Chapter Twenty-Eight: Invisible Eyes

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"...An uprising?"

"In three days."

Mizu and Sogo spoke in the captain's quarters. The ningyo sat on the bed, legs crossed with her hands held together nervously. Mizu leaned with her back on the door, arms crossed.

She barely said anything when Mizu explained it all. She only circled her thumbs together anxiously, looking down at them. Sunlight peered into the circular window of the lodging, a ray of light standing right between them.

"Ichiro said Mei's uncle is one of the leaders. He'll ask her to introduce him, and I can accompany him if I desire. With his ties to the Dutch, I can't imagine they'll say no to him. He's been inside their castle so he knows its logistics. Or maybe... the ill will they hold against him will overpower strategy. As for me... I'm merely an outsider. They could turn me away."

"Hope they do. You could die. Your sword can't fight against an army of guns."

"There's more."

She bit her tongue, feeling a rush of adrenaline flooded her mind in this conversation. She wanted to shake Mizu and say no, no, no! Do not consider this. I wish I never allowed you to speak to him...

"The rebellion has guns of their own. Snuggled in, bribed for. You name it. Before, they fought with blades and spears against guns. This time..." Mizu lifted her face. A glimmer of the sunlight caught one of her eyes. "It'd be even."

"Can you see yourself wielding a gun?"

"I don't need one."

Sogo was becoming increasingly agitated. She took a deep breath with closed eyes to not snap. "Mizu... you can't fight against—"

"They're filthy weapons from a filthy place. I said I don't need one." Mizu interrupted pointedly.

Sogo threw her hands in the air and punched the mattress below her legs, not having it. A moment passed, and Mizu dropped her eyes.

"You could die," she repeated. "What's more, you have no ties to this island. A death in vain. You are Japanese. Why lay your body for these people?"

Sogo got up from the bed and walked towards her lover. Where words fail, her body was going to persuade. She stepped into the light, and Mizu's eyes fell back on her as she cupped her beautiful, chiseled face.

"Let's just leave. Yeah? We have an entire ocean calling our names. Just you and me, Mizu..."

She stepped in closer until their chests grazed together.


Before, Mizu wanted nothing more than to leave this island with her. But now, something gnawed at her insides and wouldn't stop feasting.

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