Chapter Seven: Only Dead Bodies

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Mizu was fishing. The water surrounding the port of her village resembled a sparkling mirror. A rippling, glass surface into a secret, clandestine world. Behind her, the backdrop of her shadowed village was dim and foggy, and small caricatures of children ran like puppets on a string. Multiple children chasing one.


It was her and the ocean.

She held the fishing line and waited for a bite as her two feet stood on the edge of the earth.

The wire of the fishing line tugged. In response, she reeled it in. It took longer than usual as if the string had fallen into another dimension and was taking centuries to return. But Mizu, the patient samurai, reeled it in.

Looking down at her reflection, she saw a child. A young 'boy' with short hair and round, blue eyes, fishing and mirroring her movements exactly.

The fish finally broke through the surface. Caught with a hook in her mouth, the ningyo was dragged violently into the air. Following her waist, a scaled tail kicked through the surface as it trembled in pain.

"Sir! Sir!" Sogo yelled from the other side.

Mizu was torn out of her dream. There was banging on the door of the captain's quarters. Mizu always locked the door from the inside — a habit that helped her sleep after a lifetime of attacks.

She jumped out of bed. She slept with only her binder again, and she grabbed a kimono to wear around her body. Mizu pulled the door open urgently, and her eyes widened an indescribable rage at what she saw.

Sogo was hurt. A slice of a blade cut through her cheek, like a hook seared through a fish's face, and blood trailed down, splattering on her hands and kimono. Her nose bled from being punched, and the bridge was purple and beginning to swell.

"Sir... thank god..." she sobbed.

At the sight of Sogo wounded a monstrous rage bubbled inside of Mizu. Its slow wrath seeped inside the deepest layer of her skin. It blackened her heart, it set her bloodstream on fire, and the intense glare of her onyrō eyes filled with wrath only Fowler could trigger inside her.

Who... did this to you?

"... it's..." she lifted her hand out weakly, desperate to touch Mizu. She took a shaking step forward, tears in her eyes, and stopped an inch short before touching the samurai's chest. "P—pirates."

Mizu pulled Sogo to stand safely behind her, and she unsheathed her katana that rested on her bedside.

Her eyes widened as she bore witness to the glistening, deadly blade of the samurai appear. She had no idea, before this moment, that Mizu was a swordsman.

ningyo 人魚 blue eye samuraiWhere stories live. Discover now