Chapter 10

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Y/n's pov
"Y/n, we're gonna be late" Val says tapping my arm as i groan and roll over, "You need to get up baby" He says and i sit up, "What time is it?" I question, "half 11 your shift starts at 12, we need to get going" Val says, "is all your shit at that hotel?" He asks, "yeah" "then let's move i'll send my car out to get you at 12 move" Val says as i head down the stairs seeing Vox and Velvet talking, Vox glances over and i glare back before jumping in the limo with Valentino. "Gonna miss you baby" He says, placing a hand on my thigh, "I wont be long Val, don't worry" I smile, "Good" he smirked, after a few minutes we arrived outside the hotel and i get out before a hand grabs one of my wrists and i turn back to face Val, "Don't keep me waiting" He says, his voice laced with a flirty tone as i nod before heading into the hotel. "Hey, are you okay?" Angel quickly says running over to me and inspecting me, "you look like shit" Husk says, "Oh shut up furry" I groan before heading upstairs, Angel following behind me, "Your face is-" "It's fine" I say, cutting him off and sitting down infront of my mirror. The bruise wasn't even covered, i was covered in bite marks and hickeys, my hair was all tangled, shit i really am a mess. "Where'd you go last night?" Angel quickly asks sitting down on the bed, "Went to speak to Val" I say, starting to do my makeup and covering the bruise. "Clearly went well" He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, "I know right, we're matching!" I say obnoxiously and angel chuckles softly, "Other than that everything's okay though, right?" Angel asks and i nod, blending the makeup into the bruise, "Can you grab me a outfit" I ask, dodging his question as he sighs before heading over to my wardrobe, "Here" He says, "this is hot" He smirks and i turn around, he's holding up a short tight backless crimson red dress, it had a heart in the center which revealed my chest a bit but it was fine, i'm not in the mood to care Vox already pissed me off enough. "I love it" I said staring in awe at the outfit, "i knew ya would tits, can you stick around tonight? we could have a movie night or suhin then you can spend tomorrow here, properly meet everyone, we can even do some of charlie's crappy sessions" Angel suggests, looking at me with a little bit of sadness, "Maybe, i don't know i might need to go back with Val" i say brushing my hair and putting on the necklace Val got me, "It's just cause i get worried about you, you know? there with Val all by yourself, i just don't trust him" Angel says sympatheticly, "I'll be fine Angel" I say a little more sternly, starting to get annoyed. "Seriously Y/n, i just don't-" "I gotta get going, i'll talk later Angel, bye" I say flashing a smile and cutting him off, grabbing the outfit and shoes before heading into the bathroom and getting changed into it, it barely covered my ass and my boobs were barely covered but i don't really care it looked hot, i put on my thigh high black and red boots before heading downstairs, Husk was sat behind the bar with a little red girl, i think Angel said her name was Nifty or something? "Something strong" I smile sitting down and making my voice slightly higher pitched. "Before work?" Husk questioned, "Just a little boost" I add before texting Val that i was ready. Husk hands me a drink and i quickly finish it, "Another, please" I say handing him back the glass as he raises a brow, "Shit night?" He questions, "None of your business" I glare, my high pitched tone disappearing, "Just asking" He says pouring me another before my phone vibrated, it's Val, his car must be there, i quickly tanned the drink before placing it back down, "Thanks whiskers" I smirk as he growled and i headed out the door, Val's limo was waiting and i got in. "You look gorgeous" Val smirks, his pink saliva pooling at the side of his mouth, spilling a little. "Thanks" I smile, "Right, 3 film shoots and then your on at the club for 3 hours, but you can spend some of that time with me" Val smirked, "Okay" I smiled before he kissed me softly and the drowsy feeling came over me and i smiled into the kiss. "Here" The driver said and we got out the car, as we entered the studio i was shown to a set, it just looked like a bedroom, pretty normal i guess, "Y/n these are your co-workers, Do there names matter?" Val said chuckling at the last bit, pointing to 3 demons, "We start in 3!" Val shouted as we all headed over to the set, Wait i was doing all of them? Fuck sake

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