Chapter Twenty-Six: The Gods Must Be Pleased

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In the background of her mischievous giggles, Sogo heard the light gasps of someone sobbing. It took her out of her own world, and she peered her head to the next aisle.

The rows were cluttered with bottles and strange, claw-shaped devices she'd never seen before, but they looked incredibly painful.

A young woman with a tan, round face had her beautiful black hair braided down her back. She wore a red kimono, the same one from yesterday, too depressed to change her clothes. In her hand was something with the label tsuitachigan.

Feeling someone's eyes on her, the woman whipped her head over. Her smokey eyeliner smudged beneath her teary eyes as her baby hair stuck out of place.

Sogo's concern quickly dissolved. Ew, it's Mei.

"Wh—what are you looking at?" Mei sniffed, hiding the bottle of pills to her breast. "Mind your own business, why don't you?"

Mei's eyes trailed down to the purchase in Sogo's hands, and her face dropped trying to understand why she could possibly need something like that.

Sogo smirked and waved the harigata in the air; it was a phallic-shaped device attached to a belt. What a perfect opportunity to practice the Chinese tongue, torturing Mei.

"Hold your judgment. Ichiro loved being handled with this. It was quite exhausting on my hips; he couldn't get enough! Hope you have the endurance." Teehee.

At the sound of his name, Mei's face contorted, and she tried to hold back another round of sobs. It cracked like a glass mirror, and she threw her hands in her face, sobbing. She dropped the pill from her hands, and it rolled down to Sogo's feet.

Tsuitachigan. Emergency contraceptive.

Eh...? A prickly, cold feeling of rain washed down Sogo's back. The direness of the situation finally struck her. Mei was, possibly, pregnant.

Then, all the instances of having unprotected sex with Ichiro flashed through her mind. It was their favorite way to kill the hours on the ship, locking themselves in his captain's quarters day in and out. He always went on and on about how many kids he wanted her to carry... They were engaged after all.

A hand flew to her to the plumpness of her womb. Her lower belly had a natural pillowy pouch, and she thought it was adorable. Now it was ugly, confronting what it was capable of.

She frantically tried to remember her last period. She frantically tried to remember the last time she even cared to keep track. Her menstruation was always irregular. It made her want to throw up, thinking about possibly being—

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