Chapter 17

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Y/n's pov
I woke up the next morning, still with Vox's arms around me tight with BJ, "No fucking way!" I hear someone say as i turn my head to see Angel holding out his phone. "Shit, Uh, Angel delete that" I whisper while trying to escape Vox's grasp. "No fucking way, tits! I didn't know this guy had basic fucking emotions! And he's actually cuddling you!" Angel beamed as i tried to snatch the phone off him. "No way tits, i am keeping this forever!" He yelled, "Shh! He's still sleeping" I whisper before pushing Angel out and shutting the door behind us quietly. "How long has he been here?" Angel asked, "Since last night" "Does Alastor know?" "No? why?" I asked, a little confused, "They have this whole thing, they hate eachother but it seems more like sexual tension, Does Val know?" He asked, "No, Val doesn't want us near eachother but Vox won't tell me why, i tried to get it out of him before i died, again, somehow" i say trailing off, everything down here still confused me, how can you die twice? "I need to go see Val today anyway, i miss him, He got me a kitten though!" I beamed as Angel looked at me sympatheticly, "What?" I asked, "It doesn't matter, just be careful with Val, and Vox, but it looks like you have Vox on a leash" Angel giggled a little on the last part, "Is there any food downstairs? I should get him breakfast" I said, "I think Charlie made pancakes" Angel smiled as we headed downstairs, "Morning Y/n! Are you feeling better? Here i made everyone pancakes" Charlie beamed, holding out a plate as i noticed Pentious shovelling them down his throat, "Thanks" I smiled before heading over to the bar, "Isn't it a little early for a drink?" Husk said, "Coming from you whiskers" I chuckled, "my usual" I said as he began making my drink for me before passing me the drink and i sip it before noticing niffty chasing some bugs, "is that all she does?" I question, "Pretty much" Husk replied before a loud explosion went off followed by a burst of green smoke and electricity bolts, it broke the railing. "The Fuck!?" Husk yelled, "What the fuck is going on!?" Angel yelled as i remembered Vox was still sleeping up there, shit is he okay?! "I better go get BJ!" I shouted through the explosion sounds before running up the stairs, it wasn't the best excuse but i had to go get Vox. "Wait! Y/n!" Angel yelled as Charlie and Vaggie followed me, "I told you to leave" Alastor yelled, his size was doubled and he looked way more demonic than normal, Vox was levitating, held up with wires as Static volts zapped around him, "Oh go back to bed old man" He said, his screen was cracked, "Stop!" I shouted, noticing my room wall was broken and everything, "What the fuck are you doing!" I yelled as Charlie and Vaggie caught up, taking in the state of the room. "What the fuck!" Vaggie yelled as Alastor wiped the blood of his lip, "He broke in, so i was dealing with him" Alastor said, sounding a little more sincere, despite the fact my room was rubble, "What?" Charlie questioned "I didn't y-you ol-dd cunt!" Vox yelled, "Get the fuck out!" I yelled, "What did you just say?" He questioned, "Are you a fucking idiot! Get! Out!" I screamed as Alastors face shifted to me and one of the black tentacles shot towards me, grabbing me and holding me up tightly, "Alastor that's enough!" Charlie yelled as a flash of electricity blinded us and i fell back on the floor, coughing from the smoke, "Enough!" Charlie yelled as horns sprouted out her scalp and her eyes went red, "Enough!" She shouted, "Vox leave!" Charlie added as Alastor shot the tentacles towards Vox, throwing him outside through the massive hole they made in my wall, I instantly began looking around the rubble before finding BJ, he had tried to hide in the wardrobe which was knocked over, "anything you'd like to tell us Y/n?" Alastor asked, "What? that you destroyed my room with your stupid little fight?" "I wouldn't have destroyed the room if i didn't find him sleeping here" Alastor said as my heart dropped, Shit. "What do you mean? He's not a guest here?" Charlie says, turning her attention to me, "Okay so he stayed for a night? so what! it's a hotel right?!" I yelled without realising, trying to defend myself, "Yeah but we don't let people like fucking Vox in here shitass!" Vaggie yelled, "What the fuck is wro-" I yelled cradling BJ before i was cut off by charlie, "Y/n please don't bring him back here okay? I just want to drop this and fix the mess" Charlie sighed, "Whatever" I hissed before heading downstairs, holding BJ to my stomach, "Angel, can you watch him? I need to go check on Vox" I sighed, "Is that what that was about? Sure, just be careful" He said taking BJ from me before i headed outside, "Vox!" I shouted and began looking around, "Y-Y-/nnnnn" He said breaking up, He was slouched over, his screen completely cracked, "I-I'm fi-fineeez" He said as his screen buffered, or his face? im not sure what to call it but either way it was broken and was a static screen with his face flashing on and off it. "S-stuuuu-di-o-o-o" He said and i grabbed my phone, ringing Val. "Hey darling, ya miss me?" Val said down the phone, "Val this is serious, Vox got into a fight with Alastor and his screen..face..? it's broken" I said, "Wait, what? Where are you guys?" He asked, "The hotel" I said, "Why the fuck was he up there? Ugh im on my way" Val groaned before hanging up, "Val's on his way, are you sure your okay?" I said trying to help him back to his feet as he leaned against me, "I—Fineeee" He said as i sighed, there wasn't a point in trying to talk as he couldn't really speak but after what felt like forever Val finally arrived, "Get in" He said as i carried Vox over to the car and sat him in the seats, before sitting next to him and closing the door as the driver began driving off. "shit" Val said, looking over Vox, "He got you fucking good Vox" Val snickered as Vox's screen lit up, "S-shutttttt the F-FUCKKK U—" Vox yelled, "Just saying Voxy" Val teases before grabbing a tool kit and opening the back of Vox's head, "We've got other screens in the studio but this'll fix the Buffering" Val said as he changed a couple wires before reaching for another one, "It's fine you fixed it already!" Vox yelled, pulling his head away, "Ah, great" Val smiled, "So, why were you even starting with him again? without telling any of us?" Val said, sounding a little annoyed, "I didn't go looking for the fucking fight okay he started it" Vox hissed back, "Why were you at the hotel anyway?" Val asked, lighting one of his cigarettes, "...I was, Uh, checking on Y/n" Vox said sounding uncertain, "When did you leave? I would've came with you, you know i'd love to make sure my darling is okay" Val smirked, "I was just worried" Vox said, not looking up, "Hm, still you should've told me you were going, what time did you leave i didn't even hear you coming back after you left last night" Val said, starting to get pissed. "Here boss" The driver said before we all got out and headed into the studio, Velvette was waiting with a new screen for him but i could feel the tension between Val and Vox building, "What the fuck made you go start with the radio demon without telling any of us!" Velvette yelled as Vox sat down, "I didn't go looking for the fight! i was just trying to check on Y/n and he got all pissy" Vox said as Velvette began putting a new screen on him, "Let's go get a drink sugar" Val said to me before we got up and left Vox and Velvette. "So" Val started while pouring us both a drink, "What time did Vox get to the hotel?" Val asked, sounding amused, "Uh, he stayed the night" I said with a hint of fear, im not sure if that's the right thing to say, after a few seconds of silence he throws a glass towards me, it just missed, smashing against the wall, "The fuck you mean he stayed the night, baby?" Val hissed, poison beginning to spill out his mouth, "Val, he was just wanting to make sure i was okay" I said, raising my hands up a little, "Well you seem fucking fine to me sugar" He says getting closer before raising his hand and i flinched, closing my eyes tight, covering my face and preparing myself for the blow, but it never came. "Baby, i don't want you near him anymore unless i'm there" Val said, "Wait what?! Why?-" I started before he quickly grabbed me by shirt and pinning me up as fear shot through me, "I said your not going fucking near him again! Ya got that darling?" He smiled sadisticly, "Y-yes Val" I muttered, holding back tears, I am not about to cry infront of him. "Good" He soothed, "Let me make you feel better" He said seductively as more fear filled me, "Wait, Val! Mhh-" I hummed as he bit down on my neck, it was sore but it was quickly relieved by the ecstasy, i leaned back a little, feeling more relaxed before Val placed my drink in my hand, "Drink, baby~" He smirked as i took a sip, "See, don't you feel better" He smirked "Mhm" I couldn't help but smile from the feeling as i sipped my drink as he pulled me onto his lap before Vox and Velvette came in. "Voxy! Your screen looks better" I smiled before i felt a hand slam into my back, clutching around my waist, Shit yeah, im not meant to talk to him. "Yeah, Anyone want a drink?" Vox asked, sounding annoyed, "Yeah!" I slurred, finishing mine and slamming it on the table before getting more comfortable in Val's lap, "Grab me one too Voxy" Val said, "Me too V" Velvette added sitting next to us, "Wow, your fucking drunk aren't you" Velvette chuckled and so did i, "ah, fuck it, Vox make mine stronger please" She said as Vox sighed, making the drinks and coming over before sitting next to us and sipping his whiskey before Val licked my neck, sending goosebumps through me, god he's hot, "Let's go to my room baby" Val said as i nodded, "don't take too long, i wanna get fucked up and Y/n, you seem like the best person to do that with" Velvette said as i smiled, "Thank you!" I beamed, Feeling happy she wanted to spend some time with me before i noticed Vox, he looked a little annoyed, probably because of the fight with Alastor, "Cmon baby" Val said as we got up and headed in his room before he spun around and pushed me up against the door, Kissing me roughly.

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