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When Min Yoongi was woken up from his very precious sleep in the middle of the night he was so ready to meet with an overly excited Jungkook just like the previous some nights with some weird ass idea of his to woo Taehyung who was already head over heels for this stupid bunny and Yoongi could swear he was so keen on forgetting everything and curse the hell out of Jungkook as he opened the door but... never in his wildest dreams did he even think of the possibility of Taehyung coming knocking at his door.... Yes... Taehyung who was shivering and shaking like a fluttering leaf in the summer breeze with tears falling down his cheeks which were already successful in drowning Yoongi's heart in a pool of worry

' Taeh-'

'I don't want to die Yoongi hyung' Taehyung's broken voice took Yoongi off guard ' I can't'

Yoongi was quick to pull Taehyung inside by his elbow before closing the door and turning towards him 'What are you talking about Tae?'

' H-hyung' Taehyung stepped closer... slowly leaning onto Yoongi...his fingers curling over the elder's chest as he continued to shake

Yoongi felt his brotherly instincts kicking in...a sudden urge to protect the younger from anyone and anything consumed his mind as he hugged him back.. rubbing a soothing hand over his back ' What's wrong bear'

' Hyungie' Taehyung mumbled 'I have always been ready for it....I never thought of it twice....'

Yoongi frowned in confusion as Taehyung continued 'I was oh so easily going to destroy myself for him Hyung... I was ready to die b-but...not anymore...I can't-' Taehyung chocked on a sob as he curled more into Yoongi's chest... ' He won't survive'

Yoongi's brows creased more

' H-he... hyung Kook..' Taehyung was rambling at this point ' Jungkook won't survive without me..he will die...h-he will die of heart break....he can't surv-he was so devastated just because he could find me for some mere seconds...he will perish if something happens to me...He...if I stop breathing his heart will stop beating...If I die... it would be his soul that ceases to exist...I can't let that happen... hyung help me... I don't know where to go... whom to talk to... please...save me'

Yoongi stood there frozen... unable to comprehend anything that he heard with a still wailing Taehyung in his arms.... No he seriously couldn't understand what got into Taehyung suddenly...that too at this time of the night and no he wasn't going to ask about it too... because even if he get an answer or not...he was determined to keep Taehyung alive....and keeping Taehyung alive was the key to save Jungkook....


' What's happening?' Jungkook asked coming down the stairs with Taehyung beside him.. both of them utterly clueless on seeing Namjoon Jin Hobi and Yoongi..all gathered around the couch discussing something seriously

' Finally your majesties' Namjoon stood up bowing dramatically making Taehyung chuckle ' How fortunate am I to witness the two great princes of Astraxus after five hours of waiting!! Are you both in some competition to see who can sleep more?'

' I don't think they were sleeping' Hobi remarked... eyeing Taehyung's neck

' You should know when to keep your mouth shut Jung!!' Jin exclaimed ' I don't want to know about the explicit details about my brother's sex lif-'

' Hyung shut up!' Taehyung shrieked...his cheeks burning red... more redder than the marks littering his honey skin ' Also....' He mumbled looking at Namjoon ' Why are calling me a prince? Am no prince'

' Aren't you adorable' Namjoon cooed squishing Taehyung's bread cheeks

Jungkook stared at his Hyung bewildered ' Did you hit your head? Wait!! Don't tell me Jongwook scared you to the point that you actually lost your mind!!'

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