Chapter Five: Brighter Than The Moon Herself

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"Have a little friend over?" Fowler hummed in amusement, gripping the steel bars of his prison. "Throwing a sleepover, are we?"

She delivered the Blancefield book on Fowler's request. Earlier, he heard a peculiar thud coming from the bedrooms, when Sogo had leaped on top of her. He assumed Mizu stopped at a port and picked up a prostitute. One willing enough, considering those frightening eyes.

"Didn't think you had it in you. Heh. Might be mine, alright.... What color was she? How was she? Come on, then! Out with it!"

Unimpressed, Mizu laid the book on the floor and kicked it beneath the bars. It slid through.

She was relieved he regained his sanity, but they still had months to go before reaching London, and he could ultimately lose it again.

"I was hoping you'd be generous enough ta' gift me a whore, but..."

"You know, no matter how much I'd pay, I don't think any would want to touch you," Mizu replied, maintaining the firm facade of a wall between her and Fowler.

She turned around, not wasting her breath any further. He couldn't touch her, physically or psychologically.

"Can't wait to meet who you've got up there and have a go myself."

And then... he did.

She stopped walking, as if struck by lightning at that very instant.

Noticing he struck a nerve, Fowler raised a brow as his smirk deepened. He chuckled, shaking his head at her obvious jealousy. The chuckles then spread to a roar of laughter. It was unexpected entertainment.

"Mizu! A little whore's made you soft?! That's her job, ya' dimwit. Jeeesus."

She forced herself to walk, picking up the pace. Gag him. I'll gag Fowler. Talks too much.

He obstructed that seemingly impenetrable wall she erected, causing a crack in it. Planting the seed for more in the future, like a grapevine crawling up and beyond her fortress.

"No sorrier sight than a man in love, tell ya that much," He raised his voice, taunting her as she left the brigs.

Fowler caught on to his captor's weakness and would never let go, as long as he was imprisoned.

"And take precautions! Don't need any more wee bastards running around in the world!"



Sogo looked down from her seat on the edge of the bowsprit, ready to jump to her death into the ocean.

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