Chapter 3

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Y/n's pov
"Y/n!" I hear someone say, it was Angel he looked a little worried, "How did it go? you guys were gone for a while are you okay?" He asked sounding concerned, "Yeah everything was fine i got the job, are you okay?" I ask, "yeah i just wanted to check, So when do you start" Angel said, still looking a little on edge, What's he Not telling me? "Tomorrow, he just wanted me to stay around for a bit so i know how it works around here" i say taking a sip from my drink, "want a bit?" i ask holding out my drink, "yeah, thanks" he sighed before grabbing the glass with one of his arms and taking a sip. "Angel, Get back on the floor" Valentino said, He had brought a guy with a tv for a head, that must be Vox, "Sorry Val" Angel quickly said handing me back my drink and speeding off, Why's he acting weird? Maybe this isn't weird? he might just be like that i mean fuck, i've barely known him a day! "Y/n this is Vox, My friend and close business partner, Vox this is my new employee, Y/n" Valentino cood before sitting down next to me stretching out his top set of arms and using the other ones to light one of his long cigarettes, "Hey" i say to Vox but he ignored me and sat down, rude. "Cmon Voxy, don't ignore a pretty girl like her" Val teases with the nickname as Vox started to look more annoyed, "Hey" Vox said back sounding pissed, "what's wrong Voxy, Lost another fight to The Radio Demon?" Valentino hummed before blowing some smoke in my face and i started to get extremely lightheaded this time before taking another mouthful from my glass, "Fuck you" He spat back, Who's The Radio Demon? "Why are you so quiet baby" Valentino said turning to me and wrapping one of his free arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, i tried to pull away but he kept a firm grip on my waist, keeping me in place. "i'm not sure what to talk about" I say back, "tell me about yourself sugar, How long have you been here? What got you sent here?" Valentino asked, looking at me with his red eyes, "Oh, I've only just got here" "makes sense on why i haven't seen your pretty face around" Val flirts, "there's not really a specific reason why i got sent here i just done a bunch of shit while alive i guess, How did you die?" I ask, It sounded weird to say but i guess it's just normal here. "Got shot twice in the chest then a final bullet to the head to finish me off" Val smirked before blowing more smoke in my face as i breathed it in and the light headed feeling hit even harder, whatever this is mixed with the alcohol is amazing. "Shot by who?" i ask, slurring a little before finishing my glass, "A Cop" Val said starting to sound annoyed, "Want another one sugar?" He asked and i nodded to which he smirked before hissing at some waitress's to go get 3 more drinks, after a few minutes of watching the dancers while Vals arm stayed firm on my waist he let out a huff, "What's taking them so long?" Val groaned, "I'll be back in a minute baby" Val said before getting up and heading towards the bar, "So, your like, a TV?" I ask, trying to break the silence between us, though it was hard to tell with all the music playing if he couldn't hear me or was just ignoring me, "Vox?" i say a little louder, "What" He hisses, "Are you okay? you seem stressed" I slur, "I'm fine, are you" He chuckled, "You sound fucked" He laughs a little, "I'm not that bad" i say trying to defend myself, "Yeah, Yeah" He says as i scoot a little closer to him, "so your like, a tv?" I question, "well no" Vox says sarcastically, "Jeez, he really is just hiring any stupid whore he can find" Vox mutters as i feel a small wave of anger come over me from the comment, "Excuse me?" I say glaring at him, he just chuckles, "I'm joking" He says looking at me a little more sincere, "I own the whole tech part of our company, and i basically can jump from Any screen or Camera connected to WiFi" He said finally looking at me, "Wow, that's actually kinda cool" I smile, "yeah i guess, Oh! i can control electricity voltages and shit like that too" He added, "Wait so you can like, Kill someone if the voltage is high enough?" I ask, "Yeah" He chuckles and i stare in amazement before Val comes back cursing under his breath. "That stupid fucking imp couldn't make 3 fucking drinks" Val groaned before handing me and Vox a drink and sitting back down next to me in the booth, pulling me into his chest and i lay there, his coat was so soft. I take another couple sips of my drink while laying in Valentino's chest, just enjoying the moment, "So Y/n, Are you good at lap dancing or pole dancing" Val asks, "I'm not really sure, I'm kinda just giving this a go" I say honestly, "Well, let's see if your any good at lap dances sugar" He says blowing a heart of smoke around me and i breath some in, "Val" Vox sternly says, "Chill out Voxy" Valentino smirks, keeping his eyes on me as i quickly take another mouthful from the glass, it's like liquid confidence. I get up and start to give Val a lap dance as he begins to quickly ease into it, placing his free hands on my hips to guide me while blowing more smoke into my face, "Val, that's enough" Vox says but Val ignores him, not taking his eyes off me while i danced. "Your quite good at this baby" Val smirks, "Thanks" I smile down to him, "We should go somewhere" Val smiles, his gold tooth showing. "Studio?" Vox asks as i continued to dance, "Yeah Cmon Sugar lets go" Val says before they both get up, "Wait my drink!" I say, "Don't worry baby, there's more in my limo, i nod before grabbing my glass and chugging the rest, not wanting it to go to waste, "slow down baby, can't have you spewing all over my coat now can we" He hums and we head out the club to Val's limo. We all get in and Val pulls me onto his chest before grabbing my chin softly and turning me to face him with his red eyes staring back at me, he gently pulled me onto his lap before kissing me roughly i quickly kissed back as two of his hands were placed firmly on my waist and the other two on my ass, i placed two of my hands on his face and my other two on his chest, he quickly slipped his long tongue into my mouth and squeezed my ass a little, "We're here now" Vox said in an annoyed tone, "What's wrong Voxy" Val teased the TV as he just groaned in response before we get out the car, We we're stood infront of a massive porn studio, "I don't know how drunk you think i am but-" "Calm baby, This is just where we Chill out" Val says cutting me off, "There's a penthouse on the top floor" Vox says, soothing my nerves a little as we walk in, it looked honestly beautiful, for a porn studio. We Head towards the elevator, Valentino having one arm around my waist and another round my shoulders. "We should do something sugar" Valentino smirks before giving me a glass of red wine, i quickly drink half of it before placing it down on the table, "Vox, turn down the lights a bit and put some music on" Val said, pulling me onto his lap, Vox rolled his eyes before effortlessly waving his finger and the lights turned down and some music came on. Valentino quickly grabbed me by the hair, giving him more control and we began making out on the couch. "Voxy, you want in on this?" Valentino smiled slyly to Vox as i looked at him with a little bit of confusion, He never even asked if i wanted him to join in, He just offered. "Val i'm not fucking her with you, you never even asked her" Vox said in an annoyed tone, "i'm sure she doesn't mind, do ya baby" He asks blowing a bit of smoke at me, "Whatever you wanna do Vox" I say, not wanting to disappoint him, "If your okay with it" He asked seriously and i nodded before he came over and pulled me onto his lap, "So, does it work the s-same?" I slur as he quickly just kissed me, So it does work the same, as we were making out i wrapped my arms around his neck as he begun to grind himself against me and i started to ease into it but i was quickly pulled away from him by Val who immediately started sucking down harshly on my neck and biting a little before reaching behind the couch and pulling out two pairs of red fluffy cuffs and smiling at me. Okay so their a little kinky, whatever
1573 words💪💪💪
Reminder this will b toxic af cos it's Val

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