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Yoongi took a deep breath taking ahold of himself before moving towards Taehyung and softly pulling the boy into his arms

' Am sorry Tae' Yoongi whispered.. running his hand over his back ' I messed up everything'

'No you didn't!' Jungkook rasped out' Don't start blaming yourself '

' I can't leave him' Taehyung's broken voice was heard 'I finally found him after all these years...I-I won't be able to leave him again'

Jungkook turned his head to the other side...not knowing what to say... how to comfort him when his own heart was in pieces

'No one's leaving anyone here' Yoongi said with finality making Taehyung pull back and look at him with wide teary eyes

' Namjoon gave you a month to leave Astraxus Tae...as far as I know my best friend...if he wanted then he would have asked you to leave this very instant'

' Don't start with that rubbish Yoongi hyung' Jungkook scoffed ' You saw how he reacted to all these..you know how he treated Jin hyung..He is nothing less than a homophobic asshole just like his fathe-'

' Enough Jungkook!' Yoongi raised his voice at Jungkook for the first time in his life ' You have cursed him enough... I might have seen all these...known all these but I have also seen him breaking down! Only I have seen him struggling to keep you alive and away from his father..Only I have seen the pain of a son who craved to be loved by his father but all he was ever treated as was some puppet for his father's plans!'

Jungkook shook his head in annoyance...anger blinding him as he refused to listen to any of it

' Anyway... I'll buy some time for you both alone... The guard will be here by tomorrow noon' Yoongi saw Taehyung's eyes filling with tears again ' I'll get going now'

' Hyung' Taehyung called out suddenly making the elder stop and look at him ' Do you think Jin hyung will be disappointed in me if I decide to keep myself over everything else for ones in my life?

Yoongi smiled softly as he shook his head

'Jin hyung will be proud of your decision'


' Namjoon ah'

Namjoon still had his head buried in his hands.. crying when he heard the voice...his heart breaking further as the knocking continued

' Open the door'

' P-please go' Namjoon held his hands over his ears

' It's hyung Joonie...' Jin leaned his head against the door ' It's your Jin hyung'

The doors flung opened.. making Jin stumble forward..only to land into the Prince's arms..who pulled him in closing the door behind them

' Namjoon ah' Jin quickly cupped his cheeks... wiping off the tears ' Talk to hyung...I-'

' Will you also hate me now hyung'

Jin's heart broke all over again as he brought the younger into his arms.. hugging him tightly...' No Joonie... Why would I ever hate you'

' You have all the reasons' Namjoon pulled back...a painful smile adorning his face... ' I have been playing with all your emotions...have been making you all do as I wish...I have been nothing but an asshole to you.. I broke our promise hyung... I made you dream about our beautiful future only to rip it apart...'

' Namjoon ah-'

'What a big fool was I hyung' Namjoon chuckled dryly.... rubbing off his tears harshly ' How did I even think I'll ever be able to give you a happy life with me... how did I even think I'll protect my loved ones... Am just like him hyung...a-am just like Kim Jongwook and I am meant to be hated-'

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