Chapter Twenty-Four: Girlfriend Duties, Hm?

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Mizu was never one to sleep in; her internal clock was just wired to wake up at dawn. She felt the pins and needles from her arm from spooning Sogo for hours. She carefully tried to move it and not wake her. But at the slightest creak of the bed, the ningyo's eyes popped open, excited for another day. She twirled around, burying her face into Mizu's body.

The samurai chuckled, holding her tighter. "Good morning."

"Mmmorg-mm," she muffled into Mizu's chest.

Their bodies intertwined together last night, and Sogo's heart thrashed thinking about it. She couldn't believe that Mizu, the aloof, mysterious, and people-hating sailor she meant on a ghost ship would let her in.

After last night's well-deserved... punishment, Mizu completely collapsed. It was pretty comical. Her lean body stood up, staggered slightly, and then she leaned forward, descending on the bed like a tree cut down. She snored into the pillows immediately, and Sogo covered her mouth to not laugh.

Mizu was emotionally exhausted. It was a lot of firsts for her. She was already exhausted before they reached their hotel room, so to exert all that energy with what happened next...

Sogo's face felt hotter thinking about how delightful it was, and she nuzzled her face into Mizu's neck.

"How'd you sleep?" Mizu's voice was still hoarse with slumber. She brushed her hands through her lover's raven hair. Doing so, she realized the rope around her wrists was carefully cut off. It must've happened when she collapsed, and Sogo was worried about her waking up with sores.

First, her heart plummeted, scared that she could've attacked her again. But then a little smile went on her face because nothing of the sort happened.

"I slept well, thanks!!" Sogo answered, her voice also raspy. "And you?"

"Honestly... best sleep in a while," Mizu admitted, darting her blue eyes away shyly.

It wasn't like Sogo could see her face, nuzzled in her neck, but she still felt awkward saying those things.

You weren't awkward or shy last night, though, the little voice in her head said.

Her heart sank as specifics of all she said last night came back, and her neck and ears flushed a bright red. It didn't even sound like her when she thought back. All those perverse things that had never left her lips before. Now, she felt her stomach flip when she thought back to it. It was a side of herself she'd never touched before or knew she had in the first place...

'If I could get you pregnant.'

A hotness in her chest crept up her throat, and she gulped. It was even more difficult to confront because she meant them. They weren't just said in the moment...

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