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Taehyung turned around..his eyes fluttering opening only to squint at the bright light...

' Tae'

He looked towards the source of sound and saw Hobi looking down at him with a deep frown ' Thank god you woke up'

' Huh?' Taehyung sat up blinking his eyes as he stared at Hobi ' What...do you mean'

' Don't you remember anything?' Hobi asked...his voice laced with annoyance and concern ' Don't tell me you don't remember setting that chamber on fire!! What were you both thinking huh? You both are just-'

Hobi's rambling went over Taehyung's head... and all he could think of was the fire....the fire they started to end all their miseries then how is he still here-wait why is he alone?

Taehyung turned to the other side of the chamber..his eyes frantically searching all around... his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he got down from the bed

' Where are you going?' Hobi called out only to be ignored

Jungkook Taehyung's whole body shook in fear...not so pleasant thoughts clouding his mind as he rushed down the stair....stopping on his track a loud sob leaving him at the view in front of him as he fell down on his knees...his hands over his mouth.. muffling his sobs



' Looks like he breathed in a lot of smoke...but am sure he will wake up soon..'

' Thankyou so much for coming Minhyuk shi' Yoongi bowed greatfully at the healer who now had a soft smile while Jin and Namjoon stood behind him

' I should take my leave now' Minhyuk said ' I will come check on Taehyung shi tomorrow'

' Thankyou so much' Yoongi bowed again as Minhyuk walked off

' What were you thinking!' Namjoon yelled the moment Minhyuk was out of sight

' J-Joon... please..he just woke up-'

' Don't stop him Jin hyung' Yoongi spat looking towards Jungkook who was standing like a pillar for the past few minutes ' He deserves to be yelled at!'

Jungkook gulped...his Yoongi hyung has never spoken to him like this ' Hyung'

' Don't give me any excuse Jungkook' Yoongi stopped him 'I did everything just to make you happy.... All these years I have been going against everyone just to see even the smallest of smiles on your face... I fought with my best friend so that you could be with your Bambi...I risked bringing those royals rings here just so you could marry your Taehyung...I brought the most trustworthy guard here who wouldn't have uttered a single thing to anyone even if you sneaked out with Tae and this....this is what I get in return?'

' Don't Yoongi' Namjoon scoffed ' Don't expect anything in return from him...he is just as ungreatful as the people of Astraxus'

' Atleast am better than that pathetic excuse of your father' Jungkook had the audacity to talk back ' Atleast am not an asshole like you who oh so easily will marry some worthless princess and leave Jin-'

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat...his voice getting trapped in his throat as Jin grabbed him by his collar staring straight at his soul ' Don't talk about things you don't know Jungkook'

' Hyung'

' Don't make me say something which you will regret' Jin's voice was deadly cold and was about say something more when

' J-Jungkook'

All of them turned around at the voice only to see Taehyung staring at them with tear filled eyes as he fell on to his knees sobbing into his hands...

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