Chapter 8

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Y/n's pov
I wake up, drowsy and hungover on the couch in the lobby, i look around to see Husk sat with angel, holding an ice pack to angels eye, "your both fucking idiots" I hear husk say to Angel, "I had to try something Husk, it's my fault, she doesn't even realise yet how fucked he is" Angel says with a sigh before i sit up and the atmosphere quickly shifted, "Morning tits" Angel smiled, "You two drunk fucks didn't even make it to the stairs before i had to drag your asses to the couch" Husk bitches and i chuckle, "Sorry Whiskers" Angel coos as Husk glares at him, "What's with the Ice pack?" I question, "Not sure, probably fell last night on our way home, we were so fucked" He chuckles half heartedly, I looked at my phone to see i had a few missed calls from Val and a ton of texts.


Why the fuck did you send Angel to try
and stick up for you?
I haven't even done anything
Baby stop ignoring me
Y/n i swear to satan
You think that slut can protect you?
I'll kill both of you
Y/n baby answer
I swear to fuck if you keep ignoring me
you think a higher dose of
poisons bad?
Get a fucking grip you whore
Fucking answer me bitch

I stared at the messages for a minute in shock, before it quickly turned to anger, "He hit you?" I said in anger as Angel and Husks face fell.  "It's nothing new to him, don't worry about it" Angel says and all i can feel is anger bubbling over me before i quickly get up, "And where the fuck are you going?" Husk questions looking to me, "To go sort something" I say before walking out the hotel and heading towards the studio. After i get off the bus i walk into the studio where i see Velvet, "Where's Val" I ask, "Up in his tower, How?" Velvet asked but i ignored her and went into the elevator, The doors opened, revealing a massive pink cloud of smoke completely covering his bed, "Val" I say, before he emerged from the center of the smoke, "What the fuck is your problem" I say again as i can now see him, "Why the fuck was Angel banging on my door, giving me shit over you, baby" Val yells as i stare in anger, Who the fuck does he think he is, "Better question, Why the fuck are you lifting your fucking hands to him" I yell back as he stares in Anger before lifting his hand and sending me falling back onto the floor, my cheek stinging. He quickly then grabbed me by shirt and held me up, "Who the fuck are you talking to" He yells before throwing me across the room, i scrambled back, tears forming in my eyes from fear and pain while he took a deep breath, "See, Look what you've made me do now" He soothed as i clutched my face in horror, Tears spilling down my cheeks as he looks at me with amusement, "Come here Sugar" He smirked before smoke quickly formed into pink chains that wrapped round my neck and he slowly pulled me closer to him, fear filling me. "it's okay baby" He said softly pulling me into a hug with the chains as i cried in his arms, terrified. "Don't Ever speak to me like that again" He said seriously as he rubbed my back softly while i cried, "Sorry" i said through tears into his arms, "It's okay baby, wipe your tears and go get a drink" He says as the chains quickly vanished back into smoke and he let me go, i quickly left the room and went to go grab a drink but i just grabbed the bottle and started pouring it down my throat, just wanting to forget about whatever that was, "You look like shit" I hear a voice say from the couch, I turn around to see Vox, "Shut up you flat faced prick" I mutter taking another swig from the bottle, "you'll need ice" He says as fear starts to fill me, did he hear that? "what do you mean" I say, not turning to face him, "For your face? there's some under the cups" He says and i grab some before sitting next to him on the couch, sipping my bottle and holding the ice to my cheek while hugging my legs. "it's not too late to get away you know" He sighs, "you've still got your soul" He adds, "I sold him it" I mutter, as he chuckled, "Course you did" he says, "I'd say you'll be fine but i'm not a liar" "are you always this much of a dickhead" i say glaring at him, "Usually, my towers on the left if you need to get away from him though" He says, "Thanks" I add before Vox comes closer to me and moves the ice, looking at my face as i feel embarrassed, "What a fucking cunt" He says sounding a little pissed, "Yeah" I sigh covering my face again with the ice before Vox puts his arm around me and i lean into it a little, "It'll be okay" He sighs, "Thought you weren't a liar?" I say as he sighs before placing his other arm around me comfortingly as i take a sip from my bottle, "you sure love a drink" He chuckles, "That's what i died of" I laugh halfheartedly, "doesn't surprise me" he chuckles, "Y/n" I hear Val shout from the other room, dragging out the last letter as Vox sighed in annoyance, "You want me to deal with it?" "It's fine" I sigh, "thanks though" i say before he grabs my phone and quickly starts typing, "What are you doing?" I ask, "Now you've got my number, just incase, i know what he can be like and if you can't get back to the hotel i'm a message away" He says, "Y/n!" Val shouts sounding more annoyed, "i've got to go, thanks" I smile before heading back into Valentino's room, my heart pounding with fear as i gripped the bottle. "What took you so long?" he questioned, grabbing my face softly to make me look at him as i winced in pain "Nothing, sorry-" "shh" He smirked, cutting me off and pulling me into his body before licking my neck, quickly biting down harshly as i gasped instantly feeling drowsy before he pushed me onto the bed as i stared at him with double vision.

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