Chapter Twenty-Five: A Surprise Gift

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I hate people.

The city center was as crowded as ever, bustling with stores and stands holding rows of sales after the holidays. There were kimonos, ornate hair accessories, treats, paintings, jewelry, and anything else one could think of to satisfy the desires of folk who loved to shop mindlessly.

Mizu was definitely not one of them.

She hated shopping. It was stressful. There were too many people she could barely squeeze through, and they were all loud, yapping three different languages she could barely pick apart.

When she did find a stand that could've had makeup, either they were all out or the seller didn't speak Japanese. She pointed at a jar she thought was a creamy concealer, but on closer look, it was some kind of ointment for a rash...

Is there not one person I can understand on this stupid island?!

She wished Sogo accompanied her since she understood a bit of Mandarin herself, but...

A smile crept on her face thinking about her antics this morning. Unbelievable girl.

Mizu saw a little wooden shop that wasn't as decorated and colorful as the others. It was a small, mindful shop with old boards holding it up. Mizu went in through the door, and the bell hanging on top rang.

"Good morning. I'd like to know if you have any, uh, makeup in stock for purchase."

"You're just in luck. I have a few left."

Japanese! Mizu's blue eyes widened in relief. The shopkeeper had her back turned, tidying behind her counter. She was a short, frail old woman with her white hair pulled back.

When the seller turned around, Mizu's relief evaporated.

The shopkeeper was "ayi," or who Sogo called Auntie. She was that old, racist crone who owned the hot springs she lodged at.

It is solely for husband and wife. Not for shogunate rabble-rousers and their concubines!

Mizu glowered down at her, annoyed all over again by that comment yesterday.

Seemed like she worked every day of her life. When she wasn't at the hotel, she was here.

Ayi knew it was her the second she heard that lick of Japanese. She glared one grey eye at her, shutting the other. She didn't like Mizu's attitude one bit and considered Sogo 'one of the good ones.'

"Where's the Mrs?"



Why is that the only person who speaks Japanese so fluently here... is her? Mizu groaned internally. She was taught by her sword-father to always respect the elderly because they had a lot to teach, but this old woman, looking at her like she was a bastard, would easily become the exception...

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