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' When are you going to meet Tae?' Jimin plopped down on the couch

' Noon' Jungkook replied.... dusting the vase

' Ok..' Jimin nodded... looking between Jungkook and Yoongi who were busy cleaning the house' What's with you both today?'

' Jin hyung asked us to clean everything by the time he returns or else he won't make food for us tonight' Jungkook mumbled busy dusting the same vase again

' Can you just move your lazy ass and do the job properly!' Yoongi grumbled..not even sparing Jimin a glance

' I think I came at the wrong time'

' No you didn't!' Yoongi who was mopping the floor blurted out....a pink hue spreading over his cheeks as Jimin gawked...both of them now standing awkwardly in the middle of the room

' So' Jungkook smirked ' You both dating or what?'

' No!' 'Yes!'

' No?' Jimin looked flabbergasted

' Yes??' Yoongi asked dumbstruck..

' I thought you wanted a chance!' Jimin spat

' But you never said yes!' Yoongi reasoned out

' Neither did I say no'

Jungkook looked between both of them... rolling his eyes as he walked towards Jin's room
' You guys need to sit and talk it out... it's so disappointing to see that I have to give relationship advice to people who are elder than me'

Yoongi and Jimin snapped their head towards the younger who disappeared into the room

'You better watch your mouth kid!' Jimin called out

' Yeah sure grandpa!' Jungkook retorted

' Don't break Jin hyung's favorite vase Kook' Yoongi reminded 'He will burn you alive'

'Yeah yeah I-'

Yoongi and Jimin shared a confused glance when Jungkook's voice stopped mid sentence...

' Kook? You fine?' Jimin's frown deepened 'Lets go check'

' Don't break Jin hyung's favorite vase Kook...He will burn you alive'

'Yeah yeah I-' Jungkook's gut twisted when the vase slipped past his fingers....his heart beats picking up as he tried to grasp it.. fingers cutting through the air frantically before holding his hand out...his breath hitching when the vase stilled just inches away from hitting the ground and scattering into a million pieces....and this time he saw it...the golden glow around his fingers

With racing heart and trembling hands Jungkook took ahold of the porcelain object from mid air.... staring at it  and his now normal fingers with his big wide doe eyes It didn't break?

'Why the heck are you silent suddenly?' Yoongi's concern filled voice was heard as he stood with Jimin near the door 'Why are you staring at the vase as if you are seeing it for the very first time?'

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