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He said his name, Taehyung. The passion in his eyes had vanished, and he was as calm as still water again. His eyes were fixed on him, as if he had made a firm choice to send this youngster far away from himself.

He had a feeling he was a kind, gentle, and good guy from the first time he met him. He saw in the way he talked and his mannerisms during their conversations that he may have had a secluded upbringing. He'd even wager that he was raised with solid morals and as a result grew up to be a nice and compassionate guy. He could tell because the boy's eyes were so clean and pure that he could look straight through them to his soul. Unlike his, his eyes were full of life; they weren't lifeless, and they seemed unable to conceal any secrets. His initial impression of him was that he was like an untouched river, clear and pure but also vigorous. But then, he suddenly told him he wanted to experience hell, even offering himself to him despite his warnings. What made him do it, bravery or stupidity? He didn't know, but his actions just kept on contradicting this judgment of his that he decided to believe that he might be wrong this time, even believing that he was just acting coy to try and get close to him like so many other men had previously done.

So, now that he had shown that he wasn't playing coy at all, he was upset at both himself and him. A youngster like him came from a happy, serene, and bright environment; he couldn't bring him into his painful world, his hell.

"I am not the man for you," he muttered with a harsh expression on his face, and before Tae could react, the man picked up his dress and handed it to him. "Get dressed. "I'll wait for you in the garden," he said, and then he went, leaving Tae alone in the big chamber.

Taehyung stared at the shredded garment in his hands, unable to believe what had just occurred. The phrase 'I am not the man for you' echoed in his head and he didn't know why but it stung him hard. He really had failed. He tried so hard to do what he wanted, to prove herself to him, but in the end, it seemed he really wasn't good enough.

So this was how it felt to be rejected... this stinging feeling in his heart; he didn't know that it felt like this.

Taehyung has always turned down potential lovers. He had never faced rejection before, maybe because no one had piqued his attention. He had not encountered somebody who could instill in him the desire to be with them. No one had ever made him behave so fearlessly until he met the mysterious Mr. Jeon.

He plainly heard him and did not want him, which was meant to be a positive thing in the first place.

Tae's thoughts were chaotic as he silently put on his dress. He had explicitly said that he would return after he had earned more experience and passed his exam, but the rejection that followed crushed his spirit. He was taken off guard by all of these unusual sensations and new experiences, and he had no idea how to react. Tae felt like weeping. Tears threatened to flow from his eyes, but he refused to allow them. He closed his eyes and forced back tears, taking slow, steady breaths to calm his mind and heart. When he felt more in control, he stepped out of the room.

When he arrived the garden and saw him standing there, facing the dark sky, Tae bit his lips. 'No, Tae! Get a hold of yourself!' he inwardly berated himself.

The man sensed his presence and approached him right away. He escorted him discreetly down the stairs and out the building till they arrived at the automobile that Mr. Black Leather Jacket had driven to pick him up. They both sat into the automobile, he in the passenger seat and he in the driver seat. Still, no one uttered a word. The mood in the car was dismal and horrible, and he didn't know what to do or say to make things better, so he just focused on the road and didn't seem to care.

After a few minutes, the vehicle came to a stop in front of Jimin's flat. The automobile idled, but Tae made no effort to get out.

"Mr. Kim," he eventually broke the silence and Tae looked at him with a determined look on his face.

"Mr. Jeon, what's your name?" He questioned, and the man's brow furrowed slightly. "I'm not going to climb out of your car until you tell me," he said, and the man's lips curled slightly. His smile remained the same as the first night they met. This was the first time that night he had given him that horribly chilly smile. He appeared to be attempting to scare him away again.

"Mr. Kim, I don't see why you still want to know my name, but I'll accommodate you one last time. "I might as well introduce myself before we part." He stated it as if it was the final time she would see him. He could feel that he was only telling him as some sort of parting gift. "Jeon Jungkook," he said and Tae's gaze at him deepened.

"Jeon Jungkook," he echoed under his breath.

"It's late," he groaned, aware that he wanted him to depart.

Unwillingly, Tae opened the door. He took one last look at him before getting out of the car. He shut the door, but he still held onto the door handle. Then he dashed around and pounded on the driver seat window.

As the window rolled down, Tae motioned for him to draw closer to him so he could say something to him. The man performed what he wanted with a deadpan look.

A kiss landed on his cheek unexpectedly, changing his look.

His eyes widened briefly before he turned to face him.

Tae simply smiled at him. "Goodnight, Jungkook. See you again soon," he said before he ran away.


Happy Reading

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