Chapter Thirty-One: Beauty, Brains, and Bravery

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The Lunar Palace was the biggest, priciest brothel on the island's red light district. What made the fortress-like teahouse so appealing was its closed-off section upstairs that only high-paying members could frequent. This balcony gave them the most beautiful sight of the moon while they indulged in their lust. Entry to this brothel was, of course, only for the ruling class.

Walking through the bridge that oversaw a beautiful lake, Mizu saw the crest of a white hare engraved in the wood. Leaping, its floppy ears and cotton tail froze in place. On further look, there were rabbits adorning nearly everything.

"Wow! It's gorgeous. I almost thought it was going to be a small, creepy opium den... but isn't it quite the sight, Mizu?"

Mizu was too busy looking at the layout in and out. Studying all the windows, the height of the wall and its material, and every factor of the property's capability for scaling.

"Yes, Sogo, I do think so," the ningyo replied to herself. "You are incredibly brave for what you're about to do. So brave that I'm speechless."

Mizu slugged the back of her hand forward, its heaviness smacking Sogo's rear in a way that said quiet.

Grumbling, her hands flew to it. Still not in a talking mood, I see.

The entrance of the brothel spread, and they were greeted by an older gentleman with salt and pepper hair. Mizu instantly recognized him from the meeting, one of the men sitting amongst the masses. It seemed his job was to be muscle at the brothel.

He snickered, leaning one arm forward on the doorway. "No shit. She's actually willing to do it."

"She has a name," Sogo piped up.

He pursed his lips to the side, barely looking in her direction. He continued speaking with Mizu, smiling. "You're a selfless man to allow this. Thank you for your sacrifice."

Ugh! What is it with the men on this island?! Mizu isn't doing anything! I AM!

"My husband doesn't speak Mandarin," she cut in. "He also doesn't speak to men who stink of cowshit."

His eyes widened, instantly self-conscious, and reached for his collar to take a whiff. Scuttering footsteps were heard inside, and the door was spread further open by three sex workers, pampered in makeup and their hair adorned with golden, ornate jewelry.

"Ahhhh! The hero has arrived!" the middle one squealed, her rosy cheeks rising like cherubs. Sogo's heart skipped a beat at the fanfare. They were all so happy to see her. So happy to welcome her and treat her like a warrior.

See, this is what I'm talking about! she thought, finally feeling validated.

The three women lavished her with praise and excitement. Two on the other side grabbed each of her arms, hauling her inside like they couldn't get enough of how pretty she was.

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