She smiled, "Uh, I'm not really sure, i don't think there's a specific reason" I say, "Here" Angel says handing us our drinks and we all start talking

{ a few drinks later }
Y/n's pov
We got off the poles before angel started flirting with someone again to get us more free drinks as me and cherri started talking, "I wish angel introduced me to you sooner" Cherri laughed, "Same" I laugh before Angel came back over with more drinks and a small white bag before rolling up a dollar bill and sorting a couple of lines, "You want one tits?" Angel slurs, "Fuck it" I slur back and we all go round in turns with the dollar bill, snorting the powder, "Shit, I'm so fucked" I giggle, "Same doll face!" Angel yells a little over the music before we all get up and start dancing around before some guy placed his hands on my waist and we started dancing together, it soon turned more into grinding, "You wanna go somewhere a little more private baby" The guy whispers into my ear as i grind my ass up against him. "Y/n, We need to get going" Cherri yells, before i slip away from the guy and we start walking home, "Are you coming w-with us?" I stutter out, "Nahhh, i've got work tomorrow" Cherri slurs, "Bye" She smiles as me and Angel head off the other way, towards the hotel. "Y/n, Promise me one thing" Angel slurs a little, placing a hand on my waist, "Yeah" I say, "Please be careful with Val, don't get too close with him, just go in for work he's dangerous" "What do you mean dangerous" I question as Angel begins to spill his guts, "Y/n He's abusive, he knocks me around for next to nothinhas he been poisoning you? i can see the bite marks" Angel asks as memories began to flood my mind of the night before, "He, He fucking poisoned me" I mutter coming to the realisation, "He bit me and i can't really remember anything after than last night" I slur, starting to get pissed off, "Y/n be careful he can pick the dose, it's addictive but he could just kill you with it" Angel slurs, "I'll get my soul back and give him his shitty clothes back, i'll only come for work now" i say as angels face fell further, "you sold your soul to him?" He asked, "Yeah? I'll just ask him for it back" I yell a little without realising, "He's not gonna give you that, Y/n.." Angel says sounding sad before pulling me into a sloppy yet tight hug before i heard him sniffle a little, "I'm so sorry, this is my fault, if i didn't introduce you to him-" "Angel, it's not your fault, i'm a fucking idiot, i'll be fine" I slur, trying to sound serious as i hug him tightly, the guilt sounding like it's been eating him alive for days, that's why he always checked up, Val fucking hits him? I'm gonna kill that stupid moth. After what feels like hours we finally arrive back at the hotel
1962 words🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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