Chapter 4

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Y/n's pov
I woke up the next morning In a heart shaped kind sized bed, me laying on Val's chest with one of his arms on my waist and the other around my shoulder and Vox had his arms wrapped around my waist with my back pushed up against his chest. "Val" I yawn quietly, "Morning baby" He smiled, "Val i gotta get going, Shit there all gonna be wondering where i am" I groan sitting up a little and hold my head in my hands, "Careful not to wake Vox, He's a moody bitch when he gets woke up" Val says and i nod before me and Val get up, "I'll drive you but your shift starts at 6 till 12" Val groans as i put back on my clothes, "I'll drive you since Vox won't be getting up anytime soon, Where you going?" Val asks putting on his coat, "Uh, You know where you sent the limo to pick up me and angel?" i ask, "Charlie's hotel?" He asks, "Yeah, there" i yawn, "Here, your hairs a mess beautiful" He smiled handing me a hair brush, "Who made it a mess?" I tease back, "And i'll make you into a mess again sugar" He teases back and i turned a little red and proceeded to brush my hair, trying to ignore the comment, fuck these bite marks and hickeys are all over me. "You ready?" He asked lighting another long cigarette, "you smoke so much" I comment, "you yap so much" He says with a smirk, "Ready baby?" He asks blowing smoke towards me, "Yeah" i smile, "i got you something by the way" Valentino smiles before pulling a box out his coat and handing me it. "A phone?" i ask, the phone seemed to be Vox's brand, "yup, aren't i good to you" he says lifting up my chin to face him, smiling down at me with his red eyes. "Thanks Val" "Your welcome sugar, let's get you home now, you have a long shift later" he smiles before smacking my ass hard, We get to the limo and jump in, "want a drink before you go?" He asks, "just one" I say and he smirks before pouring me one and i quickly finish it before we arrive outside the hotel, "there you go baby, my numbers already in the phone so give me a call whenever sugar" he smiles before smacking my ass again as i was getting out the car, "Really" i say sounding a little annoyed as he laughed before the car drove off. i walk into the hotel to see everyone in the lobby, "Y/n?" Angel says as i smile a little, "Holy shit, where were you? are you okay?" He asks walking over to me, "Yeah i'm fine" "Oh shit look at you, had fun last night tits?" Angel questions with a smirk, and i giggle a little, "So, who was all of that" Angel asks gesturing towards my neck and collarbone, "Your not gonna believe who" I say, a little excited, "Who was it, they seem like a kinky bastard" Angel smirks, looking down at my red wrists, "Okay so, Val invited me back to their studio with Vox and-" "Valentino?" Angel questions, cutting me off, "yeah" i say, watching the panic fill his face, "what?" I ask, confused, "Y/n, there's some shit you don't know about Val" Angel said, looking concerned, "He can get violent, very fast Y/n, i'm not saying he'll hit you, but i've seen him hit some of the girls, even hurt his Velvettes employees in a rage, so just be careful" Angel said seriously, It still feels like he's not telling me something. "Wait what?" I ask, No way, I mean i could tell he was a little snippy but he doesn't seem like an abuser, "im not gonna sit here and tell you what to do but i suggest you don't go back to the studio or anywhere with him again but if your gonna take anything any further with him, remember you can talk to me about anything okay" Angel says placing his hand on my shoulder, "absolutely anything Y/n" Angel says softly, "Okay, thanks Angel, really, i'll be careful" I say, "Oh what's your number by the way, So you aren't wondering if i'm okay all night anymore if i don't turn up" i chuckle, "good idea a toots, my number is +666 258363681" Angel says as i type it in and send him a text before he quickly adds me to a group chat. "this has everyone at this hotel in it, except smiles, he doesn't like phones, or anything like that he has this whole thing with Vox apparently, they're always fighting, Wait, did you say Val AND Vox?" Angel questions, "Uh, yeah" I said a little confused, "you managed to get them to stop arguing long enough to fuck you!? HOW!?" Angel asked and we both burst into laughter, "WAIT" I yell, startling angel, "What?" He asks, "I seen how you were looking at that Cat with the wings the other night, who's he" I smile and Angel gets a tint of blush across his cheeks, "I think i like him? like genuinely, not just trying to fuck him, there's something about him i just kinda like" Angel says as i stare in awe, "He just thinks i'm tryna get money out of him" Angel sighs, "Wait what?" "I duno, He just doesn't seem interested, Which is a first by the way" Angel adds, lifting the mood a little. "And soon everyone will want a piece of you sugar tits" Angel smirked. "Oh Y/n! Hi! Your rooms ready now, here, it's number 12" Charlie smiles handing me some Keys, "Thanks Charlie" I smile, "Anything you need, you know where to find me!" She smiled before leaving, "I want Details on last night" Angel said looking at me with amusement, "Seriously i've fucked Val but Vox? They've not shut up long enough for me to even get a conversation out of Vox" Angel laughs, "Hello dear" Says Alastor, just kind of appearing which startled me. "Holy Satan" I say, startled, "Smile, you're never fully dressed without one you know" Alastor chuckles in a strange voice, i don't know if i'll ever get used to his voice, "So, Where were ya last night" I hear a girl say, i turn to see Vaggie staring at me with a tint of anger in her eyes, "Oh i just got a little caught up with something sorry" i say brushing my hair with my fingers to cover my neck while crossing my other set of arms. "Charlie thought you bailed" Vaggie says angrily, "Well, I'm back" i say, unsure of what to say to the angry girl before she just rolls her eyes and walked off, when i turned back to face Angel i noticed Alastor had disappeared, "And there goes smiles" Angel chuckles, "Anyway wanna go shopping at the end of the month? When you get your first paycheck" "Yeah!" I beam, "We can get some more outfits to suit you more! and we can do up your room!" Angel beams, "Wanna watch tv?" "Wont Alastor have a problem with that?" "Eh, who cares, if he comes by we can annoy him into leaving" Angel smiled, "First time i met him, offered to suck his dick, he's basically only spoke to me if he's had too since" Angel says looking proud of himself, "i'll go set see what's on, get some drinks and come up to my room" Angel smiles before walking off and i head towards the bar where Husk was sat, sipping a bottle that was literally labelled, "cheep booze" i giggled to myself a little before leaning up against the bar. "Whatcha want, eh, Y/n? right?" He asks, "Yeah, Two of F/D please" I say, he just sighs and begins grabbing the drinks before handing me them, "So, what do you do in your free time" i ask, trying to see if i could find out more about him to help Angel. "i ain't got no free time" He says, his face falling into an annoyed expression, "cmon Whiskers, your bound to get up to something" i say, trying to drag something out of him, "Call me whiskers again and i'll spit in your next drink" He growls, "Aw, i just wanna get to know you kitty" I smirk, pissing him off more. "And what do you get up to in your free time, looks like some rough shit" Husk says pointing to my neck and collarbone, "Oh fuck off" I chuckle, "Isn't Angel waiting on you?" Husk asks, trying to make me leave quicker, "Yeah, better get going Whiskers" I giggle as i hear a small growl come from him before heading upstairs to Angels room with the drinks, "What took ya so long" Angel says as i hand him his drink, "Sorry, I was talking to your little boyfriend" I tease, "He does not like nicknames" i chuckle, "I know, called him whiskers once and he threatened to shove a bottle down my throat" Angel smirks, "Kinda kinky if you ask me" He adds with a grin, Whiskers is Angels nickname for him? i'll just call him husk then. "Anyway, What Movie ya wanna watch tits" "You pick" I say, "Mind if i grab something a little more comfy?" I ask, "Bitch, ya don't need to ask, what's mine is yours, help yourself" He says sipping his drink as i do the same before grabbing one of his hoodies and changing into that before sitting next to him, He had put on a movie with a bunch of small red demons, "Oh, there imps by the way, and the dogs-like demons are hellhounds" Angel says, "In the show or in real life" i question "both, Imps are the second lowest class of demon down here then hellhounds are at the very bottom" Angel chuckles as we continue to watch the movie. Is that why Val kept screaming at the small red girl, "Details" Angel says grinning at me as i take a mouthful from my drink, "So-
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