Chapter 16

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Angel Dust's pov
"Oh shut up you old bastard, if this was any other situation i would've killed you by now" Vox spat while buffering "don't lose connection now" Alastor teased as i stared at Val who looked pissed, "Stop arguing please guys" Charlie sighed, Y/n was still dead, Limbo can take days and i don't think i could handle having Val around the hotel for that long. "Your the princess of hell, can you not speed this up?! You any idea the money i'm losing right now" Val yelled, "Not everything's about money" husk said as Sir pentious gawked at being in the presence of Vox and Val, it's like he looks up to them. "The fuck did you just say to me, whiskers" Val yelled, "Don't speak to him like that" Alastor spat, "He'll speak to your little lap cat however he fucking wants" Vox yelled, "Yeah i will!" Val yelled before standing up and towering over husk as fear filled my body and i quickly grabbed husk and pulled him behind me, "The fuck are you doing Angelcakes?" He said with a fake smile plastered across his face as fear filled me, "Stop fucking arguing! she's up!" Vaggie yelled as everyone turned to look at Y/n, who was sat up, looking exhausted.

Y/n's pov
i woke up surrounded by everyone from the hotel and Vox and Val, jesus christ! They were all at each others throats, "Stop fucking arguing! she's up!" Vaggie yelled as everyone turned to look at me as i sat up, "are you okay sugar? sorry daddy wasn't there to help you" Val said, coming over to the side of my bed as i could see the disgust on angels face, poor angel. "we've got the fucker that spiked your drink and Val shot him with angelic bullets, so he wont be coming back" Vox said, "Are you okay?" Charlie asked, "What happened?" I asked, "You died dear" Alastor said, "I- what? I'm thought i was already dead?" I questioned, "Yeah, You can still die down here but you come back, unless your killed with angelic weapons, then your like dead, dead" Charlie smiled sympathetically as i tried to make sense of whatever she just said, "You've missed a couple shifts but you can make up for it later so it's fine" Val said, "Does everything always just mean money and sex to you? she fucking died give her a break" Husk said, "You'll fucking die in a minute if you don't shut the fuck up kitty" Val hissed to Husk, "touch him, i dare you" Alastor spat as BJ jamp up onto my bed, "Stop fucking bitching at eachother" I winced, "We wouldn't even be here if whiskers woulda let me take you" Vox sighed, "Yeah, because i'm gonna let the guy who let her get spiked take her back to her abusive boss" Husk hissed as the room fell silent, rage radiating of Valentino. "get out of my hotel" Charlie quickly said to Val and Vox, "Excuse me?" Val spat back, "You come in here, threaten my staff and residents, complain about money, and show me zero respect, Leave before i have you escorted out" Charlie said as a smile plastered across Alastor's face, "Do you know who the fuck i am?" Val hissed, "You heard her, Out, Now" Vaggie said pointing her spear at Val. "Let's just go Val" Vox said, noticing the angelic weapon pointed right in his business partners face. "Good decision" Alastor beamed as Vox and Val left. "Y/n are you okay?" Angel asked, "Yeah i'm fine" "what happened? they did a number on your face" pentious said as embarrassment filled me, "Where's my makeup?" I asked, instantly wanting to hide it as it was from Val. "Guys give her space" Charlie said, "Angel can you stay?" I asked as he nodded, "Can husk?" He asked as i felt a little annoyed but nodded as everyone left except angel and husk. "That was Val wasn't it" Angel sighed, "It's better than it looks" i sigh, "I fucking knew it! And what's with that fucking tv guy, he wouldn't stop fucking bitching" Husk said as angel began patting concealer into my bruises, "He's fine, there both fine" "Y/n I found you blacking out on the pavement and he was just sat with you doing nothing!" Husk yelled a little, "He was trying! It was my fault not his" I yelled, "I was trying to piss him off and the guy i was using to do it spiked me" I said as angel powdered my face. "I think you should stay here for a while" Angel said, "Maybe" I sighed, "look i'm gonna get some sleep i'm exhausted" I added as they nodded, "Okay well, i'm a room away if ya need anything tits, i care" Angel says, "I know, thank you" I said as they left and i rolled over onto my side as BJ cuddled into me, "why the fuck would he call you BJ" i chuckled before my phone dung and i opened it, it was Val

Hey sugar come over when
your better i miss you and i'm
sorry i wasn't there to help sooner
Love you baby
                                                          Love you too Val
                                              liked by Valentino at 23:37

                                                                      Come over
                                                                      Come over
You need anything?
course ya need that
                                                                just hurry up
                                                                        seen at 23:42

After what felt like forever Vox finally got here. "What do you need, i got your drink" Vox said coming over to me, "I just wanted you here" I said sitting up and taking the drink from him, sipping it. "Why?" He asked, "Just, cos okay? I mean, leave if you wanna" I said, "No, i wanna stay" Vox said as i smiled before i patted a spot next to me. "I'm in a suit" He said, "Can you not sleep in a suit?" I said, "I'm staying?" He asked, "If you want" "sure" He said before kicking off his shoes and jumping in beside me, "look Y/n, i'm really sorry for everything recently-" "it's not your fault it's fine" I said cutting him off. "Val seems worried about you" Vox sighed, "He really was pissed, but i don't know if that was just because he was losing money" Vox added as a pit filled my stomach, He does care about me, not the money. Right? "I'm tired can we sleep?" I asked, "Sure, two seconds" He said before taking off his blazer and shirt before laying back down with me, I cuddled into his chest as he placed his arm around me and i slowly began to drift off to sleep in his arms, feeling BJ purr in between us.

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