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Jungkook walked back to his chamber... exhaustion boring into his bones with each step... The training went well... ending up with Taehyung being utterly in awe of how quick Jungkook was learning despite his unhealed wound. 

The prince walked straight into the bathroom...the hot water easing up his strained muscles... washing away his tiredness but he was not in a mindset to acknowledge any of it...all he could think..even in the middle of the sword training was Taehyung's words

If it's for you..then I'll destroy myself.. That's how a guard should be...and am doing my duty..but I can never accept your feelings Jungkook

Jungkook automatically wore his clothes after drying himself...his slow steps halting at his bedside as he sat himself down... leaning back carefully... resting his back against the head of the bed before sinking into the sheets

He sighed..a plethora of emotions swirling in him.... Jungkook knew it was a risky game....knew his life was going to be turned upside down the moment he saw the blue haired bambi boy in the royal garden years ago....knew he was deeply in love with someone even before he understood what those slight flutter in his heart ever meant...he knew that he'd be-they would be destroyed...but all he needed was Taehyung by his side...and if Taehyung is ready to burn in their love..then he'd gladly sacrifice anything...he will happily go any extend.. he'd gladly bring down the whole kingdom which once his father built up with his blood and tears.... Call him selfish but Jungkook had suffered enough and he wasn't ready to suffer anymore...But-

Jungkook stilled when he felt something hard poking his neck...he sat up..only to see something peeking out from under the pillow and that's when it struck him Taehyung's diary!!

He scrambled out of his bed rushing towards the door locking it... He turned around... looking at the black book on his bed... biting onto his lips.. contemplating what he was about to do...

You shouldn't read someone else's diary Jungkook!! His rational mind screamed at him...but his delicate little heart screamed louder... compelling him to move forward and pick up the book before sinking into the silk sheets..

Am sorry Tae... Jungkook murmured.. clutching onto the book looking at the carving on the front cover


Jungkook took in a deep breath..nodding to himself as he opened it.. his emerald eyes raking through the page

To my poor pathetically beautiful self

I absolutely hate this Kingdom!!! Who do they think they are... absolute assholes!!

Judging people without knowing anything!

But it's fine though...I will do anything to meet you.. Even though all my thoughts will be bottled up in this small diary of mine... I'll consider these as the letters that I have written for you My Smeraldo

With love
Yours Taehyung

'Smeraldo???' Jungkook jolted up in his place 'Smeraldo? Who is that now?!! Is it because of that person that Taehyung can't even accept my feelings?'

Jungkook leaned back on the bed turning the pages..now totally engrossed in reading everything that Taehyung has been writing in here for the past one month

To my Smeraldo

Am on my way to Astraxus after years... And I can't wait to see you. When Jin hyung wrote asking me to be the guard for the Prince I was over the moon because my years long wish to get atleast a glimpse of you will be fulfilled....

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