Chapter Thirty-Eight: Indebted to You

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With every tiny breath, the shadows of the claustrophobia-inducing tunnel shook with her. The staircase down to the briggs felt much more like a hole deep in the ground, created by some unnatural animal, instead of a ship corridor. It reminded her of Ichiro's massive ship, that of the Ryujin pirates, the night of her assault and drowning.

No. Don't think about that right now.

As she trailed down the creaking, spiraling staircase, she pushed the thoughts away. She threw on Mizu's kimono when she left the lodging. In the darkness, she mistook it for hers, and now she hiked up the cloth made for a man so she wouldn't trip over it.

She could hear the nautical, echoes of the waters down there. It's like the wood of the ship encouraged with the oceanic life, and she was no longer above water.

It's like the ocean has a heartbeat.

With one hand gripping the skirt of her kimono, the other pressed on the wall beside her to lead her the way. She should've brought a candle to help her. Now, she relied on senses she barely had, let alone drugged like this.

Then, as she gently dipped her foot off the last staircase, her toes did not hit the ground. They levitated, and as she brought her second leg, that one did, too. Before she knew it, gravity betrayed her and turned into water. She leaned forward in a swimming position. It was like she was swimming through mud and could only slowly push through.

The door to the briggs was at the end of the dark hall. She was never going to reach it in time.

She saw guppies and baby octopus swim passed her. The tail of a massive organism caught her attention, perhaps a sharp, but no. It was her own tail, like the sea dragon Ryujin's.

Don't you see it, captain?! We warned you of that siren! Now the steward's paid the price!

Open your eyes, Mizu! The ningyo!

My child. Just what have you done to them? They're gone.

Sharp fish scales ran up her hands and arms. She was turning into the monster she always felt like. She tried not to scream and covered her face. The blurry sound of the ocean stopped suddenly and she lifted her face from her palms. She was on her knees. With human legs.

No way, that was too real. Her frightened heart begged her to abandon this. She had to be strong and force herself up with her trembling knees that did not want to obey.

She trecked on. One hand on the wall, the other lifting the kimono.

She reached the door, breathlessly as the smell of opium was at its strongest point. Now, the hard part. Waking him up.

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