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' You can't be serious now'

' It's said that he can unfold any mystery... unfold every bits of your past using his powers'

' What do you mean using his powers? Come on Yoongi hyung if it's some stupid story then-'

' Am telling the truth Jungkook...hear me out' Yoongi groaned plopping down on the bed ' May be he can find a meaning to your dreams'

' There are no meanings or what so ever...' Jungkook sighed'Those are just some fragments of my mind that keeps coming back for nothing'

' Memories...' Jin walked in ' Memories are what that become the fragments of your mind... Anyway what were you talking about?'

' He is a totally lost case ' Yoongi scoffed ' We are talking about his dreams which look nothing less than a fairy tale'

Jungkook frowned ' Hyung it's nothing-Let it be...am leaving for work...unlike you am a mere secretary who can't afford to spend his time on stupid stuff'

' Oh we all know how hardworking you are Jungkook' Jin laughed ' Hobi will even give up the whole company in a snap if its for you'

' You are just jealous of how much he loves me' Jungkook flipped his imaginary hair as he stood up 'Good by bitches...Imma go get some life'

Jin just rolled his eyes as Jungkook walked out ' What was all that actually about?'

' Ummm...dreams? As you said?' Yoongi shrugged

' Don't play now Yoongs....what dreams?' Jin's voice came out rough

'This is the exact reason he doesn't share shit with you hyung...The way you get worked up even at the smallest of things is concerning!'

' Yoongi.. heyy just wait..Yoongs' Jin called but Yoongi just stood up leaving...but not before yelling out

' Am going to meet Hobi..if you want then come'


' So you talked to him?' Hobi asked closing a file

' I did...but he just ignored me?' Yoongi sighed

' So it was your idea?' Jin asked shocked ' You put this stupid idea of meeting some...I don't know... extremely powerful intuitive astrologer or fortune teller or whatever hell it is into his non existing brain??'

' Hyung' Yoongi groaned ' For once just-'

' Just what?' Jin's voice raised 'Trust you and let Jungkook go to the middle of some deep as jungle? Am sorry I'd pass... I'll rather have his mind looping in some stupid dream than not seeing him ever...! I did that mistake of listening to you and almost lost my brother Yoongi!'

' Right' Yoongi nodded standing... ' Ofcourse it was my mistake.... I should have fucking kept my nose out of your family business'

Jin took in a deep breath as Yoongi dashed out of the doors

' Ok... honestly... with all due respect' Hobi spoke up 'That was such an asshole thing to say... and Dr Kim is not some astrologer or shit like that...He is a well known psychologist... and I heard that Jungkook is struggling with whatever stuff is going on with his head.. so may be he can use some help '

' Jin hyung' Hobi held his hand 'Think about it once again'


Jin walked into him house to find it completely silent

' Kook you home? Yoongs?' Jin called out but only got silence in response

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