Chapter Eight: He Is Mine

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The pirate captain seethed, scowling down at the meek, defiant woman holding her lover close to her neck. It was a sight as tragic as it was bold. She glared up at him, fighting back her fear. Mizu was unconscious, breathing faintly in the nook of her neck.

He stepped forward, a fake-out to scare her. She slashed at the air wildly with the katana, and her reaction made him howl in laughter.

"I will kill you. I swear it," she rasped out, weeping with bloodshot eyes. "You will not harm him... He.. he is mine."

A sinister smirk crept on the pirate leader's face. With a chuckle, he reached into the inner pocket of his bloody coat.

"You know, I've always wanted to put this to use... ever since my crew wiped clean fifty traders on a German ship. Wish it occurred to me before, heh... but so it is. Perhaps my hands aren't made to wield such a foreign creation."

He revealed a flintlock revolver. It was a rusting, metal hand-held gun, developed by the Germans themselves. It was revolutionary and new technology of the time. Something like never before.

"What a shame it is, that only under these conditions do I find the most fitting opportunity...? Ah, don't worry. You'll still be together... you deserve every bullet."

She shut her eyes tight, bracing herself as he readied his pistol. Suddenly, Mizu came to, and she swiped her katana from Sogo's hands, desperate to protect her. The onryō leaped up in the air to strike him down.


The explosive gunshot ran through the ship.

Mizu penetrated her katana completely through the man's chest. It seared through the other side of his large body, the tip draped heavily in his black blood.

She... was shot.

Mizu weakly fell to her knees as the bullet burned inside her, her katana still wedged in the man's chest. She fell on the deck, gripping the injury on her hip. In a panic, the ningyo kneeled beside the wounded onryō. Her eyes were red with tears, assuming her savior would soon be dead. No human could survive a bullet.

"S-Sogo..." Mizu uttered weakly, before passing out.

She stared in despair at his motionless face. He looked like he was sleeping. A perfect, forever sleep.

"You...k-killed... m-my..."

As the sun shined on her face, the light fanned her eyes into an unnatural yellow. An episode of barbarity and madness consumed her. She whipped her face up towards her target: the pirate captain weakly trying to make his way off the ship, barely holding onto life with Mizu's katana pierced through him.

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