Chapter 15

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Y/n's pov
"Everything okay Darling" Val smiled, cutting up some food on his plate as i knocked mine around the plate, i didn't have much of an appetite after everything that happened this morning, "Yes Val" I sigh, continuing to play with my food, "are you sure" Val asks, beginning to sound more agitated which sparked a little fear into me, "yep! are you?" I ask, looking up from my plate as he smirks, "Yeah, are you almost done? after your little show this morning we dont have as much time as i hoped" Val said, gritting his teeth towards the end as i feel myself getting goosebumps, "I'm ready when you are" I smile, "Good, let's go baby" He says before standing up and we both head out to the car and get in, "my club" Val sighed before pouring two drinks and handing me one. I look at it with caution before taking a sip, just booze, "I can tell you think i was out of order earlier baby" Val sighed as i stared into my drink before he pulled me closer to him, "Ya know i would never do that to you baby unless i had to, it hurts me as much as it does you but i can't have you harming my associates darling" He said placing a hand on my cheek, turning me to face him but i keep my eyes on the floor, "i'm sorry sugar" He said soothingly, "Y-Ya mean it?" I cave, my eyes meeting his, "of course baby" He said comfortingly as i sighed, "okay, it's fine" I said before smiling a little and he pulled me onto his chest, placing an arm around me as fear sunk into me, he's too close. "I gotcha something before you went all bitchy on my associate, but i suppose i'll still give you it since i'm good to you" He smirked before pulling over a box that was sat in the car and placing it gently on my lap, "open it baby" he smiled and i carefully took the top off before my eyes lit up, "Aww, Val! is it really for me!?" I squealed lifting the small kitten from out the box, "Of course baby, i've even named him for you" He smiled as i held the small black kitten in my arms, petting its small head, "Thank youuu, what's his name?" I ask, "BJ" He smiled, looking proud of himself as i stared at him, "BJ?" I say with a monotone voice, "Yep! BJ, like blowjob?" "Yeah i know what BJ means" I say sounding unimpressed, "it's a good name, i know" Val said patting himself on the back as i rolled my eyes, "Seriously" I ask, cuddling the poor kitten, what kind of name is that. "Of course i am, i named him after something your amazing at!" He beamed as my face flushed, "Right" i say, keeping my bright red face from him. "here boss" the driver said quietly, "I'll take him to velvette till your done your shift" He said as i nodded, "go get ready all your stuff is in your dressing room" he smiled as i nodded,"Thank you!" I smiled before leaving and heading into the club, already there was a bunch of drunk demons falling around the place and gawking at my coworkers, ugh. I head into my dressing room before seeing a outfit with a small note on it, it just said from Valentino with a heart at the end and i slipped into the tight pair of shorts and tiny top, it looked more like a bra to be honest but he wants me to wear it, i fixed on a black pair on thigh high platform boots with a maroon stripe up it, i quickly poured myself a glass of vodka and added some of val's poison into it before chugging it and heading out onto the floor feeling woozy, "Next up, Y/n!" The loudspeaker yelled as the crowd all gathered round the stage and i began dancing around the pole as they howled. After about 10 minutes i got off and began flirting with whoever i could find "Hey baby" I said with a flirty tone placing my hand on some demons thigh as he smirked at me, "Hey beau-Beautiful" A voice slurred before grabbing my wrists and pulling me onto their lap "Vox!?" I yell a little as he placed a hand on my breast, "Hey baby" Vox smirked, i could smell the booze off him, got he's hot, "Vox, your drunk" I say, trying to get off his lap but he holds me in place, "Who cares?! Just don't tell Val" He smirked, trailing his hands up my waist, Don't tell Val? "God this outfits hot on you" He smirked, "Wait, what do you mean don't tell Val?" I asked, "Doesn't matter, i've been waiting to catch you away from him" He said, "Why? you know you can get me whenever" I said as Vox raised a brow, God i sound like a tramp, "Not like that" I say as he chuckles, "Yeah well, He just doesn't want me going near his little money maker" Vox said as i glared down at him, "Sorry" He said, "You know what i mean tho" He added, "Why doesn't he want you near me" i push, i don't care how drunk he is he's telling me what's going on, "Give me a dance first atleast" He said as i felt a little disgusted and climbed off him, "Don't talk to me like that" I sighed before he pulled me back onto him, "can you stay with me atleast" He asked and i nodded, getting a little more comfortable in his lap, "Hey, Imp!" Vox shouted as one of the bartenders came rushing over, "a whiskey, a bottle of vodka and a glass to the V.I.P lounge asap" He said as the demon nodded and left to get the drinks, "Let's go b-baby" He stuttered as we both got up and headed into the V.I.P lounge which was empty. "Vox what did Val say-" I started before i was cut off by his tongue crashing into my mouth as he pushed me up against the wall, after a couple of minutes he pulled away gasping, "Sorry it's back here, i just can't have Val finding out" He pants as the imp came in and placed our drinks down before leaving again, "Why not?" I ask again before he quickly kissed my neck and i gasped, fuck. "Vox your drunk" i say trying to push him off lightly, i didn't really want him to stop but at the same time i don't wanna push his boundaries, "It's fine baby, just loosen up and let's have some fun" He smirked into my neck before biting down and i gasped, oh god why does he have to be hot. "Vox you don't wanna do this" I huffed, "I know what i want baby" He said softly before pushing himself up against me, he was brick hard before pulling away and grabbing his whiskey, taking a gulp. "don't say i don't know you" Vox smiled, looking proud of himself while holding out the bottle of Vodka for me, "Your favourite right?" He said, "Actually my favourite is a strawberry daiquiri" I smirked as embarrassment filled his face, "Shit, sorry, I'll go get you-" "Nah it's fine, i like vodka too" I say cutting him off and grabbing the bottle from him before taking a swig, "So why doesn't Val want you near me?" I asked as he dodged the question, "Here, before i forget" He says holding out some cash as confusion filled me, "What's that for?" I asked, "For what we're about to do? you know.." He said as anger quickly filled me, "Are you fucking serious" I said, raising my voice, "What?" "Am i just some fucking prostitute to you?!" I yelled, "What!? No! Y/n that's not what i meant!" He said quickly trying to defend himself, "I just- For taking you away from your job" He said as i stared at him with anger, trying to settle the urge to try and beat his ass, "Whatever" I say, clutching my bottle and turning to leave, "Y/n! I'm sorry okay that's not what i meant!" He said as i walked out, "Hey beautiful" Some demon smirked to me, "Oh fuck off" I spat before noticing Vox chasing after me, "Who the fuck-" The guy started before i slammed my lips onto his and quickly turned the kiss more heated, His hands started trailing along my waist as i placed two of my arms around the guy and two of them on his chest, i could feel Vox's eyes on us as i pulled away from the guy as he smirked at me, "that's better hot stuff" He smirked, "Wanna head back to my place?" He offered as Vox was still staring at us, "Buy a girl a drink first" I giggled and he chuckled, "Sorry, right" He said as we headed over to the bar. "2 whiskeys please" The guy said as the bartender started making  the drinks and i turned away to try and spit Vox, where is he? "Here baby" The demon smirked as i looked back with lust filled eyes, "thanks" I smirked before chugging the whole thing, "damn baby" He smirked, We began small talking but after a few minutes my vision started to get all fuzzy, "Shit" I say, Trying to fight this woozy feeling coming over me, "let's go" The demon said as he grabbed me harshly, "G-get off" I slurred, shit, shit, shit! "The fuck are you doing" Vox yelled helping hold me up away from the guy, "I was just trying to help her!" The guy shouted, trying to defend himself before electrical pulses shot threw him and he fell to the floor, "Are you okay?" Vox said, looking at me sympatheticly, "He- Spik" i muttered out but i couldn't speak before vox whistled and security came over, "Deal with this guy" He said as the hellhounds nodded and Vox walked me outside before i collapsed onto the pavement, "Shit Y/n, the fuck did he give you" Vox asked, sitting me up against the wall and sitting next to me as i leaned onto his shoulder, trying to keep consciousness. "Y/n?" A voice said as i looked up to what seemed to be husk but i couldn't tell for sure, he was all blurry. "Who the fuck are you?" Vox asked, "A friend, what did you do to her!" Husk yelled, flapping his wings out, "Chill out, it wasn't me it was some fucker in there, i've got her though, she'll be fine" Vox said "Move" Husk replied before sitting down next to me and pulling me onto his chest, covering me with his wings and placing a hand on my forehead, "she's freezing" Husk said to Vox as i layed there, unable to move as my vision began to go black, "Y/n?" Husk said, but i couldn't answer, I moved my fingers slowly, even though i was trying to push myself up, "She's still awake" Husk said, "Val, It's about Y/n she's been spiked" Vox said as i slowly started to succumb to the drug and blacked out
Sorry to everyone i made cry last chapter🙏

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