Chapter 14

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Y/n's pov
"Morning Sugar" Val smiled at me as i groggily sat up, "Morning Val" I sigh, rubbing my eyes, "Your shift starts at 12 but there's still ages until then so, you want breakfast?" "Yeah sure" I smile, "Okay get ready sugar" Val smiles as i get up and head through his room picking out a outfit before he came in, "aw baby cmere" He says, before leaning down infront of me and reaching into his pocket as a pit began to form in my stomach, "Cant have your pretty face black and blue, can we" He smiled before patting some concealer onto the bruises on my face and i smiled half heartedly as he set it with powder, "There, now let's see what clothes we've got for you" Val smirked while heading over to the wardrobe as i sat on the bed and admired him, he's so, stop Y/n, it's just a act, but, oh satan is he good at it. "what about this?" He suggests holding out a magenta off  shoulder top and a pair of plain tight black shorts, "This with some fishnets and your black boots with the stripe will be gorgeous baby" "Yes!" I smile and grab the outfit from him as he smirked, "I'll go get your shoes, fishnets are in the drawer" He smiled before heading out. I quickly grabbed the fishnets and got changed before admiring myself in his mirror, I looked gorgeous, "Here" Val smiled handing me the thigh high boots, "Thanks" I smiled before putting on the boots, "You look so sexy baby" Val smirked, placing his arms around my waist and another set over my shoulders. "if i hadn't already called in for a table, i'd fuck you right now" He whispered into my ear as i turned a bit red, "let's go" He smiled, "okay" I smiled before we started to make our way to the car, "Valentino!" I hear Velvette shout before Val's expression changed into an annoyed one, "What" He hissed turning to face her as her and Vox approached us, Vox not looking up from his phone, "where are you going? I need to talk to you about something" Velvette said, placing a hand on her hip before turning her attention to me, "Do you like the top? Are the boots comfy? I designed them myself" Velvette questioned, "Yeah, i love the colour" I smile, "She looks so hot, doesn't she?" Val smirked, "Duh, look at her, she's stunning!" Velvette smiled at me as i smiled back, she's so sweet! I turn to look at Val but his eyes are on Vox who was just staring aimlessly at his phone, "Voxy, tell my whore she looks hot" Val smirked as Vox glared up at him, "fuck off Val" He muttered, "Excuse me?" Val hissed, "Will you two stop bitching at eachother" Velvette hissed, "anyway, I was wondering if Y/n could do some modelling for my more skimpy clothes, your just gorgeous y/n and have all the right curves and your an up in coming face in hell" Velvette smiled, "I-" "She'll do it, but i want cut in" Val quickly said cutting me off, What a cunt! "Yeah, yeah, you'll get your cut" Velvette said rolling her eyes and sounding annoyed while Val smirked, "Right well, we better get going before we're late" Val said before turning around and heading to the car as i began to follow, "Wait! Y/n! I need you to sign some paperwork for it" Velvette yelled as Val turned, looking annoyed, "Y/n, go sign it and be quick" He huffed before heading out to the car as i walked back over to Vox and Velvette, she gave me a pen and handed me some paperwork as i began looking for where to sign, "Not even gonna read it no? Just like when you signed your soul away" Vox hissed as i glared at him, "Shut up flat face" I spat before skimming over it, "Its just how much you get paid and how many shoots you'll do which is 2" Velvette smiled as i signed, "Done" I smiled handing it to Velvette, "Okay thanks" She smiled "I better go-" "yeah Val's probably missing his little cock sleeve" Vox smirked as rage filled me, "The fuck did you just call me?" I yelled, turning to face Vox as i felt the other eyes on my face open, "What, ya deaf now too?" Vox glares at me before i slapped him across the face as shock and anger began to show in his eyes, "Did you just put your filthy f-fucki-ing h-handdddz on m-me" Vox yelled in a deep voice while cutting up, "Fucking do something about it" I hissed, "O-OHHH Y-Y-YOU STU-U-UUPID FUC-FUCKING SL-LUT!" He yelled while buffering before trying to come towards me before Velvette stopped him, "That's enough" She states. "What the fuck is taking so long!" Val yelled coming back in, "Your little fucking pet had the fucking balls t—to f-f-fucki-ing hit m-me" Vox yelled, "she-" Val started before stopping and turning to me, "You fucking hit my business partner" Val said before coming closer to me as panic started to fill me, "Val he fucking-" I started before Val lifted his hand and slapped me across the face as i fumbled back a bit, "He called me a-" "I don't fucking care what he called you ya fucking whore" he spat before pushing me up against a wall, towering over me as fear filled me. "Val" I heard Velvette mutter before Val slapped me again, leaving my face stinging as tears began to form in my eyes, "Don't ever fucking lift your hands to my business partner again, got that slut" He yelled in my face as tears began to fall from my eyes out of fear, "Y-Yeah" I stuttered, trying to stop the tears from falling before he grabbed me by the hair roughly and threw me to the floor as i groaned hitting the cold hard floor while he towered over me, "you say 'Yes Val" He smiled sadisticly down at me as i looked up with teary eyes, "Y-Yes Val" I said as my voice broke, "Wont happen again" He smiled to Vox as Vox nodded, Val grabbed me by the scalp and i let out a hiss of pain as he turned me to face Vox as i looked at the ground, feeling embarrassed, "Apologies to my partner" Val hissed, "Val-" Vox started before he was cut off, "Sugar" Val said while tugging my hair a little, "Sorry" I said through tears, keeping my eyes on the ground to try and keep some of my dignity despite Val just ripping it all away from me before he shoved my head back to the floor, "Get up and go fix your face, we're late so hurry up" Val hissed, "Yes V-Val" I stuttered while scrambling to my feet and heading upstairs, keeping my eyes on the floor as tears began streaming down my face.

Vox's Pov
"O-OHHH Y-Y-YOU STU-U-UUPID FUC-FUCKING SL-LUT!" I yelled while buffering, I'll fucking kill this stupid bitch! i began walking over to her before Velvette put her arm out to stop me "That's enough" Velvette states. "What the fuck is taking so long!" Val yelled coming back in,  "Your little fucking pet had the fucking balls t—to f-f-fucki-ing hit m-me" I yelled, "she-" Val started before stopping and turning to Y/n before realisation kicked in and i looked to Velvette who clearly knew what was going to happen too, "You fucking hit my business partner" Val said before coming closer to her as shame began to sink in, "Val he fucking-" she started before Val lifted his hand and slapped her across the face as she began to fumble back a bit, "He called me a-" "I don't fucking care what he called you ya fucking whore" he spat before pushing me her against a wall, as a pit began to form in my stomach. "Val" Velvette muttered as i looked away before Val slapped her again, I caused this, i'm a fucking asshole, "Don't ever fucking lift your hands to my business partner again, got that slut" He yelled at her "Y-Yeah" she stuttered, i could hear the pain and fear in her voice before he grabbed her by the hair roughly and threw her to the floor infront of me and Vel as i glanced down at the broken girl on the floor, feeling nothing but guilt, "you say 'Yes Val" He smiled sadisticly down at her as rage began to fill me, "Y-Yes Val" she said as threw tears, "Wont happen again" Val smiled to me as i nodded, wanting this to be over before Val grabbed her by the scalp and turned her to face me, her eyes were filled with fear and embarrassment,"Apologies to my partner" Val hissed as i realised what he was about to make her do and i began trying to shut it down, "Val-" I started before he cut me off, "Sugar" Val said while tugging her hair a little, this is fucking overkill "Sorry" she said through tears and keeping her eyes on the ground as i looked down with guilt before Val shoved her head back to the floor, "Get up and go fix your face, we're late so hurry up" Val hissed, "Yes V-Val" she stuttered while scrambling to her feet and heading upstairs, not looking up from the ground. "She wont lift her hands again" Val smiled, "That was unnecessary Val" Velvette stated as the guilt ate at me, "Oh come on, she needs to learn her place" Val said, trying to justify himself, "There was no need for that though" i muttered, "You only have something to say because you wanna fuck the little whore, i mean, if you want it that badly voxy just say the word and you can" Val teased as rage began to fill me, "Not everything is about fucking sex" I glared, "What then? Don't tell me you love that tramp or something" Val said raising a brow, "No, I'm just not a fucking pig" I spat as he squeaked, "Watch who your fucking talking to" He hissed, "Y/n! Hurry up!" He yelled before heading back out to the car, leaving me and Velvette stood there before Y/n came rushing down the stairs but before she could pass us i grabbed her arm, "Y/n You don't need to go" I said before she pulled herself out my grip, "Yes, I do" She stated with a shakey voice yet still trying to sound confident before trying to walk off but i grabbed her arm again, "Vel, could you go with Val? Tell him i've got Y/n sorting something for me" I sighed before Velvette nodded and headed outside. "Come on" I sighed before she followed me upstairs, looking like a lost dog before i sat on the couch, "What do you want me to sort" She sighed, sounding annoyed. "Nothing, grab yourself a drink and sit if you want" I sighed as she did.

Y/n's pov
"Nothing grab yourself a drink and sit if you want" Vox sighed before i went and got a drink and sat down, sipping it as Vox put on the tv, "I'm sorry" He sighed, looking at me with guilt in his eyes before i noticed them trailing along my swollen face. "Whatever, i don't care anyway" I said trying to sound confident yet still terrified after that embarrassing scene, "I'm sorry y/n" He repeated as i felt tears pricking at my eyes again, "Vox, nothing happened it's fine, I can take more than that" I said as a tear fell from eyes while he stared at me with hurt in his eyes before reaching his arms out and gently pulling me into his chest, hugging me softly, "I'm sorry" He repeated as tears began to fill from my eyes and onto his suit as i embraced the hug, "Why d-did he do that" I stuttered out through tears as he hugged me tighter and softly rubbed my back before the door flew open and i jamp back before locking eyes with Velvette who had a worried look in her eyes, "When i fucking say, 'we're going out' I mean we're going out, not me and fucking Velvette!" Val yelled as i jamp up and wiped my face, "Yes Val, Sorry" I quickly said, pulling myself together and leaving Vox on the couch looking guilty as i sped towards Val who had a smile plastered on his face, "Cmere baby" Val smirked before roughly grabbing me by the waist and kissing me as a pleasant euphoric feeling came over me, completely wiping away the fear and terror from me before pulling away, "Better baby?" Val smirked, "Y-yes Val" I said, trying to think straight but the feeling was taking over, "Let's go baby" He smiled before we both got into the elevator and headed downstairs and getting into the car.
2226 words💕
sorry for taking ages i've been sick with the flu but it's going away now🥰
(Val's a bitch)

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