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' So you like men?'

Taehyung's sword stopped mid air..his face mortified as he turned towards the Prince ' What are y-you talking about?'

' Don't act dumb Taehyung' Jungkook chuckled 'I saw your scared face when Jin and Joon hyung were fighting about if it's right or wrong....'

' I am sorry' Taehyung knelt down.. holding his head low ' I..know you might be even disgusted to look at me-'

' Taehyung stand-'

' Please don't tell anyone...I did try to change but no matter what I couldn't bring myself to like any woman...I don't want anyone to raise even a finger at my Jin hyung because of me-' Taehyung's rambling stopped when a pair of arms held him by his shoulder.. pulling him onto his feet

' Kim Taehyung listen to me' Jungkook said firmly 'Its nothing to be ashamed of or to be blamed for... it's your choice to love whoever you want and you shouldn't give two flying fucks about what people will think about it...'

' But-'

' Shh' Jungkook kept his finger over the younger's lips..his own heart skipping a beat at how soft those cherry lips were under his touch

Taehyung felt his cheeks and ears burning...his wide Bambi eyes darting between the hand on his lips and the prince who was just staring until he cleared his throat

' As I was saying' Jungkook composed himself taking a step back...'I don't feel disgusted of you...and no.. I won't tell anyone..I promise'

Jungkook saw Taehyung hesitantly nodding ' Kim Taehyung...since I know one of your secrets... I'll also tell you one of mine'

Taehyung's eyes lit up at that as looked at Jungkook who chuckled

' So...' Jungkook started ' I am searching for way in which I could sneak into the palace'

' The palace!!?' Taehyung asked flabbergasted ' Why the palace? Jongwook will kill you the moment he gets a hint of you in there-'

' I need to save my eomma' Jungkook stopped him 'I need to get her out of the dungeon and take away from this stupid Kingdom'

' So you want to run away with her?' Taehyung asked as Jungkook nodded...

' There is nothing left for both of us here...and if only I could get her out of there we both can just run away to some far off place where we will be safe...'

'Oh..' Taehyung nodded seemingly lost in some thoughts ' You need to train properly before that'


' Even if Jongwook somehow manages to catch you..you need to have proper knowledge about how to use your weapons and your magic so you can take the Queen safely out of there ' Taehyung explained 'And don't worry I'll make sure you get into the palace safely'

' You aren't doing anything!' Jungkook refused ' Jongwook will recognize you in a heartbeat Taehyung!You aren't leaving the castle until and unless Jin hyung arranges a safe place for you'

' Why... are you helping me?' Taehyung asked...a question that has been bugging him ever since Jin told him the truth about their appa ' You hate guards then why are you helping me?'

You still idn't recognize me Tae? Jungkook thought smiling softly ' As you know I lied about your appa... Truth to be told..he was the one who saved me from being killed...I..he was like a father figure to me until he escaped from Jongwook's clutches with you and Jin hyung...I owe him my life so I have to make sure that both his sons will be fine'

' You know...you are not as bad as I thought you'd be' Taehyung mumbled earning a questioning look from the prince ' I thought you'd be just like the rest of the royals...mean and arrogant'

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