Chapter One: The Onryō's Catch

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。    。    。    the mermaid first appeared to the prince on the brink of death. The creature had once been a human who entered prohibited waters. Ryujin, god of the sea, turned the mortal into a hideous animal as punishment.

the ningyo.

the ningyo

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When was I last out in daylight like this, exposed?

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When was I last out in daylight like this, exposed?

The rocking of the ocean's force reflected Mizu's internal instability. No. She was secure. She was safe. No one could see her here, like this, so exposed.

...without my wide-brimmed hat or tinted glasses as a barrier?

Her gut was conflicted as the soothing, chilly air carried by the salty wind ran through her hair. She had hair. Not just pulled back in a type bun. It was growing. Her bangs framed lower on her face and a large section of her dark locks fell by her ears.

It was absurd to feel anxious on the bow of the ship. No one was around. No one could see her striking eyes, like blue fires.

And yet... to feel the sun.

Her hair seemed lighter as the days on the sea turned into weeks. The hot, scorching sun bleached her hair from a nearly raven to a mid-brown. Some locks even looked auburn.

To feel the sun directly again would take a lifetime to get used to. There was a short time in her life when she let the sun see her, but she died long ago. A past life.

She briefly shut her eyes, forcing the thoughts of once being married and taking care of her so-called mother back into the crypt of her mind. Filled with unwanted memories of life when she was briefly human. That life ended in a tragic bloodbath and not of her own, forever staining her hands red.

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