Chapter Forty-Five: When Words Fail

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At the end of their meal, Sogo felt a stabbing pain in her stomach when getting up. She curled forward and gasped out, inadvertently squeezing the little bunny in her kimono.

"Are you alright?" Mei asked. She organized the dirty dishes in a pile to take to wash, even though Sogo insisted that she could help clean up.

The pain was deep in her core like her muscles were incredibly sore and walking would be impossible. It was like she cashed out on all her steps for the day, and she'd need to be bedbound.

She cursed through her teeth, wondering why in the world she felt like this?

Okay, I guess I'll fuck you senseless. The way Mizu's lips curled as she said it, the melting honey of her voice, her messy black hair falling forward framing those beautiful blue eyes.

She burned up.

Mei came in close as if she knew very well what was going on. She laid a hand on her back and consoled her. "It's those pills, right? They must be working your body so hard. You poor thing."

"...yes. That's what it is. It hurts real bad."

"Why don't I take you to my family doctor? He's very discrete. No one will ever know."

"I refuse to be touched by a man!" she hissed.

Mei blinked as if she would elaborate further. Besides, wasn't Mizu a man...? She tilted her head, and then just gave up trying to understand.

"You're very loyal," Mei collected the dishes. "I'll pay you back before the day's end."

"Pay me back? I told you lunch was on me, so don't."

"Just who does this Jap think she is, ordering me around hmm? And here I thought we drove out our Japanese lords long ago."

She would've burst out laughing if she weren't in so much pain.


"We haven't gotten the layout of Zeelandia, and we don't know if Ichiro has told them everything. We can't risk it."

"What makes you think he'll tell them our plans?"

"He's a rat! A tortured rat now, which is even more dangerous. He must be a bloody pulp now. Don't you know that pain is an incredible motivator?"

Mizu sat in a circle with Bokeh's men at their meeting area, the basement of an abandoned home, hidden underneath faux floorboards. They sat with their legs crossed around a low table. Light seeped in through the tiny cracks above them. Every so often, the rays dipped into one of Mizu's eyes. The blueness was highlighted in cerulean, and sometimes the sight would distract one of the men. She looked just like the abandoned children, mixed race, thrown to the streets and discarded. Her presence seemed to confront a horrible, double-sided issue to their cause of liberation. They wanted the European settlers gone, but what of the children who have their blood..? As of now, they'd tried to ignore the glaring issue at their best, but now Mizu, a mixed Euro-Asian man, was in their chain of command...

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