Chapter Thirty-Five: Delicate When They Kill

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She's poisoned.

But she can't be. The commander drank it, too.

Then why is she like this? Why is she not responding?!?

"Sogo! Wake up! Sogo!"

Mizu held the back of her limping, delicate head up. She kneeled to the floor, careful with her body as she lowered her.

She leaned forward and felt her shallow breathing tickling her ear. Sogo was a doll, laying there, as beautiful as she was lifeless.

Mizu. Stand up.

She became misty-eyed. Her unresponsiveness sent her into a spiral she didn't know how to manage.

"Say something to me. Without you, I'm.."

Get your fucking head together. It's some kind of drug, like opium, not poison.

But Mama used to not respond like this.

Then, Chia-Wei ran down the hall and flung the doors open. Van Ruyven was out cold, blood dripping from his split tongue. The broken glass vial and bright green absinthe spilled all over on the floor.


Mizu's blue eyes of rage, brighter and more powerful than the absinthe, cornered her. She immediately accused the brothel of keeping important details from them. Accused them of setting Sogo up to be drugged and of being 'in' with the governors. Accused them of things that didn't make sense in her rage.

Driven by her panic that Sogo was dying, she yelled she would kill them all.

Frightened for her life and that the governors would wake up, Chia-Wei begged Mizu to please come into another room where they could talk and explain everything.

As they moved to another room, Chia-Wei craned her neck over, and Mizu suddenly disappeared.

"Wha—?! Where did he—?"

Daitan and Ena ran out to the noise, and Chia-Wei could barely manage to catch her breath. They searched for Madame Shen who had just returned from the garden. The young women panicked, fearing the samurai would kill them over a huge, unnecessary misunderstanding.

We were crazy, allowing strangers into our world, Chia-Wei grieved.

"Where is she?" the Madame sighed.

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