Chapter 13

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Y/n's pov
"Mh, thanks baby" Val says, zipping back up his trousers as i lit a cigarette with my uncuffed hands, before Val started rubbing my thighs, "You look so hot like this baby" He smirked examining me before grabbing my face and kissing me harshly and i moan a little as i feel him smirk into the kiss before moving along my neck, leaving a trail of saliva before biting down on my neck causing me to gasp as my vision got fuzzy, "V-Val, stop" I mutter out, struggling to speak, I tried to look at him through my double vision but all i could see was his gold tooth shining through his smile, he quickly went back and bit down harder on my neck, "Stop, too m-much" I slur, dropping my cigarette as his red eyes glowed with amusement before chuckling, "Y/n, shut the fuck up" He smirked as i held my head and tried to push him away with my other arms, but failed horribly. "Are you actually trying to push me, your fucking pathetic" He laughed before taking my cigarette off the ground and relighting it, "Look at you" He smirked grabbing my face as i tried to look at him though double vision, "Just a whore, your fucking nothing without me, don't forget that" He hissed before taking a drag and blowing the smoke in my face as i passed out.

{ later }
Y/n's pov
"Oh, shut the fuck up whore, she's gonna be fine" I hear a voice say as i slowly start to open my eyes, It's Vox, "I'll send her home once she wakes up, She's just tired" Vox said as my head began to pound, fuck. "Who the fuck are you talking to!" Vox yelled down the phone which startled me and he glanced over, noticing i was awake, "Look she's fine i've got to go, i'll get her to call you" Vox hissed before hanging up and throwing the phone next to me, wait that's my phone, "Who was that?" I ask, "Angel, he's wondering where you are but i told him your fine" Vox sighed, "How long have i been out" I ask, sitting up realising i was in his bed, "A couple hours, I think you just passed out when i got you, Val was pissed that you passed out and was trying to 'smack you awake' As he put it, i iced your face but your gonna need more" Vox said, "Is angel okay" I ask, trying to change the subject, "He's fine, just worried" Vox said as i started scanning the room, "You got any liquor?" I ask as he just groans in annoyance, "You know where it is" he sighed as i got up before almost collapsing, but i catch myself, "Too much dick recently" Vox teased, "I can take more if that's what you mean baby" I smirked as his tv screen buffered, "The f-f-fuck did you ju-jus say to me-" He cut up, snapping his head towards me with a light shade of pink across his cheeks as i come closer, "You heard me voxy" I smirked inching closer to him as he looked at me with lust filled eyes, "Your such a fucking tease" "I'm not teasing Voxy, you can have me" I smirk before he grabs my cheek softly and kissed me roughly as i quickly leaned into it while he caressed the bruise on my cheek with his tumb as he slips his tongue in my mouth and i gasp before he pulls away, his eyes filling with guilt. "What?" I ask a little confused, kinda missing his touch. "Y/n, i can't okay, look just get out" He sighs, turning away from me as i stare at him, "Wait what? Vox-" "Get the fuck out whore!" He yelled causing me to flinch as the fear quickly shifted to anger, "Fine then you lonely cunt" I yell back, tears prickling my eyes a little as i head towards his room door, "Fuck you" I spat before slamming his door as the tears started to spill out my eyes, What the fuck is his problem. "What's wrong baby?" Val asked, sounding concerned as i turned to face him, "Oh, come here baby it's okay" He soothed, pulling me into his arms as i hugged back tightly, crying. "I'm always here for you baby, i'm the only person you need" He says playing with my hair as i tried to stop crying, "Thanks" I sniffle before we pull apart, "Go get comfy on the couch, I'll grab you a drink" He said softly, i nodded. After a few minutes Val came back with pillows, blankets and a bottle. "Here you go sugar" He said handing me the bottle, as i sipped it Val sat next to me and pulled me into his chest, fixing the blanket over us. "You want me to take you out tomorrow? we can go to a club after your shift" He offered, playing with my hair and wrapping his other set of arms around me. "Okay, thanks Val, your always here for me" I sigh, my eyes puffy from crying. I slowly began to get tipsy from the drink before Vox came out his room and i began sinking further into Val's chest, letting him consume me as i looked to Vox with puffy eyes, He glanced over with a hint of guilt in his eyes before he sighed and headed into the elevator, leaving, I should probably let angel know i'm okay. I quickly pull out my phone and text Angel


Just wanted to let you know everything's fine I'll be home tomorrow i'm staying the night sorry

It's fine as long as your okay
istg if he's done anything i'll kill him myself
message me when you wake up tits

Thanks angel really
seen 22:37

"You know what might help you feel better sugar?" Val said smirking as i looked up at him, putting my phone down before he kissed me roughly, slipping his tongue into my mouth, and his poison, but i don't care, Atleast Val cares about me, he's just trying to cheer me up. After a few minutes we pull apart as i gasp for air, feeling dazed, "Don't you feel better now baby" Val coos as i nod slowly, "I love you" I smile softly, the poison and alcohol taking an effect, "I know baby, i love you too" He smiled before pulling me closer to his chest, if that was even possible and i slowly began to drift off, feeling kinda safe in his arms
Hope you enjoyed bbys😋😋

1140 words💗

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