Chapter Forty-One: Full Display

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The harigata was strapped around Mizu's hips, much like a sword hanging around her body. It was made of black and yellow tortoiseshell, firm in its shaft and softened around its mushroom-shaped head. She stared at her body in the yellowed, foggy mirror. Her lean, naked form slugged forward, and the artificial member was erect between her legs.

She didn't even know a thing like this existed.

Her hands ran down the shaft and to its head. She slowly pulled it back, feeling the smooth material. She watched her hands wrap around the head and rub down, and then up again. Patterned edges molded around the head, mimicking the tender folds of a penis. It was a bit cold. She breathed into her palm, gathered hot breath, and rubbed it down again to warm it.

Just how important was this? Was it even? She's had more lovers than her, Mizu couldn't deny that. Sogo was vastly more experienced. She could be thinking about things, about sex, much differently.

She didn't want to be piled in with the other people she'd been with namely because this wasn't just sex for her.

Ambivalent, she stared at the phallic member hanging around her hips in the mirror, deep in thought.

As Mizu fitted herself in another room, Sogo was in bed in the captain's lodging. The blanket was practically up to her nose as she lay still.

She mentioned she had something for Mizu but wouldn't specify what. She just gave her a shopping bag with the item inside and asked her to try it on. With her face red as roses, she pushed the tall woman out of the room and buried herself beneath the blankets.

She fiddled with her thumbs, wondering if it was weird, if it was too off-putting. Mizu was far more conservative than she was, and not just concerning sexual history either.

She threw the blanket all the way over her head until she looked like a mummy.

"Maybe, it's too soon..." she groaned.

What if she thinks I'm a freaking deviant?!

The door opened, and Sogo felt her body plunge into the bed. Every negative scenario of Mizu's reaction ran through her mind. Her quiet footsteps neared the bed. The slight creaking of the floorboards. She felt her weight sink on the mattress beside her, the springs taking her in.

Shit... I have to say something.

She peered her head over the blankets until just her eyes were showing.

Mizu wore her kimono. Her long black hair dipped passed her shoulders, air-dried and soft from their bath. The dress concealed her legs.

She sat with her back resting on the bed frame and one knee bent as the other lay flat. Mizu's quiet, unreadable expression met her eyes.

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