Chapter Fifteen: Sink Your Teeth Into Me

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He was a handsome devil with a womanizing reputation that preceded him.

The most recent scandal was that of seducing a fisherman's wife, but with such high status in Formosa, (and the only person of non-European origin to manage such a thing), he was untouchable.

Just like his given name described, Ichiro was the firstborn son, and as such, there was pressure for greatness imposed on him early on. Still, his life path was... unconventional.

His pin-straight raven hair was kept in a half-bun, and the rest of it fell down his neck. It used to be longer, nearly waist-length, but because of the burning summer sun on this island, he cut it.

His reserved table was filled with women in beautiful, colorful kimonos, cooling their faces with matching ornate fans. They were all extremely eager to lay eyes on the handsome devil of Formosa.

He walked with weight and swagger. His European gun was clutched tightly to his belt, and his broad shoulders under the Dutch uniform made him an interesting sight considering his race. It added more to his intrigue and power.

"Ichiro~" they sang, waving him down to sit beside them.

He chuckled, sitting in the center of his booth, and expressed how flattered he was they all waited for him to finish his meeting, but that they didn't have to.

"Aah~ Ichiro~ you're so humble!"

"Of course we'd wait, dear!"

"Who else would we wait so long for?!"

Then, his hawk-like eyes noticed a woman in a bright yellow kimono slowly creep out of the table. Sogo, in her terrible bad luck, happened to hide herself in the same table reserved for him. She thought blending in with other women would be an easy way to hide in plain sight until she could sneak away...

"You," Ichiro spoke, directed to her. "Yellow."


He tilted his head with bored and condescending eyes. "Oi, are you deaf? I'm talking to you."

He addressed her in Mandarin, and she was speechless at how natural he sounded in the language already.

A woman in a pink kimono spoke up. Desperate for his approval, she yelled at her. "Why are you ignoring Ichiro?! Who do you think you are?!"

She didn't know what to do. She held the fan she swiped from earlier to her face, shielding right below her eyes, and turned around. The woman in pink grabbed Sogo and forced her to sit down beside her at the end of the table.

Silent, she kept her fan glued to her face, sweating profusely.

Intrigued now, he raised a brow. "Do you not speak...? Mei, switch with me."

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