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Taehyung was unable to fall asleep that night. That dude had his whole attention. Tae did not send a message to Mr. Leather Jacket days ago because he had made a bet with himself. That bet was that if he saw Mr. Jeon again, he would perceive it as the world rewarding him and fulfilling him his most desired wish. He promised himself that if their paths crossed again without him actively seeking him out, he would never let him go so lightly, nor would he hesitate or hold back in pursuing what he desired. He would then think of him as the guy fate had chosen for him.

So now that it's occurred, and it happened in just a few days after he last saw him, Taehyung's determination is stronger than ever. He was planning to do this. There was no going back!

That night, Taehyung was unable to sleep. He was eager to phone Jimin, but he needed to wait for the man's message first. He needed to know when they were going to meet again so Tae could plan accordingly. However, as time passed, there was no single 'ring' from his phone to indicate that he had received a message, and he began to feel uneasy. He started texting on his phone, meaning to send him a message, but it was more difficult than he expected. He didn't sure how to begin that topic. He had never tried anything like this before. Boys were typically the ones to phone or text him initially. Should he phone him? What shall he say? Should he ask?

Taehyung spent an hour rolling on his bed, clutching his phone firmly and staring at it every other second, attempting to make a decision. He knew that even something as simple as this was not easy. Now that he thought about it, did the lads that messaged him behave similarly? Tae shook his head, then rose and leaned against his sky-blue headboard.

He attempted to recollect the initial texts from those lads, but his pupils squinted.

He ultimately discovered that practically all of them started with a simple 'Hi!'.

Taehyung leaned his chin on his finger, like a detective attempting to piece together some critical information, and began typing the word 'Hi'.

Unfortunately, he was unable to transmit it. He believed this specific term was a touch dull and too basic. Would he even respond if he only sent this one word? But what more could he say than this? Should he inquire whether he was already asleep? Taehyung sighed in exasperation. He realized he was overthinking the situation, but it didn't assist him at all. It seems that talking to him in person was far superior to attempting to send him a message over the phone. It appeared as if he was more afraid of the phone than the person, which was quite bizarre.

Finally, Tae gave him a goodnight emoji, which depicted a white fluffy cat yawning as it fell asleep on a fluffy white cushion.

He then followed suit, falling into a dreamless slumber.

When he awoke the next morning, the first thing he did was search for his phone. He took a deep breath, and when he noticed that he had gotten a message from him, his pulse raced with nervousness. God, Tae! Why are you worried this early in the morning?!

[Mr. Mysterious Jeon: I'll have someone take you up on Saturday evening. If you change your mind, please let me know ahead of time.]

Taehyung's shoulders slumped as he moaned. He appeared to be still planning to give him ample time to reconsider his decision. He even appeared certain that he would! "Too bad, Mr. Jeon, but this man has decided, and I'm not changing my mind anymore..."


Days passed, and eventually, Saturday arrived.

Taehyung had informed his family that he would be staying over at Jimin's place that night. His family was familiar with Jimin since he had previously visited their home for sleepovers, giving them enough opportunity to get to know him. They were aware that he was the son of an affluent family and Tae's close buddy. Even though they knew Jimin well, his family was always concerned about him, so Tae invited Jimin over to speak with them.

After some severe warnings about booze, drugs, and guys, they eventually let them leave.

"Sigh, your family is...How should I put this?" Jimin began to drive his automobile towards the city. "I absolutely enjoy your family. I'm envious of your wonderful family, Tae, but they're overly protective of you. You are already twenty-two! I simply believe it's time for them to stop treating you like you're sixteen. I realize they're worried, but I don't think they should be so severe with you anymore."

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed as he explained. He knew Tae's family was merely demonstrating their care for her, but he occasionally wondered whether they truly gave Tae the freedom to do anything he wanted. However, he was also certain that some of it was Tae's fault. He was too kind and obedient. He was always home at the time he said he would, he never went out with boys, he never lied to them, and he would never go against their wishes. Jimin even wondered if Tae had any desires at all because he had always spent his life as a flawless vessel who did not appear to want anything for himself. It seems like he was content as long as he could make his family happy. He was the definition of a perfect, filial son.

This is why Jimin was so astonished to learn what Tae had intended to accomplish today. He was hesitant to assist him since he had never seen this Mr.Jeon person, but Jimin decided that now was the moment to support his friend. Tae had finally chosen to come out of his shell, so he needed to put his fears aside for the time being and simply support him as much as he could.

"That's okay. I understand that they simply want to ensure that nothing unpleasant occurs to me. Even though they appear rigid, I know that deep down, they may want me to go out more." Taehyung simply smirked at his pal, and Jimin could only shrug.

"Oh well." Now, I think about it, if I were in their shoes, I might be the same, especially when my beloved, well-behaved Tae suddenly decides to sleep over at his friend's house for the first time ever in his life!"

"Haha, I honestly don't see anything weird with that, though."

"Gosh! You've got no idea, Tae. I am telling you! Please don't distract me. You still have not responded to my questions! Tell me, this is only the first date, right? Jimin eventually started the grilling.

Fortunately, Tae was completely prepared for this, so he responded soon away.

"He stated that we will be attending a party hosted by his buddy. "He said I'd be his partner."

"After the party, you will have your first date, right?"


"And after the date, well... you know what might happen next, right?"

"Yes, of course..." I have a very solid notion what may happen next. I read a lot of romantic books."

"But you have never read smuts, Tae. Ah, I regret not giving you those R-18 novels to read. You were so naïve that I didn't suggest any of the R-18 novels to you. Sigh..."

Taehyung just blinked at what Jimin was saying. He thought he understood what his buddy was saying, but he couldn't see the link between the first date and R-18 literature. Tae did not want to concern his buddy, so he did not ask him to clarify. Besides, he would just show Jimin that he knew what he was doing.

"I will be alright, Jimin. Now you're behaving like my family, you know?" Tae smiled at him, and his pal could only moan.


Happy Reading

𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐌 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐄 (𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)Where stories live. Discover now