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' Good morning' Jungkook mumbled walking into the dining room... where all of them were already seated...

' How are you feeling Jungkook?' Namjoon asked

' The same hyung...My head is throbbing' Jungkook replied pulling out the chair beside Taehyung..and he almost sat down when Taehyung sprang up from his place... scrambling out of there with his plate in his hand and settling down on a chair away from Jungkook

Jungkook poked his tongue against his cheeks as he looked down at the food Mr Song was serving him... trying to ignore what Taehyung just did

Jin threw Taehyung a glance only for the younger to smile at him mischievously as he winked making Jin roll his eyes...but a fond smile had already taken it's place on his lips.... The exchange between the two not going unnoticed by Yoongi and Jimin

' Joon hyung...can we have our session earlier today?' Jungkook asked taking a bite of his food

' Yeah sure... whenever you want' Namjoon agreed ' Also you can get rid of the splint on your hand by next weekend end...'

' That's a relief' Jungkook smiled...

The breakfast ended peacefully even though without much talks... Namjoon and Jungkook were off to their next session while Taehyung left for the stable....Jimin had some work in town and Yoongi decided to follow his hyung

' Jin hyung' Yoongi walked into his room ' Is something going on..with you and Tae'

Jin raised a brow ' Why suddenly?'

' I saw you both at the table....It seemed like..you guys are fine..' Yoongi shrugged

' If it was something you should know then I would have told you' Jin replied nonchalantly as he opened some random file from the table ' Wouldn't I?'

' Right' Yoongi nodded

' I have to submit these records by tomorrow....' Jin said opening his laptop ' If you want you can sit here with me and I'll quickly complete this..then we can do something togethe-'

' You don't trust me' Yoongi breathed out...a prickly feeling at the back of his eyes

' What?' Jin frowned... keeping the file back on the table

' I..know that you still don't trust me...and I can understand why you hate me-'

' Yoongi' Jin was now in front of him.. cupping his face making him look at him' What are you talking about? Why should I hate you??'

' I know you hate me hyung'

' I don't!'

' I saw the way you looked me when we were at the hospital...when Kook was admitted' Yoongi argued....his eyes already moist

' Why should I hate you when you were also hurt Yoongi?' Jin asked... totally confused ' Yoongs...that day I absolutely hated me..not you... If you saw me getting angry or something then I was angry at me..I still am angry at me...I hate myself for failing to keep you both safe'

Yoongi's frown deepened ' You didn't fail..that accident was my fault'

' It was not' Jin wiped off the younger's tears ' It never was your fault... I had blamed you... numerous times... I know that..but that was not your fault Yoongi..you both were kids...and you tried whatever you could to save you both.... '

' It would have never happened if I stayed home..or just left Kook at home' Yoongi mumbled guilty

' Did you know that something like that was bound to happen?' Jin asked as Yoongi shook his head ' Then how was that your fault Yoongi ah?'

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