Chapter 18

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Y/n's pov
"Val- mh!" I gasped as Val brushed his tongue up against me, "I'm too tired Val" I huff before i hear a groan of annoyance, "Oh, cmon baby, Just one more round" Val smirked up as me as my vision spun, "I need a-another drink anyway" I slurred with a smile before getting up, putting back on my clothes and fixing my hair a little as the room spun, "Grab me a whiskey baby" Val says, wrapping himself in his wings, it's actually kinda cool, "O-Okayy" I slurred before stumbling out the room, Val close behind me. "Hey girl!" Velvette shouted a little, "Heyy" I smiled, heading over to their bar, grabbing a bottle and pouring Val and Vox a glass of whiskey. "Here" I smiled handing them both one. "Thanks baby" Val smirked, taking a sip. "I wanna go outtt" I whined, sipping the bottle, "Oh my god, yes!" Velvette beamed, "Whatever you want baby" Val smiled, "666?" Vox asked "What about consent?" Val suggested, "I'll go get ready" Velvette smiled, stumbling towards a room, "There'll be a dress and shoes in my room sugar" Val smirked, as i stumbled towards his room, "Oh! And makeup in the Vanity drawer!" Val yelled a little as i headed into his room and began getting changed into a black dress with a white spiderweb pattern across it and knee high black boots with a white stripe up the side, I quickly touch up my hair and makeup the best i can before stopping and admiring myself, I think this is fine? I hope it is. "Y/n! Let's go!" I hear Val shout before i come running out and we all jamp in Vox's Limo. "You got any liquor in here?" I asked as Vox's eyes stayed glued to his phone, What the hell's his problem? "Shh baby, it's fine" Val smirked before grabbing my face a little harshly and slamming his lips onto mine, his hands trailing along my waist, one of them reaching up and grabbing my chest tightly as i let out a muffled moan into the kiss before feeling his poison begin to spill from the corners of my mouth as the poison began taking over.

                                 {at the Club}
"I'll go grab drinks, Voxy, find a booth" Val cooed, Hanging a little on the nickname before wandering off, leaving me Vox and Velvette in a crowd, "Wait! Val!" I yelled over the music but i couldn't see him, "He's getting drinks girl! He'll be 2 minutes, cmon!" Velvette said as i sighed, "Okay" I slurred before following them through the crowd of people dancing before we came up to a empty booth and i sat next to Vox, Velvette on the other side of him, "This is booming!" I smiled, "I guess" Vox hissed, "Cheer up V! Here's your boy toy with our drinks!" Velvette beamed as Val came over and gave us our drinks, "Someone will be over in 10 minutes with more" Val smirked, sitting next to me before i noticed Velvette looking worried at Vox. "Get drinking baby" Val smirked, placing a hand on my thigh, "Val, get her a new one" Vox said, "Hm?" Val hummed, starting to look annoyed and gripping my thigh a little, "V, darling, just go get her a new one please" Velvette sighed as Val walked off with my drink, "What's wrong with my drink?" I questioned, "i think Val must've took his eyes off it because it looked spiked" Velvette said, not looking up at me, "Or he did" Vox muttered, "V, he wouldn't" Velvette said looking pissed at Vox as he just rolled his eyes before turning his attention on me, "You look fucked" He chuckled, placing a hand on my thigh as i smirked before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer to me as he looked back with lust in his eyes, "Thought Val wanted you away from me" I smirked, biting my lip a little as his hand slid up my thigh, "Oh shut up already" He smirked before kissing me roughly, "Right, go get a room" Velvette sneared as we continued making out before i felt Vox's hand wrap around my neck a little harshly, his hand is.. Really cold? After a few more seconds i get yanked away from Vox and land on the floor as Vox almost fell, Before looking above me with a shameful look, "Y/n darling, Was i not fucking clear earlier?" Val said as i looked up at him while he towered over me, the chain in his hand that wrapped around my neck, Shit it wasn't Vox. "I even went and got you another fucking drink because you were being picky about your last one you little fucking slut" He spat down at me as i tried to get up before he shoved me back down, yanking my chain to make me face him but i stared at the ground, not wanting him to see the fear in my eyes "Val, we're in public" Vox muttered, "shut the fuck-" "Val, this'll hurt our image" Velvette added before Val hissed down at me, "Act up again you tramp and ill have you working the corner all day tomorrow" He spat before pulling on the chain, making me look into his eyes, they were laced with Venom. "Here's your drink baby" He smiled, the mood shifting as the chain disappeared, "I'm gonna go get some whore to blow me" He smirked, placing the drink in my hand and turning to walk away, "V! Val Cmon!" Velvette shouted before chasing after him, Leaving me on the floor with tears beginning to fill my eyes. "Told ya you shouldn't have sold your soul to him" Vox sighed, reaching a hand to me as i accepted it and got back in the booth with him and my sipped my drink. "You okay?" He asked as i blinked back the tears, "Why wouldn't i be?" I sighed before smiling and grabbing his tie, "Y/n, your sure your okay?" Vox asked again before i pulled on his tie a little and placed one of my other hands on his chest, another on his bulge and one on the seat, "mh- Y/n- Wait-" He stutters out, "Shhh baby" I smirked before pulling him closer and kissing him but after a few seconds he pulled away "Y/n, this isn't healthy, I know what you and Val have isn't healthy but that doesn't mean we have to be like that too" Vox sighed, "Vox, I-I just don't really wanna talk about it o-okay?" I slurred, Starting to feel scared, Vulnerable almost. "Y/n We need to-" "I don't wanna talk about it Vox" i cut him off, sounding a little more stern, "It's not he-" "I don't wanna fucking talk about it!" I yelled over him, "I'm out to get away from all that fucking shit so either shut up and fuck me or i'll go find Val" I yelled as Vox looked at me with sincerity, "Let's go then" He sighed grabbing my arm as we headed into a V.I.P room and he chucked me onto the couch before slamming the door shut, "that dress barely covers anything ya know" Vox smirked, turning his attention back to me before i felt something grab my arms, "What's this?" I asked as the wires wrapped around my arms and legs, tieing me up as i began to fluster a little, "I mean, Look how short it is" He smirked, walking behind me and slapping my ass harshly as i groaned a little while it stung, "And round the fronts just as short" He smirked, walking around to the front of me and taking my underwear off, "I'd fuck you now but i'd rather watch you squirm" He smirked before i felt a wire began creeping up my thighs as my breath hitched, realising what was about to happen, "Be a good little whore and take it" Vox smirked

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